package fucoin; import; import; import fucoin.wallet.AbstractWallet; import; import java.util.HashMap; public abstract class AbstractNode extends UntypedActor implements Serializable { /** * Returns the akka-style address as String, * which could be converted to an ActorRef object later * * @return */ public String getAddress() { return getAddress(getSelf()); } public String getAddress(ActorRef self) { return self.path().toSerializationFormatWithAddress(self.path().address()); } /** * The which receives Action objects * * @param message */ public abstract void onReceive(Object message); /** * Holds references to neighbors that were in contact with this wallet during runtime; * The key corresponds to the WalletImpl's name */ private transient HashMap<String, ActorRef> knownNeighbors = new HashMap<String, ActorRef>(); /** * Holds references to neighbors * this wallet synchronizes itself to (the WalletImpl object); * The key corresponds to the WalletImpl's name */ public transient HashMap<String, ActorRef> localNeighbors = new HashMap<String, ActorRef>(); /** * Holds all Wallets from network participants * which synchronize their state (WalletImpl object) with us; * The key corresponds to the WalletImpl's name */ public transient HashMap<String, AbstractWallet> backedUpNeighbors = new HashMap<String, AbstractWallet>(); public transient HashMap<ActorRef, Integer> amounts = new HashMap<ActorRef, Integer>(); public boolean addKnownNeighbor(String key, ActorRef value) { if (!knownNeighbors.containsKey(key)) { knownNeighbors.put(key, value); return true; } return false; } public HashMap<String, ActorRef> getKnownNeighbors() { return knownNeighbors; } public void log(String string) { System.out.println(getSelf().path().name() + ": " + string); } }