package fucoin.wallet; import; import; import; import fucoin.actions.ClientAction; import fucoin.actions.join.ActionJoin; import fucoin.actions.join.ActionJoinAnswer; import fucoin.actions.join.ServerActionJoin; import fucoin.actions.persist.ActionInvokeLeave; import fucoin.actions.persist.ActionInvokeRevive; import fucoin.actions.transaction.ActionGetAmount; import fucoin.actions.transaction.ActionGetAmountAnswer; import fucoin.actions.transaction.ActionInvokeSentMoney; import fucoin.gui.WalletGuiControl; import javax.swing.*; public class WalletImpl extends AbstractWallet { private ActorRef preKnownNeighbour; private ActorRef remoteSuperVisorActor; private WalletGuiControl gui; private String preKnownNeighbourName; private boolean isActive; public WalletImpl(String name) { super(name); } public WalletImpl(ActorRef preKnownNeighbour, String preKnownNeighbourName, String walletName, ActorRef remoteSuperVisorActor) { super(walletName); this.preKnownNeighbourName = preKnownNeighbourName; this.preKnownNeighbour = preKnownNeighbour; this.remoteSuperVisorActor = remoteSuperVisorActor; if(remoteSuperVisorActor == null){ String path = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a neighbour node address: "); System.out.println(path); ActorSelection selection = getContext().actorSelection(path); selection.tell(new ActionJoin(), self()); } } public static Props props(ActorRef preKnownNeighbour, String preKnownNeighbourName, String walletName, ActorRef remoteSuperVisorActor) { return Props.create(new WalletCreator(preKnownNeighbour, preKnownNeighbourName, walletName, remoteSuperVisorActor)); } public void addAmount(int amount) { setAmount(this.getAmount() + amount); log(" My amount is now " + this.getAmount()); } @Override public void leave() { getSelf().tell(new ActionInvokeLeave(), getSelf()); } @Override public void onReceive(Object message) { log(getSender().path().name() + " invokes " + getSelf().path().name() + " to do " + message.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (message instanceof ActionInvokeRevive) { ((ActionInvokeRevive) message).doAction(this); } if (!isActive && !(message instanceof ActionInvokeRevive)) return; if (message instanceof ClientAction) { ((ClientAction) message).doAction(this); } } @Override public void preStart() throws Exception { isActive = true; if (gui != null) { gui.setAddress(getAddress()); } if (preKnownNeighbour != null) { addKnownNeighbor(preKnownNeighbourName, preKnownNeighbour); preKnownNeighbour.tell(new ActionJoin(), getSelf()); ActionJoinAnswer aja = new ActionJoinAnswer(this.getRemoteSuperVisorActor()); aja.someNeighbors.putAll(getKnownNeighbors()); aja.someNeighbors.put(name, getSelf()); preKnownNeighbour.tell(aja, getSelf()); } } @Override public void postStop() throws Exception { leave(); super.postStop(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof WalletImpl) { WalletImpl wobj = (WalletImpl) obj; return amount == wobj.getAmount() && name.equals(wobj.getName()); } return false; } public int getAmount() { return amount; } public void setAmount(int amount) { this.amount = amount; System.out.print("Setting amount and supervisor is: "); System.out.println(remoteSuperVisorActor); if (remoteSuperVisorActor != null) { remoteSuperVisorActor.tell(new ActionGetAmountAnswer(getAddress(), getName(), amount), getSelf()); } if (gui != null) { gui.setAmount(this.amount); } } public ActorRef getPreKnownNeighbour() { return preKnownNeighbour; } public void setPreKnownNeighbour(ActorRef preKnownNeighbour) { this.preKnownNeighbour = preKnownNeighbour; } public ActorRef getRemoteSuperVisorActor() { return remoteSuperVisorActor; } public void setRemoteSuperVisorActor(ActorRef remoteSuperVisorActor) { this.remoteSuperVisorActor = remoteSuperVisorActor; } public WalletGuiControl getGui() { return gui; } public void setGui(WalletGuiControl gui) { this.gui = gui; } public String getPreKnownNeighbourName() { return preKnownNeighbourName; } public void setPreKnownNeighbourName(String preKnownNeighbourName) { this.preKnownNeighbourName = preKnownNeighbourName; } public boolean isActive() { return isActive; } public void setActive(boolean isActive) { this.isActive = isActive; } @Override public boolean addKnownNeighbor(String key, ActorRef value) { log(key + " is newNeighbor of " + name + "?" + !getKnownNeighbors().containsKey(key)); if (getKnownNeighbors().containsKey(key) || key.equals(name)) { return false; } boolean newNeighbor = super.addKnownNeighbor(key, value); if (gui != null && newNeighbor) { gui.addKnownAddress(key); } return newNeighbor; } @Override public void log(String msg) { if (gui != null) { gui.addLogMsg(msg); } else { System.out.println(msg); } } public void logTransaction(String msg) { if (gui != null) { gui.addTransactionLogMessage(msg); } else { System.out.println(msg); } } @Override public void send(String address, int amount) { getSelf().tell(new ActionInvokeSentMoney(address, amount), getSelf()); } }