diff --git a/src/.gitignore b/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed1309bc89fd12c000fb36a6c97122cc9cecec01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 2467aafbdfe3640ba86b5db998b0fa8ee7df0d13..0777d6eee9a04467214e8e35c9b31a42303b0205 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -141,3 +141,8 @@ DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = \
 	CXX="$(CXX)" CC="$(CC)"
 include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
+$(srcdir)/timestepping.cc: $(srcdir)/timestepping.org
+	emacs -Q --batch --eval \
+	  "(let (vc-handled-backends) \
+	      (org-babel-tangle-file \"$<\" nil 'c++))"
diff --git a/src/timestepping.cc b/src/timestepping.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a3e3dd7046c8791f386896dd54446157642499e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/timestepping.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-#include <dune/fufem/arithmetic.hh>
-template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
-class TimeSteppingScheme {
-  TimeSteppingScheme(VectorType const &_ell, MatrixType const &_A,
-                     VectorType const &_u_old,
-                     Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
-                     FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction, double _time,
-                     double _tau)
-      : ell(_ell),
-        A(_A),
-        u_old(_u_old),
-        dirichletNodes(_dirichletNodes),
-        dirichletFunction(_dirichletFunction),
-        time(_time),
-        tau(_tau) {}
-  virtual ~TimeSteppingScheme() {}
-  void virtual setup(VectorType &problem_rhs, VectorType &problem_iterate,
-                     MatrixType &problem_A) const = 0;
-  void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &solution) const = 0;
-  void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &velocity) const = 0;
-  VectorType const &ell;
-  MatrixType const &A;
-  VectorType const &u_old;
-  Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &dirichletNodes;
-  FunctionType const &dirichletFunction;
-  double const time;
-  double const tau;
-template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
-class ImplicitEuler
-    : public TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim> {
-  ImplicitEuler(
-      VectorType const &_ell, MatrixType const &_A, VectorType const &_u_old,
-      VectorType const *_u_old_old_ptr, // FIXME: this should not be necessary
-      Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
-      FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction, double _time, double _tau)
-      : TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>(
-            _ell, _A, _u_old, _dirichletNodes, _dirichletFunction, _time, _tau),
-        u_old_old_ptr(_u_old_old_ptr) {}
-  void virtual setup(VectorType &problem_rhs, VectorType &problem_iterate,
-                     MatrixType &problem_A) const {
-    problem_rhs = this->ell;
-    this->A.mmv(this->u_old, problem_rhs);
-    problem_A = this->A;
-    problem_A *= this->tau;
-    // Use the old velocity as an initial iterate if possible
-    if (u_old_old_ptr) {
-      problem_iterate = this->u_old;
-      problem_iterate -= *u_old_old_ptr;
-      problem_iterate /= this->tau;
-    } else
-      problem_iterate = 0.0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
-      if (this->dirichletNodes[i].count() == dim) {
-        problem_iterate[i] = 0;
-        this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(this->time, problem_iterate[i][0]);
-      } else if (this->dirichletNodes[i][1])
-        problem_iterate[i][1] = 0; // Y direction prescribed
-  }
-  void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &solution) const {
-    solution = this->u_old;
-    solution.axpy(this->tau, problem_iterate);
-  }
-  void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &velocity) const {
-    velocity = problem_iterate;
-  }
-  VectorType const *u_old_old_ptr;
-template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
-class ImplicitTwoStep
-    : public TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim> {
-  ImplicitTwoStep(VectorType const &_ell, MatrixType const &_A,
-                  VectorType const &_u_old, VectorType const *_u_old_old_ptr,
-                  Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
-                  FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction, double _time,
-                  double _tau)
-      : TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>(
-            _ell, _A, _u_old, _dirichletNodes, _dirichletFunction, _time, _tau),
-        u_old_old_ptr(_u_old_old_ptr) {}
-  void virtual setup(VectorType &problem_rhs, VectorType &problem_iterate,
-                     MatrixType &problem_A) const {
-    problem_rhs = this->ell;
-    this->A.usmv(-4.0 / 3.0, this->u_old, problem_rhs);
-    this->A.usmv(+1.0 / 3.0, *u_old_old_ptr, problem_rhs);
-    problem_A = this->A;
-    problem_A *= 2.0 / 3.0 * this->tau;
-    // Use the old velocity as an initial iterate
-    problem_iterate = this->u_old;
-    problem_iterate -= *u_old_old_ptr;
-    problem_iterate /= this->tau;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
-      if (this->dirichletNodes[i].count() == dim) {
-        problem_iterate[i] = 0;
-        this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(this->time, problem_iterate[i][0]);
-      } else if (this->dirichletNodes[i][1])
-        problem_iterate[i][1] = 0; // Y direction prescribed
-  }
-  void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &solution) const {
-    solution = problem_iterate;
-    solution *= this->tau;
-    solution.axpy(2, this->u_old);
-    solution.axpy(-.5, *u_old_old_ptr);
-    solution *= 2.0 / 3.0;
-    // Check if we split correctly
-    {
-      VectorType test = problem_iterate;
-      test *= this->tau;
-      test.axpy(-1.5, solution);
-      test.axpy(+2, this->u_old);
-      test.axpy(-.5, *u_old_old_ptr);
-      assert(test.two_norm() < 1e-10);
-    }
-  }
-  void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &velocity) const {
-    velocity = problem_iterate;
-  }
-  VectorType const *u_old_old_ptr;
-template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
-class Newmark
-    : public TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim> {
-  Newmark(VectorType const &_ell, MatrixType const &_A, MatrixType const &_B,
-          VectorType const &_u_old, VectorType const &_ud_old,
-          VectorType const &_udd_old,
-          Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
-          FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction, double _time, double _tau)
-      : TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>(
-            _ell, _A, _u_old, _dirichletNodes, _dirichletFunction, _time, _tau),
-        B(_B),
-        ud_old(_ud_old),
-        udd_old(_udd_old) {}
-  void virtual setup(VectorType &problem_rhs, VectorType &problem_iterate,
-                     MatrixType &problem_A) const {
-    problem_rhs = this->ell;
-    /* */ B.usmv(2.0 / this->tau, ud_old, problem_rhs);
-    /* */ B.usmv(1.0, udd_old, problem_rhs);
-    this->A.usmv(-1.0, this->u_old, problem_rhs);
-    this->A.usmv(-this->tau / 2.0, ud_old, problem_rhs);
-    // For fixed tau, we'd only really have to do this once
-    problem_A = this->A;
-    problem_A *= this->tau / 2.0;
-    Arithmetic::addProduct(problem_A, 2.0 / this->tau, B);
-    // ud_old makes a good initial iterate; we could use anything, though
-    problem_iterate = ud_old;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
-      if (this->dirichletNodes[i].count() == dim) {
-        problem_iterate[i] = 0;
-        this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(this->time, problem_iterate[i][0]);
-      } else if (this->dirichletNodes[i][1])
-        problem_iterate[i][1] = 0; // Y direction prescribed
-  }
-  // u1 = u0 + tau/2 (du1 + du0)
-  void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &solution) const {
-    solution = this->u_old;
-    Arithmetic::addProduct(solution, this->tau / 2.0, problem_iterate); // ud
-    Arithmetic::addProduct(solution, this->tau / 2.0, ud_old);
-  }
-  void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
-                               VectorType &velocity) const {
-    velocity = problem_iterate;
-  }
-  MatrixType const &B;
-  VectorType const &ud_old;
-  VectorType const &udd_old;
diff --git a/src/timestepping.org b/src/timestepping.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51e8b5d893fdc8f5cea65661bea1f2e88015478a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/timestepping.org
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+#+name: includes
+#+begin_src c++
+  #include <dune/fufem/arithmetic.hh>
+#+name: preamble
+#+begin_src latex
+  \documentclass{scrartcl}
+  \usepackage{amsmath}
+  \begin{document}
+* Abstract TimeSteppingScheme
+#+name: TimeSteppingScheme
+#+begin_src c++
+  template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
+  class TimeSteppingScheme
+  {
+  public:
+    TimeSteppingScheme(VectorType const &_ell,
+                       MatrixType const &_A,
+                       VectorType const &_u_old,
+                       Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
+                       FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction,
+                       double _time,
+                       double _tau)
+      : ell(_ell),
+        A(_A),
+        u_old(_u_old),
+        dirichletNodes(_dirichletNodes),
+        dirichletFunction(_dirichletFunction),
+        time(_time),
+        tau(_tau)
+    {}
+    virtual ~TimeSteppingScheme()
+    {}
+    void virtual setup(VectorType &problem_rhs,
+                       VectorType &problem_iterate,
+                       MatrixType &problem_A) const = 0;
+    void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &solution) const = 0;
+    void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &velocity) const = 0;
+  protected:
+    VectorType const &ell;
+    MatrixType const &A;
+    VectorType const &u_old;
+    Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &dirichletNodes;
+    FunctionType const &dirichletFunction;
+    double const time;
+    double const tau;
+  };
+* TimeSteppingScheme: Implicit Euler
+#+name: ImplicitEuler
+#+begin_src c++
+  template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
+  class ImplicitEuler : public TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>
+  {
+  public:
+    ImplicitEuler(VectorType const &_ell,
+                  MatrixType const &_A,
+                  VectorType const &_u_old,
+                  VectorType const *_u_old_old_ptr, // FIXME: this should not be necessary
+                  Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
+                  FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction,
+                  double _time,
+                  double _tau)
+      : TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>
+        (_ell, _A, _u_old, _dirichletNodes, _dirichletFunction, _time, _tau),
+        u_old_old_ptr(_u_old_old_ptr)
+    {}
+    void virtual
+    setup(VectorType &problem_rhs,
+          VectorType &problem_iterate,
+          MatrixType &problem_A) const
+    {
+      problem_rhs = this->ell;
+      this->A.mmv(this->u_old, problem_rhs);
+      problem_A = this->A;
+      problem_A *= this->tau;
+      // Use the old velocity as an initial iterate if possible
+      if (u_old_old_ptr) {
+        problem_iterate = this->u_old;
+        problem_iterate -= *u_old_old_ptr;
+        problem_iterate /= this->tau;
+      } else
+        problem_iterate = 0.0;
+      for (size_t i=0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
+        if (this->dirichletNodes[i].count() == dim) {
+          problem_iterate[i] = 0;
+          this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(this->time, problem_iterate[i][0]);
+        } else if (this->dirichletNodes[i][1])
+          problem_iterate[i][1] = 0; // Y direction prescribed
+    }
+    void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &solution) const
+    {
+      solution = this->u_old;
+      solution.axpy(this->tau, problem_iterate);
+    }
+    void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &velocity) const
+    {
+      velocity = problem_iterate;
+    }
+  private:
+    VectorType const *u_old_old_ptr;
+  };
+* TimeSteppingScheme: Implicit Two-Step
+#+begin_src latex :tangle twostep.tex :noweb yes
+  \documentclass{scrartcl}
+  \usepackage{amsmath}
+  \begin{document}
+  We start out with
+  \begin{align}
+    a(u_1, v - \dot u_1) + j(v) - j(\dot u_1) \ge \ell(v-\dot u_1)
+  \end{align}
+  With the two-step implicit scheme
+  \begin{equation*}
+    \tau \dot u_1 = \frac 32 u_1 - 2 u_0 + \frac 12 u_{-1}
+  \end{equation*}
+  or equivalently
+  \begin{equation*}
+    \frac 23 \left( \tau \dot u_1 + 2 u_0 - \frac 12 u_{-1} \right) = u_1
+  \end{equation*}
+  we obtain
+  \begin{equation*}
+    \frac 23 \tau a(\dot u_1, v - \dot u_1) + j(v) - j(\dot u_1) \ge \ell(v-\dot u_1) - a\left(\frac 43 u_0 - \frac 13 u_{-1}, v - \dot u_1\right)
+  \end{equation*}
+  \end{document}
+#+name: ImplicitTwoStep
+#+begin_src c++
+  template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
+  class ImplicitTwoStep : public TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>
+  {
+  public:
+    ImplicitTwoStep(VectorType const &_ell,
+                    MatrixType const &_A,
+                    VectorType const &_u_old,
+                    VectorType const *_u_old_old_ptr,
+                    Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
+                    FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction,
+                    double _time,
+                    double _tau)
+      : TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>
+        (_ell, _A, _u_old, _dirichletNodes, _dirichletFunction, _time, _tau),
+        u_old_old_ptr(_u_old_old_ptr)
+    {}
+    void virtual setup(VectorType &problem_rhs,
+                       VectorType &problem_iterate,
+                       MatrixType &problem_A) const
+    {
+      problem_rhs = this->ell;
+      this->A.usmv(-4.0/3.0,  this->u_old, problem_rhs);
+      this->A.usmv(+1.0/3.0, *u_old_old_ptr, problem_rhs);
+      problem_A = this->A;
+      problem_A *= 2.0/3.0 * this->tau;
+      // Use the old velocity as an initial iterate
+      problem_iterate = this->u_old;
+      problem_iterate -= *u_old_old_ptr;
+      problem_iterate /= this->tau;
+      for (size_t i=0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
+        if (this->dirichletNodes[i].count() == dim) {
+          problem_iterate[i] = 0;
+          this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(this->time, problem_iterate[i][0]);
+        } else if (this->dirichletNodes[i][1])
+          problem_iterate[i][1] = 0; // Y direction prescribed
+    }
+    void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &solution) const
+    {
+      solution = problem_iterate;
+      solution *= this->tau;
+      solution.axpy(2, this->u_old);
+      solution.axpy(-.5, *u_old_old_ptr);
+      solution *= 2.0/3.0;
+      // Check if we split correctly
+      {
+        VectorType test = problem_iterate;
+        test *= this->tau;
+        test.axpy(-1.5, solution);
+        test.axpy(+2, this->u_old);
+        test.axpy(-.5, *u_old_old_ptr);
+        assert(test.two_norm() < 1e-10);
+      }
+    }
+    void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &velocity) const
+    {
+      velocity = problem_iterate;
+    }
+  private:
+    VectorType const *u_old_old_ptr;
+  };
+* TimeSteppingScheme: Newmark
+#+begin_src latex :tangle newmark.tex :noweb yes
+  <<preamble>>
+  \noindent The Newmark scheme in its classical form with $\gamma = 1/2$
+  and $\beta = 1/4$ reads
+  \begin{align}
+    \label{eq:1} \dot u_1
+    &= \dot u_0 + \frac \tau 2 (\ddot u_0 + \ddot u_1 )\\
+    \label{eq:2} u_1
+    &= u_0 + \tau \dot u_0 + \frac {\tau^2}4 ( \ddot u_0 + \ddot u_1 )\text.
+    \intertext{We can also write \eqref{eq:1} as}
+    \label{eq:3} \ddot u_1
+    &= \frac 2\tau (\dot u_1 - \dot u_0) - \ddot u_0
+    \intertext{so that it yields}
+    \label{eq:4} u_1
+    &= u_0 + \tau \dot u_0 + \frac {\tau^2}4 \ddot u_0 + \frac {\tau^2}4 \left( \frac 2\tau (\dot u_1 - \dot u_0) - \ddot u_0\right)\\
+    &= u_0 + \tau \dot u_0 + \frac \tau 2 (\dot u_1 - \dot u_0)\nonumber\\
+    &= u_0 + \frac \tau 2 (\dot u_1 + \dot u_0)\nonumber
+  \end{align}
+  in conjunction with \eqref{eq:2}. If we now consider the EVI
+  \begin{align*}
+    b(\ddot u_1, v - \dot u_1) + a(u_1, v - \dot u_1) + j(v) - j(\dot u_1)
+    &\ge \ell (v - \dot u_1)
+    \intertext{with unknowns $u_1$, $\dot u_1$, and $\ddot u_1$, we first derive}
+    \frac 2\tau b(\dot u_1, v - \dot u_1) + a(u_1, v - \dot u_1) + j(v) - j(\dot u_1)
+    &\ge \ell (v - \dot u_1) + b\left(\frac 2\tau \dot u_0 + \ddot u_0, v - \dot u_1\right)
+    \intertext{from \eqref{eq:3} and then}
+    \frac 2\tau b(\dot u_1, v - \dot u_1) + \frac \tau 2 a(\dot u_1, v - \dot u_1) + j(v) - j(\dot u_1)
+    &\ge \ell (v - \dot u_1) + b\left(\frac 2\tau \dot u_0 + \ddot u_0, v - \dot u_1\right)\\
+    &\quad - a\left(u_0 + \frac \tau 2 \dot u_0, v - \dot u_1\right)
+  \end{align*}
+  from \eqref{eq:4}. The only unknown is now $\dot u_1$.
+  \end{document}
+#+name: Newmark
+#+begin_src c++
+  template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim>
+  class Newmark : public TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>
+  {
+  public:
+    Newmark(VectorType const &_ell,
+            MatrixType const &_A,
+            MatrixType const &_B,
+            VectorType const &_u_old,
+            VectorType const &_ud_old,
+            VectorType const &_udd_old,
+            Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
+            FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction,
+            double _time,
+            double _tau)
+      : TimeSteppingScheme<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>
+          (_ell, _A, _u_old, _dirichletNodes, _dirichletFunction, _time, _tau),
+      B(_B),
+      ud_old(_ud_old),
+      udd_old(_udd_old)
+    {}
+    void virtual
+    setup(VectorType &problem_rhs,
+          VectorType &problem_iterate,
+          MatrixType &problem_A) const
+    {
+      problem_rhs = this->ell;
+      /* */ B.usmv( 2.0/this->tau,      ud_old, problem_rhs);
+      /* */ B.usmv(           1.0,     udd_old, problem_rhs);
+      this->A.usmv(          -1.0, this->u_old, problem_rhs);
+      this->A.usmv(-this->tau/2.0,      ud_old, problem_rhs);
+      // For fixed tau, we'd only really have to do this once
+      problem_A  = this->A;
+      problem_A *= this->tau/2.0;
+      Arithmetic::addProduct(problem_A, 2.0/this->tau, B);
+      // ud_old makes a good initial iterate; we could use anything, though
+      problem_iterate = ud_old;
+      for (size_t i=0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
+        if (this->dirichletNodes[i].count() == dim) {
+          problem_iterate[i] = 0;
+          this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(this->time, problem_iterate[i][0]);
+        } else if (this->dirichletNodes[i][1])
+          problem_iterate[i][1] = 0; // Y direction prescribed
+    }
+    // u1 = u0 + tau/2 (du1 + du0)
+    void virtual extractSolution(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &solution) const
+    {
+      solution = this->u_old;
+      Arithmetic::addProduct(solution, this->tau / 2.0, problem_iterate); // ud
+      Arithmetic::addProduct(solution, this->tau / 2.0, ud_old);
+    }
+    void virtual extractVelocity(VectorType const &problem_iterate,
+                                 VectorType &velocity) const
+    {
+      velocity = problem_iterate;
+    }
+  private:
+    MatrixType const &B;
+    VectorType const &ud_old;
+    VectorType const &udd_old;
+  };
+* C++ code generation
+#+name: timestepping
+#+begin_src c++ :tangle timestepping.cc :noweb yes
+  <<includes>>
+  <<TimeSteppingScheme>>
+  <<ImplicitEuler>>
+  <<ImplicitTwoStep>>
+  <<Newmark>>