diff --git a/evrouting/T.py b/evrouting/T.py
index da06ff23b7180bffb7dde89b8e45e31d13c666a8..cf060e18d17feab6b074c188758449f145338000 100644
--- a/evrouting/T.py
+++ b/evrouting/T.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+import networkx as nx
 from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import Tuple, Union, NewType, Dict, Any, List
+from typing import Tuple, Union, NewType, Dict, Any, List, Callable
 Node = int
 Edge = Tuple[Node, Node]
@@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ ChargingCoefficient = Union[float, int, None]
 Time = Union[float, int]
+ConsumptionFunction = Callable[[nx.Graph, Node, Node], float]
 class Result:
diff --git a/evrouting/charge/factories.py b/evrouting/charge/factories.py
index 7131324368c07cf457e3791b10716d9a1cc55a04..7bafe260ca6b6f81af8fdfd83c5e04f0c3f9bfe9 100644
--- a/evrouting/charge/factories.py
+++ b/evrouting/charge/factories.py
@@ -2,20 +2,26 @@ from typing import Dict
 import networkx as nx
-from evrouting.T import Node, SoC
-from evrouting.graph_tools import charging_cofficient, consumption
+from evrouting.T import Node, SoC, ConsumptionFunction
+from evrouting.graph_tools import charging_cofficient
 from evrouting.charge.T import SoCProfile, SoCFunction, ChargingFunction, Label
 class SoCProfileFactory:
     """Maps Nodes to their (cached) charging functions."""
-    def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC):
+    def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC, c: ConsumptionFunction):
+        """
+        :param G:
+        :param capacity:
+        :param c: Function to calc consumption for an edge.
+        """
         self.G: nx.Graph = G
         self.capacity: SoC = capacity
+        self.c = c
     def __call__(self, u: Node, v: Node = None) -> SoCProfile:
-        path_cost = 0 if v is None else consumption(self.G, u, v)
+        path_cost = 0 if v is None else self.c(self.G, u, v)
         return SoCProfile(path_cost, self.capacity)
diff --git a/evrouting/charge/routing.py b/evrouting/charge/routing.py
index 3b3f6265265ea164adefe810387e5e34de776a10..d1a57f0c57a9888ab7cb80f4a836391fc5fe6f2a 100644
--- a/evrouting/charge/routing.py
+++ b/evrouting/charge/routing.py
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Set
 from math import inf
 import networkx as nx
-from evrouting.T import Node, SoC, Time, Result, EmptyResult
+from evrouting.T import Node, SoC, Time, Result, EmptyResult, ConsumptionFunction
 from evrouting.utils import PriorityQueue
-from evrouting.graph_tools import distance
+from evrouting.graph_tools import distance, consumption
 from evrouting.charge.T import SoCFunction, Label
 from evrouting.charge.utils import LabelPriorityQueue
 from evrouting.charge.factories import (
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from evrouting.charge.factories import (
 def shortest_path(G: nx.DiGraph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
-                  initial_soc: SoC, final_soc: SoC, capacity: SoC) -> Result:
+                  initial_soc: SoC, final_soc: SoC, capacity: SoC, c=consumption) -> Result:
     Calculates shortest path using the CHarge algorithm.
@@ -40,7 +40,14 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.DiGraph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
     t, factories, queues = _setup(
-        G, charging_stations, capacity, initial_soc, final_soc, s, t
+        G=G,
+        charging_stations=charging_stations,
+        capacity=capacity,
+        initial_soc=initial_soc,
+        final_soc=final_soc,
+        s=s,
+        t=t,
+        c=c
     f_soc_factory: SoCFunctionFactory = factories['f_soc']
@@ -132,7 +139,8 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.DiGraph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
 def _setup(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], capacity: SoC,
-           initial_soc: SoC, final_soc: SoC, s: Node, t: Node
+           initial_soc: SoC, final_soc: SoC, s: Node, t: Node,
+           c: ConsumptionFunction
            ) -> Tuple[Node, Dict, Dict]:
     Initialises the data structures and graph setup.
@@ -159,7 +167,7 @@ def _setup(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], capacity: SoC,
     # Init factories
     cf_map = ChargingFunctionMap(G=G, capacity=capacity, initial_soc=initial_soc)
     f_soc_factory = SoCFunctionFactory(cf_map)
-    soc_profile_factory = SoCProfileFactory(G, capacity)
+    soc_profile_factory = SoCProfileFactory(G, capacity, c)
     # Init maps to manage labels
     l_set: Dict[int, List[Label]] = {v: [] for v in G}
diff --git a/evrouting/osm/imports.py b/evrouting/osm/imports.py
index f08247fc4673e5482564ffafbf53564cc339a6c0..9fdea4e7eeb92a360b031b4b9c0039d26b1b2c67 100644
--- a/evrouting/osm/imports.py
+++ b/evrouting/osm/imports.py
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ from evrouting.osm.routing import point, haversine_distance
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+HAVERSINE_KEY = 'haversine'
 class OSMGraph(nx.DiGraph):
@@ -122,22 +124,24 @@ def read_osm(osm_xml_data, profile) -> OSMGraph:
             u, v = osm.nodes[u_id], osm.nodes[v_id]
             # Travel-time from u to v
-            d = haversine_distance(
-                u.lon, u.lat, v.lon, v.lat, unit_m=True
-            ) / speed(w, profile) * ms_to_kmh
+            d = haversine_distance(u.lon, u.lat, v.lon, v.lat, unit_m=True)  # in m
+            t = d / (speed(w, profile) / ms_to_kmh)  # in s
             if w.tags.get('oneway', 'no') == 'yes':
                 # ONLY ONE DIRECTION
                 G.add_edge(u_id, v_id, **{
-                    DISTANCE_KEY: d
+                    DISTANCE_KEY: t,
+                    HAVERSINE_KEY: d
                 # BOTH DIRECTION
                 G.add_edge(u_id, v_id, **{
-                    DISTANCE_KEY: d
+                    DISTANCE_KEY: t,
+                    HAVERSINE_KEY: d
                 G.add_edge(v_id, u_id, **{
-                    DISTANCE_KEY: d
+                    DISTANCE_KEY: t,
+                    HAVERSINE_KEY: d
     # Complete the used nodes' information
diff --git a/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py b/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py
index 94be86a32b29e811acac128bbf14cfdd9e8a642d..dd598179d16e310ab86ce33f8a9758e8c70b69f9 100644
--- a/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py
+++ b/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 import os
+import json
 import pytest
-from evrouting.osm.imports import read_osm, OSMGraph
+from evrouting import charge
+from evrouting.T import Result
+from evrouting.osm.imports import read_osm, OSMGraph, HAVERSINE_KEY
 from evrouting.osm.profiles import car
 from evrouting.osm.routing import shortest_path
-from evrouting.graph_tools import CHARGING_COEFFICIENT_KEY
+from evrouting.graph_tools import CHARGING_COEFFICIENT_KEY, DISTANCE_KEY
@@ -29,8 +32,12 @@ def graph():
 def map_graph():
-    G = read_osm(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static/map.osm'),
-                 car)
+    STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
+    G = read_osm(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'map.osm'), car)
+    with open(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'charging_stations.json'), 'r') as f:
+        charging_stations = json.load(f)
+    G.insert_charging_stations(charging_stations)
     yield G
     del G
@@ -58,6 +65,8 @@ def test_insert_charging_stations_eq(graph):
 def test_shortest_route(map_graph):
     s = (51.7769461, 6.9832152)
     t = (51.7796487, 6.9795230)
+    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
+    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)
     route = [
@@ -69,21 +78,48 @@ def test_shortest_route(map_graph):
-    assert route == shortest_path(map_graph, s, t, car)
+    assert route == shortest_path(map_graph, _s, _t, car)
-def test_other_shortest_route(map_graph):
-    s = (51.75344308292687, 6.943187713623048)
-    t = (51.754452602619935, 6.958980560302735)
+def test_shortest_route_dimensions(map_graph):
+    s = (51.75041438844966, 6.9332313537597665)
+    t = (51.75657783347559, 7.000350952148438)
+    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
+    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)
-    route = [
-        "1827268706",
-        "1826594887",
-        "4955446046",
-        "4955446048",
-        "34053450",
-        "4955446051",
-        "418009799"
-    ]
+    path = shortest_path(map_graph, _s, _t, car)
+    time = sum([map_graph[u][v][DISTANCE_KEY] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])
+    distance = sum([map_graph[u][v][HAVERSINE_KEY] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])
+    assert time / 60 < 10
+    assert time / 60 > 5
+    assert distance / 1000 < 6
+    assert distance / 1000 > 4
+def test_charge_shortest_route_dimensions(map_graph):
+    s = (51.75041438844966, 6.9332313537597665)
+    t = (51.75657783347559, 7.000350952148438)
+    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
+    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)
+    consumption = 1  # kWh/km
+    cost_path = 6 * consumption * 1000  # distance * consumption in Wh
+    def c(G, u, v):
+        """Returns consumption in Wh from u to v."""
+        return G[u][v][HAVERSINE_KEY] * consumption * 1000
+    result = charge.routing.shortest_path(
+        G=map_graph,
+        charging_stations=map_graph.charging_stations,
+        s=_s,
+        t=_t,
+        initial_soc=10000,  # > cost_path
+        final_soc=0,
+        capacity=10000,
+        c=c
+    )
-    assert route == shortest_path(map_graph, s, t, car)
+    assert type(result) is Result
diff --git a/tests/osm/test_routing.py b/tests/osm/test_routing.py
new file mode 100644
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