  title = {With Few Eyes, All Hoaxes are Deep},
  author = {Asthana, Sumit and Halfaker, Aaron},
  journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction},
  volume = {2},
  number = {CSCW},
  pages = {21},
  year = {2018},
  publisher = {ACM},
  note = {\url{http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/3280000/3274290/cscw021-asthana.pdf}}

  title =        {Constructing Grounded Theory},
  author =       {Kathy Charmaz},
  year =         2006,
  publisher =    {SAGE},
  note = {\url{http://www.sxf.uevora.pt/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Charmaz_2006.pdf}}

  author = {Danaher, John and Hogan, Michael J and Noone, Chris and Kennedy, Rónán and Behan, Anthony and De Paor, Aisling and Felzman, Heike and Haklay, Muki and Khoo, Su-Ming and Morison, John and Murphy, Maria Helen and O'Brolchain, Niall and Schafer, Burkhard and Shankar, Kalpana},
  title = {Algorithmic governance: Developing a research agenda through the power of collective intelligence},
  journal = {Big Data \& Society},
  year = {2017},
  volume = {4},
  note = {\url{https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2053951717726554}}

  title = {Writing up rather than writing down: Becoming Wikipedia literate},
  author = {Ford, Heather and Geiger, R Stuart},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration},
  pages = {16},
  year = {2012},
  organization = {ACM},
  note = {\url{http://www.stuartgeiger.com/writing-up-wikisym.pdf}}

  title = {Thick description: Toward an interpretive theory of culture},
  author = {Geertz, Clifford},
  year = {1973},
  publisher = {Basic Books}

  title = {The social roles of bots and assisted editing programs},
  author = {Geiger, R Stuart},
  booktitle = {Int. Sym. Wikis},
  year = {2009},
  note = {\url{http://www.stuartgeiger.com/papers/geiger-wikisym-bots.pdf}}

  author = {Geiger, R. Stuart},
  title = {The Lives of Bots},
  booktitle = {Critical point of view. A Wikipedia Reader},
  editor = {Lovink, Geert W. and Tkacz, Nathaniel},
  publisher = {Institute of Network Cultures},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {78--93},
  note = {\url{https://www.networkcultures.org/_uploads/%237reader_Wikipedia.pdf}}

  author = {Geiger, R Stuart},
  title = {Bots, bespoke code and the materiality of software platforms},
  journal = {Information, Communication \& Society},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {17},
  note = {\url{http://stuartgeiger.com/bespoke-code-ics.pdf}}

  author = {Geiger, R Stuart},
  title = {Beyond opening up the black box: Investigating the role of algorithmic systems in Wikipedian organizational culture},
  journal = {Big Data \& Society},
  year = {2017},
  volume = {4},
  note = {\url{http://stuartgeiger.com/algoculture-bds.pdf}}

  title = {When the levee breaks: without bots, what happens to Wikipedia's quality control processes?},
  author = {Geiger, R Stuart and Halfaker, Aaron},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Open Collaboration},
  pages = {6},
  year = {2013},
  organization = {ACM},
  note = {\url{http://stuartgeiger.com/wikisym13-cluebot.pdf}}

  author = {Geiger, R Stuart and Halfaker, Aaron},
  title = {Operationalizing Conflict and Cooperation between Automated Software Agents in Wikipedia: A Replication and Expansion of “Even Good Bots Fight”},
  journal = {unpublished},
  year = {2017},
  note = {\url{https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/Operationalizing-conflict-bots-wikipedia-cscw-preprint.pdf}}

  title = {The work of sustaining order in Wikipedia: the banning of a vandal},
  author = {Geiger, R Stuart and Ribes, David},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work},
  pages = {117--126},
  year = {2010},
  organization = {ACM},
  note = {\url{http://www.stuartgeiger.com/papers/cscw-sustaining-order-wikipedia.pdf}}

  author = {Geiger, R Stuart and Ribes, David},
  title = {Trace Ethnography: Following Coordination through Documentary Practices},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences},
  year = {2011},
  note = {\url{http://www.stuartgeiger.com/trace-ethnography-hicss-geiger-ribes.pdf}}

  key =          "Gerrit Repository",
  author =       {Andrew Garret},
  title =        {AbuseFilter Extension Source Code},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 3, 2019 from

  key =          "Gerrit Repository",
  author =       {Andrew Garret},
  title =        {AbuseFilter Extension Tables},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 9, 2019 from

  key =          "Github Repository",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Github Repository of the thesis},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {\url{https://github.com/lusy/wikifilters}}

  title = {The rise and decline of an open collaboration system: How Wikipedia’s reaction to popularity is causing its decline},
  author = {Halfaker, Aaron and Geiger, R Stuart and Morgan, Jonathan T and Riedl, John},
  journal = {American Behavioral Scientist},
  volume = {57},
  number = {5},
  pages = {664--688},
  year = {2013},
  publisher = {Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA},
  note = {\url{https://stuartgeiger.com/papers/abs-rise-and-decline-wikipedia.pdf}}

  title = {ORES: Facilitating re-mediation of Wikipedia’s socio-technical problems},
  author = {Halfaker, Aaron and Geiger, R Stuart and Morgan, Jonathan T and Sarabadani, Amir and Wight, Adam},
  year = {2018},
  journal = {unpublished},
  note = {\url{https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/ORES_-_Facilitating_re-mediation_of_Wikipedia%27s_socio-technical_problems.pdf}}

  title = {Don't bite the newbies: how reverts affect the quantity and quality of Wikipedia work},
  author = {Halfaker, Aaron and Kittur, Aniket and Riedl, John},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on wikis and open collaboration},
  pages = {163--172},
  year = {2011},
  organization = {ACM},
  note = {\url{https://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~halfaker/publications/Don't_Bite_the_Newbies/halfaker11bite-personal.pdf}}

  title = {Bots and cyborgs: Wikipedia's immune system},
  author = {Halfaker, Aaron and Riedl, John},
  journal = {Computer},
  volume = {45},
  number = {3},
  pages = {79--82},
  year = {2012},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  note = {\url{http://stuartgeiger.com/bots-cyborgs-halfaker.pdf}}

  key = "ORES Paper",
  author = {Halfaker, Aaron and Taraborelli, Dario},
  title = {Artificial intelligence service “ORES” gives Wikipedians X-ray specs to see through bad edits},
  year = 2015,
  note = {Retreived March 25, 2019 from

  title = {Surviving an eternal September: How an online community managed a surge of newcomers},
  author = {Kiene, Charles and Monroy-Hern{\'a}ndez, Andr{\'e}s and Hill, Benjamin Mako},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
  pages = {1152--1156},
  year = {2016},
  organization = {ACM},
  note = {\url{https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2858036.2858356}}

  title = {Power of the few vs. wisdom of the crowd: Wikipedia and the rise of the bourgeoisie},
  author = {Kittur, Aniket and Chi, Ed and Pendleton, Bryan A and Suh, Bongwon and Mytkowicz, Todd},
  journal = {World wide web},
  volume = {1},
  number = {2},
  pages = {19},
  year = {2007},
  note = {\url{https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bongwon_Suh/publication/200772541_Power_of_the_Few_vs_Wisdom_of_the_Crowd_Wikipedia_and_the_Rise_of_the_Bourgeoisie/links/53d1e6220cf2a7fbb2e95533.pdf}}

  booktitle = {Research methods in human-computer interaction},
  title = {Chapter 11: Analyzing qualitative data},
  author = {Lazar, Jonathan and Feng, Jinjuan Heidi and Hochheiser, Harry},
  year = {2017},
  pages = {299--328},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  note = {\url{https://books.google.de/books?hl=de&lr=&id=hbkxDQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Research+methods+in+human-computer+interaction+Lazar&ots=Sp721bZa7O&sig=3uBLXXjw8lALjAOHbGyPm3vSHn8#v=onepage&q=Research%20methods%20in%20human-computer%20interaction%20Lazar&f=false}}

  title =        {Code version 2.0},
  author =       {Lawrence Lessig},
  year =         2006,
  publisher =    {Basic Books},
  note = {\url{http://codev2.cc/download+remix/Lessig-Codev2.pdf}}

  title = {Population automation: An interview with Wikipedia bot pioneer Ram-Man},
  author = {Livingstone, Randall M},
  journal = {First Monday},
  volume = {21},
  number = {1},
  year = {2016},
  note = {\url{https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/6027/5189}}

  key =          "Mediawiki",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Abuse Filter Extension Actions},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 13, 2019 from

  key =          "Mediawiki",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Abuse Filter Extension Documentation},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 3, 2019 from

  key =          "Mediawiki",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Abuse Filter Extension Rules Format},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 3, 2019 from

  key =          "Mediawiki Spam Blacklist",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Mediawiki: Spam Blacklist},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 1, 2019 from

  key =          "Mediawiki Title Blacklist",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Mediawiki: Title Blacklist},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 1, 2019 from

  title = {Work-to-rule: the emergence of algorithmic governance in Wikipedia},
  author = {M{\"u}ller-Birn, Claudia and Dobusch, Leonhard and Herbsleb, James D},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communities and Technologies},
  pages = {80--89},
  year = {2013},
  organization = {ACM},
  note = {\url{http://www.dobusch.net/pub/uni/MuellerBirn-Dobusch-Herbsleb(2013)Work-to-Rule.pdf}}

  title = {Bots in Wikipedia: Unfolding Their Duties},
  author = {Mueller-Birn, Claudia and Benjamin, Jesse and Nest, Marisa},
  journal = {unpublished},
  year = {2014}

  key =          "ORES",
  author =       {},
  title =        {ORES Homepage},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Phabricator",
  author =       {Phabricator Collaboration Platform},
  title =        {Bring back abuse\_filter\_history view},
  year =         2016,
  note =         {Retreived March 9, 2019 from

  title = {Automatic Vandalism Detection in Wikipedia},
  author = {Martin Potthast and Benno Stein and Robert Gerling},
  booktitle = {ECIR},
  year = {2008},
  note = {\url{https://webis.de/downloads/publications/papers/stein_2008c.pdf}}

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  author =       {Signpost},
  title =        {Abuse Filter is enabled},
  year =         2009,
  note =         {Retreived February 25, 2019 from

  title = {Stiki: an anti-vandalism tool for Wikipedia using spatio-temporal analysis of revision metadata},
  author = {West, Andrew G and Kannan, Sampath and Lee, Insup},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration},
  pages = {32},
  year = {2010},
  organization = {ACM},
  note = {\url{https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1490&context=cis_papers}}

  key =          "Wikipedia AbuseLog",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: AbuseLog},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Administrator Intervention against Vandalism",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Administrator Intervention against Vandalism},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived April 11, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia AntiVandalBot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: AntiVandalBot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Article Feedback",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Article Feedback v5},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 3, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia ClueBot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: ClueBot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia ClueBotNG",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: ClueBot NG},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Assume Good Faith",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Assume Good Faith},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 26, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia DatBot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: DatBot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived June 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Disruptive Editing",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Disruptive Editing},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived April 4, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia DumbBOT",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: DumbBOT},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived February 25, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter 365 Detailed Page",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter 365 Detailed Page},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter Documentation",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter Documentation},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived April 25, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter Report False Positives",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter Report False Positives},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 13, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit filter helper",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit filter helper},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 17, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Instructions for Introducing a New Edit Filter",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Instructions for Introducing a New Edit Filter},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter Management",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter Management},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter Noticeboard",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter Noticeboard},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Requesting New Edit Filters",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Requesting New Edit Filters},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter Talk Archive 1",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter Talk Archive 1},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived May 22, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter Talk Archive 1 Clarification",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter Talk Archive 1 Clarification},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived May 22, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Edit Filter Talk Archive Name Change",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Edit Filter Talk Archive Name Change},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived April 25, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia EmausBot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: EmausBot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia HBC AIV Helperbot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: HBC AIV Helperbot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Huggle Tool",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Huggle Tool},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 7, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Lupin's Anti-Vandal Tool",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Lupin's Anti-Vandal Tool},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 7, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia MartinBot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: MartinBot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Mr.Z Bot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Mr.Z-bot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 7, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Page Protection",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Page Protection},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived April 11, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia STiki Tool",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: STiki Tool},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 31, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Twinkle Tool",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Twinkle Tool},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 7, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia UAA",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Usernames for administrator attention},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 12, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Vandalism",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Vandalism},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived March 26, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia Vandalism Types",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: Vandalism Types},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived June 27, 2019 from

  key =          "Wikipedia XLinkBot",
  author =       {},
  title =        {Wikipedia: XLinkBot},
  year =         2019,
  note =         {Retreived July 16, 2019 from