diff --git a/evrouting/osm/imports.py b/evrouting/osm/imports.py
index 6eb3e3d7028d37681f9db609a334cde7a0d78bee..f08247fc4673e5482564ffafbf53564cc339a6c0 100644
--- a/evrouting/osm/imports.py
+++ b/evrouting/osm/imports.py
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Added :
 - distance computation to estimate length of each ways (useful to compute the shortest path)
 import copy
 import xml.sax
 import logging
@@ -142,11 +141,11 @@ def read_osm(osm_xml_data, profile) -> OSMGraph:
     # Complete the used nodes' information
-    for n_id in G.nodes():
+    for n_id, data in G.nodes(data=True):
         n = osm.nodes[n_id]
-        G.nodes[n_id]['lat'] = n.lat
-        G.nodes[n_id]['lon'] = n.lon
-        G.nodes[n_id]['id'] = n.id
+        data['lat'] = n.lat
+        data['lon'] = n.lon
+        data['id'] = n.id
     return G
diff --git a/evrouting/osm/routing.py b/evrouting/osm/routing.py
index fe636d4ca8ff54cbc17f70bbfb48661a271daa26..0d9b110359fb39f20803c954087510505261505b 100644
--- a/evrouting/osm/routing.py
+++ b/evrouting/osm/routing.py
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ def haversine_distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, unit_m=True):
 def shortest_path(G, s: point, t: point, profile):
     """Calc A* shortest path."""
-    _s = G.find_nearest(s)
-    _t = G.find_nearest(t)
     def dist(u, v):
         return haversine_distance(
@@ -44,7 +42,7 @@ def shortest_path(G, s: point, t: point, profile):
         ) / profile['maxspeed'] * ms_to_kmh
-    return nx.astar_path(G, _s, _t, heuristic=dist)
+    return nx.astar_path(G, s, t, heuristic=dist)
 def to_coordinates(G, path):