diff --git a/evrouting/gasstation/routing.py b/evrouting/gasstation/routing.py
index 214d3b2254ead85b79099b33d2d147356148694d..cccf5e521d8bead8424ed24f3c5de580908bd3fb 100644
--- a/evrouting/gasstation/routing.py
+++ b/evrouting/gasstation/routing.py
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ from typing import Set, List
 import networkx as nx
 from evrouting.T import Node, SoC, Result, EmptyResult, Time
 from evrouting.gasstation.T import State, DistFunction
-from evrouting.gasstation.utils import dijkstra, fold_path
 from evrouting.graph_tools import (
-    charging_cofficient
+    charging_cofficient,
+from evrouting.graph_tools import sum_weights as fold_path
 def insert_start_node(s: Node,
@@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ def insert_start_node(s: Node,
                       graph_extended: nx.DiGraph,
                       capacity: SoC,
                       initial_soc: SoC,
-                      dist: DistFunction = dijkstra
                       ) -> nx.DiGraph:
     """Insert s into extended graph an create states and edges as necessary."""
     graph_extended.add_node((s, initial_soc))
     v: Node
     for v in gas_stations:
-        shortest_p: List[Node] = dist(graph_core, s, v, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
+        shortest_p: List[Node] = nx.shortest_path(graph_core, s, v, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         w = fold_path(graph_core, shortest_p, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         if w > initial_soc:
@@ -62,13 +61,12 @@ def insert_final_node(t: Node,
                       graph_extended: nx.DiGraph,
                       capacity: SoC,
                       final_soc: SoC,
-                      dist: DistFunction = dijkstra
                       ) -> nx.DiGraph:
     """Insert terminal node into extended graph an create states and edges as necessary."""
     graph_extended.add_node((t, final_soc))
     u: Node
     for u in gas_stations:
-        shortest_p: List[Node] = dist(graph_core, t, u, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
+        shortest_p: List[Node] = nx.shortest_path(graph_core, t, u, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         w = fold_path(graph_core, shortest_p, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
         if w + final_soc > capacity:
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ def state_graph(G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC) -> nx.DiGraph:
 def compose_result(graph_core: nx.Graph, extended_graph: nx.DiGraph,
-                   path: List[State], dist=dijkstra) -> Result:
+                   path: List[State]) -> Result:
     trip_time: Time = 0
     charge_path = []
     u: Node
@@ -177,7 +175,7 @@ def compose_result(graph_core: nx.Graph, extended_graph: nx.DiGraph,
         trip_time += t
         charge_time_u: Time = t - fold_path(
-            dist(graph_core, u, v, weight=DISTANCE_KEY),
+            nx.shortest_path(graph_core, u, v, weight=DISTANCE_KEY),
         charge_path.append((u, charge_time_u))
@@ -187,8 +185,16 @@ def compose_result(graph_core: nx.Graph, extended_graph: nx.DiGraph,
     return Result(trip_time=trip_time, charge_path=charge_path)
-def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
-                  initial_soc: SoC, final_soc: SoC, capacity: SoC) -> Result:
+def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph,
+                  charging_stations: Set[Node],
+                  s: Node,
+                  t: Node,
+                  initial_soc: SoC,
+                  final_soc: SoC,
+                  capacity: SoC,
+                  extended_graph=None,
+                  contracted_graph=None
+                  ) -> Result:
     Calculates shortest path using a generalized gas station algorithm.
@@ -202,7 +208,11 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
     # Check if t is reachable from s
-    _path = dijkstra(G, s, t, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
+    try:
+        _path = nx.shortest_path(G, s, t, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
+    except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
+        return EmptyResult()
     _w = fold_path(G, _path, weight=CONSUMPTION_KEY)
     if _w <= initial_soc:
         return Result(
@@ -210,8 +220,9 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
             charge_path=[(s, 0), (t, 0)]
-    contracted_graph: nx.Graph = contract_graph(G, charging_stations, capacity)
-    extended_graph = state_graph(contracted_graph, capacity)
+    if extended_graph is None or contracted_graph is None:
+        contracted_graph: nx.Graph = contract_graph(G, charging_stations, capacity)
+        extended_graph = state_graph(contracted_graph, capacity)
     extended_graph = insert_start_node(
@@ -232,9 +243,12 @@ def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: Set[Node], s: Node, t: Node,
-    path: List[State] = dijkstra(extended_graph, (s, initial_soc), (t, final_soc))
+    try:
+        path: List[State] = nx.shortest_path(extended_graph, (s, initial_soc), (t, final_soc))
+    except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
+        return EmptyResult()
-    return EmptyResult() if not path else compose_result(
+    return compose_result(
diff --git a/evrouting/gasstation/utils.py b/evrouting/gasstation/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 854d41ead0a6421a9452a40766321ff89c245834..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/evrouting/gasstation/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-from typing import List
-import networkx as nx
-from evrouting.gasstation.T import N
-def dijkstra(G: nx.Graph, u: N, v: N, weight: str = 'weight') -> List[N]:
-    try:
-        return nx.algorithms.shortest_path(G, u, v, weight=weight)
-    except nx.NetworkXNoPath:
-        return []
-def fold_path(G: nx.Graph, path: List[N], weight: str):
-    return sum([G.edges[u, v][weight] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])
diff --git a/tests/gasstation/test_transformations.py b/tests/gasstation/test_transformations.py
index 51a7858d46046fe2fb6084059f69f7d623473d62..ea09b5828175ead35e71bc1fcd45d3c6336bc665 100644
--- a/tests/gasstation/test_transformations.py
+++ b/tests/gasstation/test_transformations.py
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import networkx as nx
 import pytest
 from evrouting.gasstation.routing import (
-    dijkstra,
-    fold_path,
@@ -17,21 +15,7 @@ from evrouting.graph_tools import (
-from tests.config import edge_case, gasstation, init_config, gasstation_complete
-class TestDjikstra:
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("u,v,min_len", [(0, 1, 1), (0, 2, 3), (0, 4, 2), (0, 6, 3)])
-    def test_djikstra(self, u, v, min_len):
-        conf: dict = init_config(gasstation)
-        shortest_path = dijkstra(conf['G'], u, v, CONSUMPTION_KEY)
-        assert fold_path(conf['G'], shortest_path, CONSUMPTION_KEY) == min_len
-    def test_djikstra_via_node(self):
-        conf: dict = init_config(edge_case)
-        shortest_path = dijkstra(conf['G'], 0, 2, CONSUMPTION_KEY)
-        assert fold_path(conf['G'], shortest_path, CONSUMPTION_KEY) == 2
+from tests.config import gasstation, init_config, gasstation_complete
 class TestContraction:
diff --git a/tests/osm/conftest.py b/tests/osm/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0640e4d25d432f81196db9c86bbba95e3625cc66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/osm/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import os
+import json
+import pytest
+from evrouting.osm.imports import OSMGraph, read_osm
+from evrouting.osm.profiles import car
+def graph():
+    G = OSMGraph()
+    node_coordinates = [
+        (51.7705832, 7.0002595),
+        (51.7696529, 6.9568520)
+    ]
+    for n_id, coordinates in enumerate(node_coordinates):
+        lat, lon = coordinates
+        # Add two nodes, that exist in osm test map
+        G.add_node(n_id, lat=lat, lon=lon)
+        G.insert_into_rtree(n_id)
+    yield G
+    del G
+def map_graph():
+    STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
+    G = read_osm(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'map.osm'), car)
+    with open(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'charging_stations.json'), 'r') as f:
+        charging_stations = json.load(f)
+    G.insert_charging_stations(charging_stations)
+    yield G
+    del G
diff --git a/tests/osm/notest_gasstation_osm.py b/tests/osm/notest_gasstation_osm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..126c3c4e6d2c035d90d33c619c6d25dcded07977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/osm/notest_gasstation_osm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+from evrouting import gasstation
+from evrouting.T import Result
+from evrouting.osm.profiles import car
+from evrouting.osm.routing import shortest_path
+from evrouting.graph_tools import (
+    consumption_function_distance_factory
+def test_charge_shortest_route_dimensions(map_graph):
+    """Full tank is enough to get there. Must be equal to shortest path."""
+    s = (51.75041438844966, 6.9332313537597665)
+    t = (51.75657783347559, 7.000350952148438)
+    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
+    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)
+    consumption = 1  # kWh/km
+    cost_path = 6 * consumption * 1000  # distance * consumption in Wh
+    c = consumption_function_distance_factory(consumption)
+    result = charge.routing.shortest_path(
+        G=map_graph,
+        charging_stations=map_graph.charging_stations,
+        s=_s,
+        t=_t,
+        initial_soc=10000,  # > cost_path
+        final_soc=0,
+        capacity=10000,
+        c=c
+    )
+    path = shortest_path(map_graph, _s, _t, car)
+    assert type(result) is Result
+    assert result.charge_path == path.charge_path
+def test_charge_shortest_route_stop(map_graph):
+    """Full tank is enough to get there. Must be equal to shortest path."""
+    s = (51.75041438844966, 6.9332313537597665)
+    t = (51.75657783347559, 7.000350952148438)
+    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
+    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)
+    consumption = 1  # kWh/km
+    cost_path = 6 * consumption * 1000  # distance * consumption in Wh
+    c = consumption_function_distance_factory(consumption)
+    result = charge.routing.shortest_path(
+        G=map_graph,
+        charging_stations=map_graph.charging_stations,
+        s=_s,
+        t=_t,
+        initial_soc=2000,  # > cost_path
+        final_soc=0,
+        capacity=10000,
+        c=c
+    )
+    assert type(result) is Result
+    charge_at = [t for n, t in result.charge_path if t > 0]
+    # charge once
+    assert len(charge_at) == 1
+    # Charge about 10 min
+    assert charge_at[0] < 600
+    assert charge_at[0] > 500
diff --git a/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py b/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py
index 82516727ef4206d47bb32c52fbc64e87a2fb39e7..0a24192ea40c7d8284a6abde4f1f2a5113a10a92 100644
--- a/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py
+++ b/tests/osm/test_osm_charge.py
@@ -1,53 +1,15 @@
-import os
-import json
-import pytest
 from evrouting import charge
 from evrouting.T import Result
-from evrouting.osm.imports import read_osm, OSMGraph
 from evrouting.osm.profiles import car
 from evrouting.osm.routing import shortest_path
 from evrouting.graph_tools import (
-def graph():
-    G = OSMGraph()
-    node_coordinates = [
-        (51.7705832, 7.0002595),
-        (51.7696529, 6.9568520)
-    ]
-    for n_id, coordinates in enumerate(node_coordinates):
-        lat, lon = coordinates
-        # Add two nodes, that exist in osm test map
-        G.add_node(n_id, lat=lat, lon=lon)
-        G.insert_into_rtree(n_id)
-    yield G
-    del G
-def map_graph():
-    STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
-    G = read_osm(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'map.osm'), car)
-    with open(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'charging_stations.json'), 'r') as f:
-        charging_stations = json.load(f)
-    G.insert_charging_stations(charging_stations)
-    yield G
-    del G
 def test_insert_charging_stations_close(graph):
     # Close two node 1
     S = [{"lon": 7.0002593, "lat": 51.7705832, "power": 22.0}]
@@ -163,4 +125,3 @@ def test_charge_shortest_route_stop(map_graph):
     # Charge about 10 min
     assert charge_at[0] < 600
     assert charge_at[0] > 500