diff --git a/evrouting/charge/T.py b/evrouting/charge/T.py
index 292e6b3d8e43511bed7925812598e5c74718b5df..7ba45fbcbf9ad9c98a637570c9dc0a74e6f916bd 100644
--- a/evrouting/charge/T.py
+++ b/evrouting/charge/T.py
@@ -134,6 +134,26 @@ class ChargingFunction:
         return cf_inverse
+    def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
+        """Comparison for dominance check."""
+        return self.c < other.c
+    def __le__(self, other) -> bool:
+        """Comparison for dominance check."""
+        return self.c <= other.c
+    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
+        """Comparison for dominance check."""
+        return self.c == other.c
+    def __ge__(self, other):
+        """Comparison for dominance check."""
+        return self.c >= other.c
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        """Comparison for dominance check."""
+        return self.c > other.c
 class Label(NamedTuple):
@@ -160,10 +180,10 @@ class Label(NamedTuple):
     last_cs: Node
     soc_profile_cs_v: SoCProfile
-    @property
-    def key(self):
-        """Key for sorting."""
-        return self.t_trip
+class Breakpoint(NamedTuple):
+    t: Time
+    soc: SoC
 class SoCFunction:
@@ -195,6 +215,18 @@ class SoCFunction:
         self.cf_cs: ChargingFunction = cf_cs
+    @property
+    def breakpoints(self):
+        breakpoints = [Breakpoint(self.minimum, 0)]
+        if not self.cf_cs.is_dummy:
+            breakpoints.append(
+                Breakpoint(
+                    self.minimum + self.cf_cs.inverse(self.soc_profile_cs_v.out),
+                    self.soc_profile_cs_v.out
+                )
+            )
+        return breakpoints
     def __call__(self, t: Time) -> SoC:
         Maps a new trip time to a SoC at the current node. The new trip time
@@ -221,7 +253,7 @@ class SoCFunction:
             This is either the trip time, or if energy needs to be charged
             at the previous charging station to traverse the path, trip time
-            plus charging time until the battery holds the minimum energie to
+            plus charging time until the battery holds the minimum energy to
             traverse the path to the current node (which is the cost of the
             path). This time is:
diff --git a/evrouting/charge/factories.py b/evrouting/charge/factories.py
index be8927eaad9ad551d9c4afce915fc0bd8dd2343e..3cdf2f8972b68a1f949e2094d43321cdb028519f 100644
--- a/evrouting/charge/factories.py
+++ b/evrouting/charge/factories.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 import networkx as nx
+from typing import Dict
-from .T import SoCProfile, ChargingFunction
-from ..T import Node, SoC
+from .T import SoCProfile, SoCFunction, ChargingFunction, Label
+from ..T import Node, SoC, Time
 from ..graph_tools import charging_cofficient, consumption
-def charging_function(
+def charging_function_factory(
         G: nx.Graph,
         n: Node,
         capacity: SoC,
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ def charging_function(
     return ChargingFunction(charging_cofficient(G, n), capacity, initial_soc)
-def soc_profile(
+def soc_profile_factory(
         G: nx.Graph,
         capacity: SoC,
         u: Node,
@@ -28,3 +29,67 @@ def soc_profile(
     path_cost = 0 if v is None else consumption(G, u, v)
     return SoCProfile(path_cost, capacity)
+class ChargingFunctionMap:
+    """Maps Nodes to their charging functions."""
+    def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC, initial_soc: SoC = None):
+        self.map: Dict[Node, ChargingFunction] = {}
+        self.G: nx.Graph = G
+        self.capacity: SoC = capacity
+        self.initial_soc: SoC = initial_soc
+    def __getitem__(self, node: Node) -> ChargingFunction:
+        """
+        Try to get charging function from cache,
+        else create function and add to cache.
+        """
+        try:
+            cf = self.map[node]
+        except KeyError:
+            cf = charging_function_factory(
+                G=self.G,
+                n=node,
+                capacity=self.capacity,
+                initial_soc=self.initial_soc
+            )
+            self.map[node] = cf
+        return cf
+class SoCFunctionMap:
+    """Maps Nodes to their charging functions."""
+    def __init__(self, cf: ChargingFunctionMap):
+        self.cf: ChargingFunctionMap = cf
+    def __getitem__(self, label: Label) -> SoCFunction:
+        return SoCFunction(label, self.cf[label.last_cs])
+class LabelsFactory:
+    def __init__(self,
+                 G: nx.Graph,
+                 capacity: SoC,
+                 f_soc: SoCFunctionMap,
+                 initial_soc: SoC = None):
+        self.G: nx.Graph = G
+        self.capacity: SoC = capacity
+        self.f_soc: SoCFunctionMap = f_soc
+        self.initial_soc: SoC = initial_soc
+    def spawn_label(self, current_node: Node, current_label: Label, t_charge: Time):
+        # Only charge the minimum at the last charge station
+        # and continue charging at this station.
+        soc_function: SoCFunction = self.f_soc[current_label]
+        return Label(
+            t_trip=current_label.t_trip + t_charge,
+            soc_last_cs=soc_function(current_label.t_trip + t_charge),
+            last_cs=current_node,
+            soc_profile_cs_v=soc_profile_factory(
+                self.G, self.capacity, current_node)
+        )
diff --git a/evrouting/charge/routing.py b/evrouting/charge/routing.py
index 28eda64d2d3e0b91ed339fd471d9139d093a0f26..7a63bbff94d25b23367ded2d95b2dd742c19c990 100644
--- a/evrouting/charge/routing.py
+++ b/evrouting/charge/routing.py
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
-from typing import Dict
+from typing import Dict, List
 from math import inf
 import networkx as nx
 from evrouting.T import Node, SoC, Time
 from evrouting.utils import PriorityQueue
-from evrouting.charge.factories import soc_profile as soc_profile_factory
+from evrouting.charge.factories import (
+    LabelsFactory,
+    ChargingFunctionMap,
+    SoCFunctionMap,
+    soc_profile_factory
 from ..graph_tools import distance
-from .T import SoCFunction, Label
-from .utils import LabelPriorityQueue, ChargingFunctionMap
+from .T import SoCProfile, SoCFunction, Label
+from .utils import LabelPriorityQueue
+__all__ = ['shortest_path']
 def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: set, s: Node, t: Node,
@@ -16,46 +23,38 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: set, s: Node, t: Node,
     Calculates shortest path using the CHarge algorithm.
-    :param G: Input Graph
-    :param s: Start Node identifier
-    :param t: End Node identifier
-    :param beta_s: Start SoC
-    :param beta_t: End SoC
-    :param U: Capacity
+    :param G:
+    :param charging_stations:
+    :param s:
+    :param t:
+    :param initial_soc:
+    :param final_soc:
+    :param capacity:
+    t = _apply_final_constraints(G, t, final_soc)
     cf = ChargingFunctionMap(G=G, capacity=capacity, initial_soc=initial_soc)
+    f_soc = SoCFunctionMap(cf)
+    label_factory = LabelsFactory(G, capacity, f_soc, initial_soc)
-    q = PriorityQueue()
+    # Init maps to manage labels
     l_set: Dict[int, set] = {v: set() for v in G}
-    l_uns: Dict[int, LabelPriorityQueue] = {
-        v: LabelPriorityQueue() for v in G
-    }
+    l_uns: Dict[int, LabelPriorityQueue] = {v: LabelPriorityQueue(cf) for v in G}
-    # Dummy vertex without incident edges that is (temporarily) added to G
-    dummy_node: Node = len(G.nodes)
-    # Charging coefficient 0 indicates dummy node
-    G.add_node(dummy_node, c=0)
-    charging_stations.add(dummy_node)
+    # Init environment
+    entry_label = _create_entry_label(G, charging_stations,
+                                      s, initial_soc, capacity)
+    l_uns[s].insert(entry_label)
-    l: Label = Label(
-        t_trip=0,
-        soc_last_cs=initial_soc,
-        last_cs=dummy_node,
-        soc_profile_cs_v=soc_profile_factory(G, capacity, s)
-    )
-    l_uns[s].insert(
-        l,
-        cf[l.last_cs]
-    )
+    # A priority queue defines which node to visit next.
+    # The key is the trip time.
+    prio_queue = PriorityQueue()
+    prio_queue.insert(s, priority=0, count=0)
-    q.insert(s, 0)
-    # run main loop
     while True:
-            minimum_node: Node = q.peak_min()
+            minimum_node: Node = prio_queue.peak_min()
         except KeyError:
             # empty queue
@@ -64,65 +63,36 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: set, s: Node, t: Node,
         if minimum_node == t:
-            return SoCFunction(
-                label_minimum_node,
-                cf[label_minimum_node.last_cs]
-            ).minimum
+            return f_soc[label_minimum_node].minimum
         # handle charging stations
-        if minimum_node in charging_stations and not minimum_node == label_minimum_node.last_cs:
-            cf_last_cs = cf[label_minimum_node.last_cs]
-            cf_minimum_node = cf[minimum_node]
-            if cf_minimum_node.c > cf_last_cs.c:
-                # Only charge the minimum at the last charge station
-                # and continue charging at this station.
-                old_soc_function: SoCFunction = SoCFunction(
-                    label_minimum_node, cf_last_cs
-                )
-                t_trip_old = label_minimum_node.t_trip
-                t_charge: Time = old_soc_function.minimum - t_trip_old
-                label_new = Label(
-                    t_trip=t_trip_old + t_charge,
-                    soc_last_cs=old_soc_function(t_trip_old + t_charge),
-                    last_cs=minimum_node,
-                    soc_profile_cs_v=soc_profile_factory(
-                        G, capacity, minimum_node
-                    )
-                )
-                l_uns[minimum_node].insert(
-                    label_new,
-                    cf_minimum_node
-                )
-        # update priority queue
-        try:
-            label_minimum_node = l_uns[minimum_node].peak_min()
-        except KeyError:
-            # l_uns[v] empty
-            q.delete_min()
-        else:
-            q.insert(minimum_node, label_minimum_node.key)
+        if minimum_node in charging_stations and \
+                not minimum_node == label_minimum_node.last_cs:
+            for t_charge in _calc_optimal_t_charge(cf, label_minimum_node, minimum_node, capacity):
+                label_new = label_factory.spawn_label(minimum_node,
+                                                      label_minimum_node,
+                                                      t_charge)
+                l_uns[minimum_node].insert(label_new)
+        # Update priority queue. This node might have gotten a new
+        # minimum label spawned is th previous step.
+        _update_priority_queue(f_soc, prio_queue, l_uns, minimum_node)
         # scan outgoing arcs
         for n in G.neighbors(minimum_node):
             # Create SoC Profile for getting from minimum_node to n
             soc_profile = label_minimum_node.soc_profile_cs_v + \
                           soc_profile_factory(G, capacity, minimum_node, n)
-            if not soc_profile(capacity) == -inf:
-                # It is possible to get from minimum_node to n
+            if _is_feasible_path(soc_profile, capacity):
                 l_new = Label(
-                    label_minimum_node.t_trip + distance(G, minimum_node, n),
-                    label_minimum_node.soc_last_cs,
-                    label_minimum_node.last_cs,
-                    soc_profile
+                    t_trip=label_minimum_node.t_trip + distance(G, minimum_node, n),
+                    soc_last_cs=label_minimum_node.soc_last_cs,
+                    last_cs=label_minimum_node.last_cs,
+                    soc_profile_cs_v=soc_profile
-                    l_uns[n].insert(
-                        l_new,
-                        cf[l_new.last_cs]
-                    )
+                    l_uns[n].insert(l_new)
                 except ValueError:
                     # Infeasible because last_cs might be an
                     # dummy charging station. Therefore, the path might
@@ -135,4 +105,95 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: set, s: Node, t: Node,
                     if l_new == l_uns[n].peak_min():
-                        q.insert(n, l_new.key)
+                        key, count = _key(l_new, f_soc)
+                        prio_queue.insert(n, priority=key, count=count)
+def _calc_optimal_t_charge(cf: ChargingFunctionMap, label_v: Label, v: Node, capacity: SoC) -> List[Time]:
+    f_soc_breakpoints = SoCFunction(label_v, cf[label_v.last_cs]).breakpoints
+    t_charge = []
+    if cf[v] > cf[label_v.last_cs]:
+        # Faster charging station -> charge as soon as possible
+        t_charge.append(f_soc_breakpoints[0].t - label_v.t_trip)
+    elif f_soc_breakpoints[-1].soc < capacity:
+        # Slower charging station might still be dominating
+        # because the soc cannot be more than the full capacity
+        # decreased by the trip costs. This will be refilled at this station.
+        t_charge.append(f_soc_breakpoints[-1].t - label_v.t_trip)
+    return t_charge
+def _key(label, f_soc):
+    soc_function = f_soc[label]
+    t_min = soc_function.minimum
+    soc_min = soc_function(t_min)
+    return t_min, soc_min
+def _create_entry_label(
+        G: nx.Graph,
+        charging_stations: set,
+        s: Node,
+        initial_soc: SoC,
+        capacity: SoC) -> Label:
+    """
+    Create dummy charging station with initial soc as constant charging
+    function.
+    :param G: Graph
+    :param charging_stations: Set of charging stations in Graph G
+    :param s: Starting Node
+    :param initial_soc: Initial SoC at beginng of the route
+    :param capacity: The restricting battery capacity
+    :return: Label for the starting Node
+    """
+    dummy_node: Node = len(G.nodes)
+    # Charging coefficient 0 indicates dummy node
+    G.add_node(dummy_node, c=0)
+    charging_stations.add(dummy_node)
+    # Register dummy charging station as the last
+    # seen charging station before s.
+    return Label(
+        t_trip=0,
+        soc_last_cs=initial_soc,
+        last_cs=dummy_node,
+        soc_profile_cs_v=soc_profile_factory(G, capacity, s)
+    )
+def _is_feasible_path(soc_profile: SoCProfile, capacity: SoC) -> bool:
+    """Check, if possible to traverse path at least with full battery."""
+    return not soc_profile(capacity) == -inf
+def _update_priority_queue(
+        f_soc: SoCFunctionMap,
+        prio_queue: PriorityQueue,
+        l_uns: Dict[int, LabelPriorityQueue],
+        node: Node):
+    """
+    Update key of a node the priority queue according to
+    its minimum label.
+    """
+    try:
+        minimum_label: Label = l_uns[node].peak_min()
+    except KeyError:
+        # l_uns[v] empty
+        prio_queue.delete_min()
+    else:
+        key, count = _key(minimum_label, f_soc)
+        prio_queue.insert(node, priority=key, count=count)
+def _apply_final_constraints(G: nx.Graph, t: Node, final_soc: SoC) -> Node:
+    temp_final_node = len(G)
+    G.add_node(temp_final_node)
+    G.add_edge(t, temp_final_node, weight=0, c=final_soc)
+    return temp_final_node
diff --git a/evrouting/charge/utils.py b/evrouting/charge/utils.py
index 890e9b14105b1436f67780817e5670844fc5acab..376dd8337178a2836b2ed08302f7d3c09877c12f 100644
--- a/evrouting/charge/utils.py
+++ b/evrouting/charge/utils.py
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
-from typing import Dict
 from math import inf
-import networkx as nx
 from evrouting.utils import PriorityQueue
-from evrouting.T import SoC, Time, Node
+from evrouting.T import SoC, Time
-from .factories import charging_function
-from .T import Label, SoCFunction, ChargingFunction
+from .T import Label, SoCFunction
+from .factories import ChargingFunctionMap
 class LabelPriorityQueue(PriorityQueue):
-    def insert(self, label: Label, cf: ChargingFunction):
+    def __init__(self, cf: ChargingFunctionMap):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.cf: ChargingFunctionMap = cf
+    def insert(self, label: Label):
         """Breaking ties with lowest soc at t_min."""
         soc_function = SoCFunction(
-            cf
+            self.cf[label.last_cs]
         t_min: Time = soc_function.minimum
@@ -30,31 +32,3 @@ class LabelPriorityQueue(PriorityQueue):
-class ChargingFunctionMap:
-    """Maps Nodes to their charging functions."""
-    def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC, initial_soc: SoC = None):
-        self.map: Dict[Node, ChargingFunction] = {}
-        self.G: nx.Graph = G
-        self.capacity: SoC = capacity
-        self.initial_soc: SoC = initial_soc
-    def __getitem__(self, node: Node) -> ChargingFunction:
-        """
-        Try to get charging function from cache,
-        else create function and add to cache.
-        """
-        try:
-            cf = self.map[node]
-        except KeyError:
-            cf = charging_function(
-                G=self.G,
-                n=node,
-                capacity=self.capacity,
-                initial_soc=self.initial_soc
-            )
-            self.map[node] = cf
-        return cf
diff --git a/tests/charge/test_charge_routing.py b/tests/charge/test_charge_routing.py
index 6d6a5a28166937fb2e985f86df6c635ebbbdd8de..1f3a8f3df5674f1f77f52b2d9a013a3919ff31d9 100644
--- a/tests/charge/test_charge_routing.py
+++ b/tests/charge/test_charge_routing.py
@@ -8,33 +8,60 @@ from ..config import (
-def test_shortest_path_charge_at_s_and_a():
-    """Charging at s."""
-    path = shortest_path(**init_config(edge_case))
+class TestRoutes:
-    assert path == 3.5
+    def test_shortest_path_charge_at_s_and_a(self):
+        """Charging at s."""
+        path = shortest_path(**init_config(edge_case))
+        assert path == 3.5
-def test_shortest_path_charge_at_s_only():
-    """Charging at s."""
-    path = shortest_path(**init_config(edge_case_a_slow))
+    def test_shortest_path_charge_at_s_only(self):
+        """Charging at s."""
+        path = shortest_path(**init_config(edge_case_a_slow))
-    assert path == 3
+        assert path == 3
+    def test_shortest_path_no_charge_s_path_t(self):
+        """No charging at s but enough initial SoC to go to t directly."""
+        conf = init_config(edge_case_start_node_no_cs)
+        conf['initial_soc'] = 4
+        path = shortest_path(**conf)
-def test_shortest_path_no_charge_s_path_t():
-    """No charging at s but enough initial SoC to go to t directly."""
-    conf = init_config(edge_case_start_node_no_cs)
-    conf['initial_soc'] = 4
-    path = shortest_path(**conf)
+        assert path == 1
-    assert path == 1
+    def test_shortest_path_no_charge_s_path_a(self):
+        """No charging at s but just enough SoC to go to t via a."""
+        conf = init_config(edge_case_start_node_no_cs)
+        conf['initial_soc'] = 2
+        path = shortest_path(**conf)
+        assert path == 2
-def test_shortest_path_no_charge_s_path_a():
-    """No charging at s but just enough SoC to go to t via a."""
-    conf = init_config(edge_case_start_node_no_cs)
-    conf['initial_soc'] = 2
-    path = shortest_path(**conf)
-    assert path == 2
+class TestWithFinalSoC:
+    def test_shortest_path_charge_at_s_and_a(self):
+        """Charging at s."""
+        conf = init_config(edge_case)
+        conf['final_soc'] = 3
+        path = shortest_path(**conf)
+        assert path == 5
+    def test_shortest_path_charge_at_s_only(self):
+        """Charging at s and a to reach final_soc."""
+        conf = init_config(edge_case_a_slow)
+        conf['final_soc'] = 3
+        path = shortest_path(**conf)
+        assert path == 5
+    def test_shortest_path_no_charge_s_path_t(self):
+        """No charging at s but initial soc."""
+        conf = init_config(edge_case_start_node_no_cs)
+        conf['initial_soc'] = 4
+        conf['final_soc'] = 3
+        path = shortest_path(**conf)
+        assert path == 2.5
diff --git a/tests/charge/test_utils.py b/tests/charge/test_utils.py
index 3220019d3d0332f5241592e5cf6b938480108098..d5bb2a20b0a595a1bd0777f8defaa254b33aa755 100644
--- a/tests/charge/test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/charge/test_utils.py
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ from evrouting.charge.T import Label
 def q(label, ch_function):
     _, _, cf = ch_function
-    q = LabelPriorityQueue()
-    q.insert(label, cf)
+    dummy_cf = {label.last_cs: cf}
+    q = LabelPriorityQueue(dummy_cf)
+    q.insert(label)
     # create min
     label = Label(
@@ -17,7 +18,8 @@ def q(label, ch_function):
-    q.insert(label, cf)
+    dummy_cf[label.last_cs] = cf
+    q.insert(label)
     yield q
     del q
@@ -39,4 +41,4 @@ class TestProrityQueue:
         _, _, cf = ch_function
         label = q.peak_min()
-        q.insert(label, cf)
+        q.insert(label)