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+  <h1 class="title">You shall not publish: Edit filters on EN Wikipedia</h1>
+  <p class="author">HCC Research Group Meeting June 2019</p>
+  <p class="date">Lusy</p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p><img src="images/editors-rise-decline.png" height="500" alt="Rise and decline in numbers of editors on EN Wikipedia"> <small>Source: Halfaker et al. &quot;The Rise and Decline of an Open Collaboration System: How Wikipedia’s reaction to popularity is causing its decline&quot;</small></p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
+<li class="fragment">Motivation</li>
+<li class="fragment">State of the literature/Literature: What does the scientific community know</li>
+<li class="fragment">Documentation: What is an edit filter and why was it introduced according to Wikipedia's/MediaWiki pages?</li>
+<li class="fragment">Data Analysis: Edit filters on English Wikipedia</li>
+<li class="fragment">Open questions</li>
+<section id="motivation" class="slide level1">
+<li class="fragment">What is the role of filters among existing (algorithmic) quality-control mechanisms (bots, semi-automated tools, ORES, humans)? Which type of tasks do filters take over?</li>
+<li class="fragment">How have these tasks evolved over time (are they changes in the type, number, etc.)?</li>
+<li class="fragment">What are suitable areas of application for rule-based systems such as filters in contrast to the other ML-based approaches?</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="state-of-the-literature">State of the Literature</h2>
+<p><img src="images/funnel-diagramm-no-filters.JPG" alt="Funnel diagramm of all vandal fighting mechanisms (no filters)"></p>
+<li class="fragment">One thing is ostentatiously missing: edit filters</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="what-is-an-edit-filter">What is an edit filter</h2>
+<li class="fragment">MediaWiki extension</li>
+<li class="fragment">regex based filtering of edits and other actions (e.g. account creation, page deletion or move, upload)</li>
+<li class="fragment">triggers <em>before</em> an edit is published</li>
+<li class="fragment">different actions can be defined</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="motivations-for-its-introduction">Motivations for its introduction</h2>
+<li class="fragment">disallow certain types of obvious pervasive (perhaps automated) vandalism directly</li>
+<li class="fragment">takes more than a single click to revert</li>
+<li class="fragment">human editors can use their time more productively elsewhere</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="edit-filters-in-the-quality-control-mechanisms-frame">Edit filters in the quality control mechanisms frame</h2>
+<li class="fragment">the question of infrastructure</li>
+<li class="fragment">guidelines say: for in-depth checks and problems with a particular article bots are better (don't use up resources)</li>
+<li class="fragment">they were introduced before the ml tools came around.</li>
+<li class="fragment">they probably work, so no one sees a reason to shut them down</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<li class="fragment">hypothesis: Wikipedia is a diy project driven by volunteers; they work on whatever they like to work</li>
+<li class="fragment">hypothesis: it is easier to understand what's going on than it is with a ML tool. people like to use them for simplicity and transparency reasons</li>
+<li class="fragment">hypothesis: it is easier to set up a filter than program a bot. Setting up a filter requires &quot;only&quot; understanding of regular expressions. Programming a bot requires knowledge of a programming language and understanding of the API.</li>
+<section id="data-analysis-edit-filters-on-en-wikipedia" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Data Analysis: Edit Filters on EN Wikipedia</h1>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="what-do-most-active-filters-do">What do most active filters do?</h2>
+<pre><code>135  repeating characters &amp; tag, warn
+30   &quot;large deletion from article by new editors&quot; &amp; tag, warn
+61   &quot;new user removing references&quot; &amp; tag
+18   &quot;test type edits from clicking on edit bar&quot; &amp; deleted in Feb 2012
+3    &quot;new user blanking articles&quot; &amp; tag, warn</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="descriptive-statistics">Descriptive statistics</h2>
+<p><img src="images/general_stats.png" class="left" alt="General filter statistics"></p>
+<pre><code>all filters: 954
+public filters: 361
+Active public filters: 110
+disabled (but not deleted) public filters: 35
+deleted public filters: 216
+hidden filters: 593
+active hidden filters: 91
+disabled (but not deleted) hidden filters: 118
+deleted hidden filters: 384</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>Number of filter hits per month March 2009-March 2019</p>
+<p><img src="images/number-filter-hits.png" alt="Number of filter hits per month"></p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>Filters Actions</p>
+<p><img src="images/all-filters-actions.png" alt="Filters Actions of all Filters"></p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>Active Public Filters Actions</p>
+<p><img src="images/active-public-filters-actions.png" alt="Filters actions of active public filters"></p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>Active Hidden Filters Actions</p>
+<p><img src="images/active-hidden-filters-actions.png" alt="Filters actions of active hidden filters"></p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="manual-classification">Manual classification</h2>
+<p><em>vandalism</em>, <em>good faith</em> and <em>maintenance</em></p>
+<li class="fragment">difficult to distinguish</li>
+<li class="fragment">a lot of subcategories</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>id  hits     public comment 
+46  356945   &quot;Poop&quot; vandalism
+365 85470      Unusual changes to featured or good content
+16  2005       Prolific socker I</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>Good Faith</p>
+<pre><code>id  hits    public comment 
+180 175939  Large unwikified new article
+98  39401     Creating very short new article</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>id  hits  public comment 
+577 1566  VisualEditor bugs: Strange icons
+345 13832   Extraneous formatting from browser extension
+942 1573    Log edits to protected pages</code></pre>
+<section id="open-questions" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Open Questions</h1>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="current-limitations">Current Limitations</h2>
+<li class="fragment">Only EN Wikipedia</li>
+<li class="fragment">manual filter classification only conducted by me</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="bigger-picture-upload-filters">Bigger picture: Upload filters</h2>
+<p><img src="images/Blackout_of_wikipediade_by_Wikimedia_Deutschland_-_March_2019.png" height="500" alt="blackout German Wikipedia March 2019"> <small><a href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Blackout_of_wikipedia.de_by_Wikimedia_Deutschland_-_March_2019.png" class="uri">https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Blackout_of_wikipedia.de_by_Wikimedia_Deutschland_-_March_2019.png</a></small></p>
+<section id="thank-you" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Thank you!</h1>
+<p>These slides are licensed under the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">CC BY-SA 4.0 License</a>.</p>
+<p><img src="images/Cc-by_new_white.svg" alt="by" /> <img src="images/Cc-sa_white.svg" alt="sa" /></p>
+<section id="questions-comments-thoughts" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Questions? Comments? Thoughts?</h1>
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index bcb41801912996ae46d3f2cbaad27906f41ddc59..3649e0612c2a927e49da96d359bbc4611cff854f 100644
--- a/research-group-presi/slides-2nd.md
+++ b/research-group-presi/slides-2nd.md
@@ -4,12 +4,8 @@
-* Signpost/Intro
-* overview over the presi so people can follow more easily
-* Motivation: why do we want to study this: confluence questions
-* funnel diagramm without filters: explain state of scientific literature on it
-* key findings (high level)
-* data analysis: what of this is really relevant
+<img src="images/editors-rise-decline.png" height="500" alt="Rise and decline in numbers of editors on EN Wikipedia">
+<small>Source: Halfaker et al. "The Rise and Decline of an Open Collaboration System: How Wikipedia’s reaction to popularity is causing its decline"</small>
@@ -17,60 +13,38 @@
 * Motivation
 * State of the literature/Literature: What does the scientific community know
-* What is an edit filter and why was it introduced?/Documentation: What is an edit filter and why was it introduced according to Wikipedia's/MediaWiki pages?
+* Documentation: What is an edit filter and why was it introduced according to Wikipedia's/MediaWiki pages?
 * Data Analysis: Edit filters on English Wikipedia
 * Open questions
-## Edit filter, an example
-<img src="images/Screenshot-trigger-disallow.png" class="stretch" height="500" alt="screenshot-filter-disallow-message">
 # Motivation
-What are edit filters?
-Why are there edit filters?
-What task(s) do they take care of?
-How are they different from other existing mechanisms?
-What is their role in Wikipedia's complex socio-technical system?
-  Q1 We wanted to improve our understanding of the role of filters in existing algorithmic quality-control mechanisms (bots, ORES, humans).
-  Q2 Which type of tasks do these filters take over in comparison to the other mechanisms? How these tasks evolve over time (are they changes in the type, number, etc.)?
-  Q3 Since filters are classical rule-based systems, what are suitable areas of application for such rule-based system in contrast to the other ML-based approaches.
+* What is the role of filters among existing (algorithmic) quality-control mechanisms (bots, semi-automated tools, ORES, humans)?  Which type of tasks do filters take over? 
+* How have these tasks evolved over time (are they changes in the type, number, etc.)?
+* What are suitable areas of application for rule-based systems such as filters in contrast to the other ML-based approaches?
-> "The edit filter is a tool that allows editors in the *edit filter manager* group to set controls mainly to address common patterns of harmful editing."
+## State of the Literature
 <img src="images/funnel-diagramm-no-filters.JPG" alt="Funnel diagramm of all vandal fighting mechanisms (no filters)">
-One thing is ostentatiously missing: edit filters
+* One thing is ostentatiously missing: edit filters
-# Descriptive Overview. What is an edit filter?
+## What is an edit filter
-<img src="images/detailed-page-filter249.png" alt="Details page of Filter #249">
+* MediaWiki extension
+* regex based filtering of edits and other actions (e.g. account creation, page deletion or move, upload)
+* triggers *before* an edit is published
+* different actions can be defined
-* MediaWiki Extension
-* regex based filtering
-## Motivations for introducing the abuse filter extention
-From [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Edit_filter/Archive_1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Edit_filter/Archive_1):
+## Motivations for its introduction
 * disallow certain types of obvious pervasive (perhaps automated) vandalism directly
 * takes more than a single click to revert
@@ -78,39 +52,22 @@ From [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Edit_filter/Archive_1](https:
-## Collaboration bots-filters
-* MrZ Bot puts editors found on the abuse log often on the AIV noticeboard
-* "There is a bot reporting users tripping certain filters at WP:AIV and WP:UAA; you can specify the filters here:" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:DatBot/filters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:DatBot/filters)
-## Timeline
+## Edit filters in the quality control mechanisms frame
-    Oct 2001 : automatically import entries from Easton’s Bible Dictionary by a script
-    29 Mar 2002 : First version of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Vandalism (WP Vandalism is published)
-    Oct 2002 : RamBot
-    2006 : BAG was first formed
-    13 Mar 2006 : 1st version of Bots/Requests for approval is published: some basic requirements (also valid today) are recorded
-    28 Jul 2006 : VoABot II ("In the case were banned users continue to use sockpuppet accounts/IPs to add edits clearly rejected by consensus to the point were long term protection is required, VoABot may be programmed to watch those pages and revert those edits instead. Such edits are considered blacklisted. IP ranges can also be blacklisted. This is reserved only for special cases.")
-    21 Jan 2007 : Twinkle Page is first published (empty), filled with a basic description by beginings of Feb 2007
-    24 Jul 2007 : Request for Approval of original ClueBot
-    16 Jan 2008 : Huggle Page is first published (empty)
-    18 Jan 2008 : Huggle Page is first filled with content
-    23 Jun 2008 : 1st version of Edit Filter page is published: User:Werdna announces they're currently developing the extention
-     2 Oct 2008 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Edit_filter was first archived; its last topic was the voting for/against the extention which seemed to have ended end of Sep 2008
-    Jun 2010 : STiki initial release
-    20 Oct 2010 : ClueBot NG page is created
-    11 Jan 2015 : 1st commit to github ORES repository
-    30 Nov 2015 : ORES paper is published
+* the question of infrastructure
+* guidelines say: for in-depth checks and problems with a particular article bots are better (don't use up resources)
+* they were introduced before the ml tools came around.
+* they probably work, so no one sees a reason to shut them down
-<img src="images/funnel-diagramm-with-filters.JPG" alt="Funnel diagramm of all vandal fighting mechanisms (with filters)">
+* hypothesis: Wikipedia is a diy project driven by volunteers; they work on whatever they like to work
+* hypothesis: it is easier to understand what's going on than it is with a ML tool. people like to use them for simplicity and transparency reasons
+* hypothesis: it is easier to set up a filter than program a bot. Setting up a filter requires "only" understanding of regular expressions. Programming a bot requires knowledge of a programming language and understanding of the API.
-## State of the Art on EN Wikipedia
+# Data Analysis: Edit Filters on EN Wikipedia
@@ -118,14 +75,9 @@ From [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Edit_filter/Archive_1](https:
     135  repeating characters & tag, warn
     30   "large deletion from article by new editors" & tag, warn
-    61   "new user removing references" ("new user" is handled by "!("confirmed" in user\_groups)") & tag
-    18   "test type edits from clicking on edit bar" (people don't replace Example texts when click-editing) & deleted in Feb 2012
+    61   "new user removing references" & tag
+    18   "test type edits from clicking on edit bar" & deleted in Feb 2012
     3    "new user blanking articles" & tag, warn
-    172  "section blanking" & tag
-    50   "shouting" (contribution consists of all caps, numbers and punctuation) & tag, warn
-    98   "creating very short new article" & tag
-    65   "excessive whitespace" (note: "associated with ascii art and some types of vandalism") & deleted in Jan 2010
-    132  "removal of all categories" & tag, warn
@@ -173,29 +125,43 @@ Active Hidden Filters Actions
 *vandalism*, *good faith* and *maintenance*
+* difficult to distinguish
+* a lot of subcategories
-# Next steps for finishing the thesis
-* abuse_filter_history table (open MR, ping Aaron)
+    id  hits     public comment 
+   	46	356945	 "Poop" vandalism
+    365	85470	   Unusual changes to featured or good content
+    16	2005	   Prolific socker I
-# Beyond the thesis
+Good Faith
-* What are the differences between how filters are governed on EN Wikipedia compared to other language versions?
-* Are there filters targetting harassment?
-* Ethnographic analysis (e.g. IVs with edit filter managers/admins/users whose edits have been disallowed would be really interesting)
-* (how) has the notion of "vandalism" on Wikipedia evolved over time (when looking at the regex patterns)
+    id  hits    public comment 
+    180	175939	Large unwikified new article
+    98	39401	  Creating very short new article
-* Precision/Recall: False Positives? were filters shut down, bc they matched more False positives than they had real value?
-* What can we filter with a REGEX? And what not? Are regexes the suitable technology for the means the community is trying to achieve?
+    id  hits  public comment 
+    577 1566  VisualEditor bugs: Strange icons
+    345	13832	Extraneous formatting from browser extension
+    942	1573	Log edits to protected pages
-# Current Limitations
+# Open Questions
+## Current Limitations
 * Only EN Wikipedia
 * manual filter classification only conducted by me