import os
import json

import pytest

from evrouting import charge
from evrouting.T import Result
from evrouting.osm.imports import read_osm, OSMGraph, HAVERSINE_KEY
from evrouting.osm.profiles import car
from evrouting.osm.routing import shortest_path
from evrouting.graph_tools import CHARGING_COEFFICIENT_KEY, DISTANCE_KEY

def graph():
    G = OSMGraph()

    node_coordinates = [
        (51.7705832, 7.0002595),
        (51.7696529, 6.9568520)

    for n_id, coordinates in enumerate(node_coordinates):
        lat, lon = coordinates
        # Add two nodes, that exist in osm test map
        G.add_node(n_id, lat=lat, lon=lon)

    yield G
    del G

def map_graph():
    STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
    G = read_osm(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'map.osm'), car)
    with open(os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'charging_stations.json'), 'r') as f:
        charging_stations = json.load(f)

    yield G
    del G

def test_insert_charging_stations_close(graph):
    # Close two node 1
    S = [{"lon": 7.0002593, "lat": 51.7705832, "power": 22.0}]


    assert graph.nodes[0][CHARGING_COEFFICIENT_KEY] == 22.0
    assert CHARGING_COEFFICIENT_KEY not in graph.nodes[1]

def test_insert_charging_stations_eq(graph):
    # Close exactly at node 1
    S = [{"lon": 7.0002595, "lat": 51.7705832, "power": 22.0}]


    assert graph.nodes[0][CHARGING_COEFFICIENT_KEY] == 22.0
    assert CHARGING_COEFFICIENT_KEY not in graph.nodes[1]

def test_shortest_route(map_graph):
    s = (51.7769461, 6.9832152)
    t = (51.7796487, 6.9795230)
    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)

    route = [

    assert route == shortest_path(map_graph, _s, _t, car)

def test_shortest_route_dimensions(map_graph):
    s = (51.75041438844966, 6.9332313537597665)
    t = (51.75657783347559, 7.000350952148438)
    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)

    path = shortest_path(map_graph, _s, _t, car)

    time = sum([map_graph[u][v][DISTANCE_KEY] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])
    distance = sum([map_graph[u][v][HAVERSINE_KEY] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])])

    assert time / 60 < 10
    assert time / 60 > 5
    assert distance / 1000 < 6
    assert distance / 1000 > 4

def test_charge_shortest_route_dimensions(map_graph):
    s = (51.75041438844966, 6.9332313537597665)
    t = (51.75657783347559, 7.000350952148438)
    _s = map_graph.find_nearest(s)
    _t = map_graph.find_nearest(t)

    consumption = 1  # kWh/km
    cost_path = 6 * consumption * 1000  # distance * consumption in Wh

    def c(G, u, v):
        """Returns consumption in Wh from u to v."""
        return G[u][v][HAVERSINE_KEY] * consumption * 1000

    result = charge.routing.shortest_path(
        initial_soc=10000,  # > cost_path

    assert type(result) is Result