import networkx as nx from typing import Dict from .T import SoCProfile, SoCFunction, ChargingFunction, Label from ..T import Node, SoC, Time from ..graph_tools import charging_cofficient, consumption class SoCProfileFactory: """Maps Nodes to their (cached) charging functions.""" def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC): self.G: nx.Graph = G self.capacity: SoC = capacity def __call__(self, u: Node, v: Node = None) -> SoCProfile: path_cost = 0 if v is None else consumption(self.G, u, v) return SoCProfile(path_cost, self.capacity) class ChargingFunctionMap: """Maps Nodes to their (cached) charging functions.""" def __init__(self, G: nx.Graph, capacity: SoC, initial_soc: SoC = None): Dict[Node, ChargingFunction] = {} self.G: nx.Graph = G self.capacity: SoC = capacity self.initial_soc: SoC = initial_soc def __getitem__(self, node: Node) -> ChargingFunction: """ Try to get charging function from cache, else create function and add to cache. """ try: cf =[node] except KeyError: cf = ChargingFunction( c=charging_cofficient(self.G, node), capacity=self.capacity, initial_soc=self.initial_soc )[node] = cf return cf class SoCFunctionFactory: """Maps Nodes to their charging functions.""" def __init__(self, cf: ChargingFunctionMap): ChargingFunctionMap = cf def __call__(self, label: Label) -> SoCFunction: return SoCFunction(label,[label.last_cs]) class LabelsFactory: def __init__(self, f_soc: SoCFunctionFactory, soc_profile: SoCProfileFactory): self.f_soc: SoCFunctionFactory = f_soc self.soc_profile: SoCProfileFactory = soc_profile def spawn_label(self, current_node: Node, current_label: Label, t_charge: Time): # Only charge the minimum at the last charge station # and continue charging at this station. soc_function: SoCFunction = self.f_soc(current_label) return Label( t_trip=current_label.t_trip + t_charge, soc_last_cs=soc_function(current_label.t_trip + t_charge), last_cs=current_node, soc_profile_cs_v=self.soc_profile(current_node) )