Fix bugs in new ComposeView
Fix the following issues in the new ComposeView
"Sort by", "Name", and "Last Contacted" strings in RecipientListView
not localised -
Names don't appear to be actually sorted by name/email even though they should be -
Tapping the "CC/Bcc" field opens up two fields, "Cc" and "Bcc" but deselecting both of them without having entered any information does currently not lead to them being closed into a single "Cc/Bcc" field again -
After entering a recipient in any recipient field, the Send button only activates once the "Subject" or "Body" fields are modified instead of becoming available immediately upon entering a recipient -
After the Send button is activated once, it is not deactivated after the subject or recipients list is emptied by the user -
It is not possible to delete added recipients by tapping on their blue "bubble" (capsule) -
Suggestions when typing in a contact are not shown. -
There is a UI bug when using the software keyboard while the RecipientListView
is showing:
Edited by cruxfilm