From 1b819739f33bb152f5643b46cc6ff2f379110a92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 13:12:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] little refactor

 evrouting/gasstation/       | 10 ++++++
 evrouting/gasstation/ | 59 +++++++++++++++------------------
 evrouting/gasstation/   | 14 ++++++++
 3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 evrouting/gasstation/
 create mode 100644 evrouting/gasstation/

diff --git a/evrouting/gasstation/ b/evrouting/gasstation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf52ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evrouting/gasstation/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from typing import Tuple, TypeVar, Callable, List
+import networkx as nx
+from evrouting.T import Node, SoC
+State = Tuple[Node, SoC]
+N = TypeVar('N')
+DistFunction = Callable[[nx.Graph, N, N, str], List[N]]
diff --git a/evrouting/gasstation/ b/evrouting/gasstation/
index 7f26a2a..e55f2bf 100644
--- a/evrouting/gasstation/
+++ b/evrouting/gasstation/
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-from typing import Set, Callable, List, Any, Tuple
+from typing import Set, List, Tuple
 import networkx as nx
-from evrouting.T import Node, SoC, Result, EmptyResult
+from evrouting.T import Node, SoC, Result, EmptyResult, Time
+from evrouting.gasstation.T import State, DistFunction
+from evrouting.gasstation.utils import dijkstra, fold_path
 from evrouting.graph_tools import (
@@ -10,20 +12,6 @@ from evrouting.graph_tools import (
-Path = List[Node]
-DistFunction = Callable[[nx.Graph, Node, Node, str], Path]
-def dijkstra(G: nx.Graph, u: Any, v: Any, weight: str = 'weight') -> list:
-    try:
-        return nx.algorithms.shortest_path(G, u, v, weight=weight)
-    except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
-        return []
-def fold_path(G: nx.Graph, path: Path, weight: str):
-    return sum([G.edges[u, v][weight] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])
 def insert_start_node(s: Node,
                       graph_core: nx.Graph,
@@ -36,8 +24,9 @@ def insert_start_node(s: Node,
                       ) -> nx.DiGraph:
     """Insert s into extended graph an create states and edges as necessary."""
     graph_extended.add_node((s, initial_soc))
+    v: Node
     for v in gas_stations:
-        shortest_p = dist(graph_core, s, v, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
+        shortest_p: List[Node] = dist(graph_core, s, v, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         w = fold_path(graph_core, shortest_p, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         if w > initial_soc:
@@ -77,8 +66,9 @@ def insert_final_node(t: Node,
                       ) -> nx.DiGraph:
     """Insert terminal node into extended graph an create states and edges as necessary."""
     graph_extended.add_node((t, final_soc))
+    u: Node
     for u in gas_stations:
-        shortest_p = dist(graph_core, t, u, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
+        shortest_p: List[Node] = dist(graph_core, t, u, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         w = fold_path(graph_core, shortest_p, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         if w + final_soc > capacity:
@@ -115,7 +105,7 @@ def contract_graph(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], capacity: SoC,
         H.add_node(cs, **G.nodes[cs])
         # Iterate unvisited charging stations
         for n_cs in [n for n in charging_stations if (n, cs) not in H.edges and n != cs]:
-            min_path: Path = dist(G, cs, n_cs)
+            min_path: List[Node] = dist(G, cs, n_cs)
             consumption: SoC = fold_path(G, min_path, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
             if consumption <= capacity:
@@ -166,16 +156,20 @@ def state_graph(G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC) -> nx.DiGraph:
     return H
-def compose_result(graph_core: nx.Graph, extended_graph: nx.DiGraph, path: List[Tuple[Node, Node]],
-                   dist=dijkstra) -> Result:
-    trip_time = sum([extended_graph.edges[u, v]['weight'] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])
+def compose_result(graph_core: nx.Graph, extended_graph: nx.DiGraph,
+                   path: List[State], dist=dijkstra) -> Result:
+    trip_time: Time = 0
     charge_path = []
+    u: Node
+    v: Node
+    g_u: SoC
+    g_v: SoC
     for i in range(len(path) - 1):
         u, g_u = path[i]
         v, g_v = path[i + 1]
-        t = extended_graph.edges[(u, g_u), (v, g_v)]['weight']
-        charge_time_u = t - fold_path(
+        t: Time = extended_graph.edges[(u, g_u), (v, g_v)]['weight']
+        trip_time += t
+        charge_time_u: Time = t - fold_path(
             dist(graph_core, u, v, weight=DISTANCE_KEY),
@@ -192,12 +186,13 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
     Calculates shortest path using a generalized gas station algorithm.
-    :param G: Input Graph
-    :param s: Start Node identifier
-    :param t: End Node identifier
-    :param b_0: Start SoC
-    :param b_t: End SoC
-    :param U: Capacity
+    :param G:
+    :param charging_stations:
+    :param s:
+    :param t:
+    :param initial_soc:
+    :param final_soc:
+    :param capacity:
     # Check if t is reachable from s
@@ -231,7 +226,7 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
-    path: List[Tuple[Node, Node]] = dijkstra(extended_graph, (s, initial_soc), (t, final_soc))
+    path: List[State] = dijkstra(extended_graph, (s, initial_soc), (t, final_soc))
     return EmptyResult() if not path else compose_result(
diff --git a/evrouting/gasstation/ b/evrouting/gasstation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854d41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evrouting/gasstation/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from typing import List
+import networkx as nx
+from evrouting.gasstation.T import N
+def dijkstra(G: nx.Graph, u: N, v: N, weight: str = 'weight') -> List[N]:
+    try:
+        return nx.algorithms.shortest_path(G, u, v, weight=weight)
+    except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
+        return []
+def fold_path(G: nx.Graph, path: List[N], weight: str):
+    return sum([G.edges[u, v][weight] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])