package fucoin.actions.transaction; import; import; import fucoin.actions.ClientAction; import fucoin.supervisor.DistributedCommittedTransferRequest; import fucoin.wallet.AbstractWallet; public class ActionCommitDistributedCommittedTransfer extends ClientAction { private ActorRef source; private ActorRef target; protected int amount; private boolean granted; private long timestamp; private long id; private ActorRef observer; public ActionCommitDistributedCommittedTransfer(ActorRef source, ActorRef target, int amount, boolean granted, long timestamp, long id, ActorRef observer) { this.source = source; = target; this.amount = amount; this.granted = granted; this.timestamp = timestamp; = id; = observer; } public ActionCommitDistributedCommittedTransfer( DistributedCommittedTransferRequest outdatedRequest) { this.source = outdatedRequest.getSource(); = outdatedRequest.getTarget(); this.amount = outdatedRequest.getAmount(); this.granted = false; this.timestamp = outdatedRequest.getTimeout(); = outdatedRequest.getId(); = outdatedRequest.getObserver(); } @Override protected void onAction(ActorRef sender, ActorRef self, UntypedActorContext context, AbstractWallet wallet) { wallet.addLogMsg("ActionCommitDistributedCommittedTransfer is granted? " + granted); if (granted) { if (source.compareTo(self) == 0) { wallet.setAmount(wallet.getAmount() - amount); wallet.addTransactionLogMessageSuccess("Sent " + amount + " FUC to " + target.path().name()); } else if (target.compareTo(self) == 0) { wallet.setAmount(wallet.getAmount() + amount); wallet.addTransactionLogMessageSuccess("Received " + amount + " FUC from " + source.path().name()); // recipient should notify a possible observer if (observer != null) { observer.tell(new ActionNotifyObserver(source, target, amount, granted, timestamp, id), self); } } } else { wallet.addLogMsg("abort transaction with id" + id); // rollback Integer sourceAmount = wallet.amounts.getOrDefault(source, 0); Integer targetAmount = wallet.amounts.getOrDefault(target, 0); wallet.amounts.put(source, sourceAmount + amount); wallet.amounts.put(target, targetAmount - amount); if (source.compareTo(self) == 0) { wallet.addTransactionLogMessageFail("Failed to send " + amount + " FUC to " + target.path().name() + " (Commit has not been granted)"); if (observer != null) { observer.tell(new ActionNotifyObserver(source, target, amount, granted, timestamp, id), self); } } } //wallet.addLogMsg("wallet.amounts:" + wallet.amounts); } }