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% Titel and author 
{\normalsize Seminararbeit am Institut f�r Informatik der Freien Universit�t Berlin, Arbeitsgruppe Technische Informatik}\\[6ex]
Two-Phase Commit for FUCoin}

\author{Michael Kmoch, Yuri Lewash\\
{\normalsize Matrikelnummer: 4289388, 4293181 }\\
{\normalsize \mailto{michael.kmoch@inf.fu-berlin.de}, \mailto{yuri.lewash@inf.fu-berlin.de}}\\\\
{\normalsize Betreuer: Simon Schmitt}\\
{\normalsize Eingereicht bei: Katinka Wolter}}

\date{Berlin, 24.07.2015}





In distributed systems a commit is needed to make changes in the network
permanent and visible to other participants.
The two-phase commit protocol includes a voting phase and a decision
phase to coordinate processes participating in a atomic transaction. We
implement a variant of this protocol for the FUCoins system.






