template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim> EulerPair<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>::EulerPair( MatrixType const &_A, MatrixType const &_M, VectorType const &_u_initial, VectorType const &_v_initial, Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes, FunctionType const &_dirichletFunction) : A(_A), M(_M), u(_u_initial), v(_v_initial), dirichletNodes(_dirichletNodes), dirichletFunction(_dirichletFunction) {} template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim> void EulerPair<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>::nextTimeStep() { v_o = v; u_o = u; } template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim> void EulerPair<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>::setup( VectorType const &ell, double _tau, double time, VectorType &problem_rhs, VectorType &problem_iterate, MatrixType &problem_AM) { postProcessCalled = false; tau = _tau; MatrixType const &C = A; double const wc = 0.0; /* We start out with the formulation M a + C v + A u = ell Backward Euler means a1 = 1.0/tau ( v1 - v0 ) u1 = tau v1 + u0 in summary, we get at time t=1 M [1.0/tau ( v1 - v0 )] + C v1 + A [tau v1 + u0] = ell or 1.0/tau M v1 + C v1 + tau A v1 = [1.0/tau M + C + tau A] v1 = ell + 1.0/tau M v0 - A u0 */ // set up LHS (for fixed tau, we'd only really have to do this once) { Dune::MatrixIndexSet indices(A.N(), A.M()); indices.import(A); indices.import(M); indices.import(C); indices.exportIdx(problem_AM); } problem_AM = 0.0; Arithmetic::addProduct(problem_AM, (1.0 - wc) / tau, M); Arithmetic::addProduct(problem_AM, wc, C); Arithmetic::addProduct(problem_AM, tau, A); // set up RHS { problem_rhs = ell; Arithmetic::addProduct(problem_rhs, (1.0 - wc) / tau, M, v_o); Arithmetic::subtractProduct(problem_rhs, A, u_o); } // v_o makes a good initial iterate; we could use anything, though problem_iterate = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < dirichletNodes.size(); ++i) switch (dirichletNodes[i].count()) { case 0: continue; case dim: problem_iterate[i] = 0; dirichletFunction.evaluate(time, problem_iterate[i][0]); break; case 1: if (dirichletNodes[i][0]) { dirichletFunction.evaluate(time, problem_iterate[i][0]); break; } if (dirichletNodes[i][1]) { problem_iterate[i][1] = 0; break; } assert(false); default: assert(false); } } template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim> void EulerPair<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>::postProcess( VectorType const &problem_iterate) { postProcessCalled = true; v = problem_iterate; u = u_o; Arithmetic::addProduct(u, tau, v); } template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim> void EulerPair<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>::extractDisplacement( VectorType &displacement) const { if (!postProcessCalled) DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "It seems you forgot to call postProcess!"); displacement = u; } template <class VectorType, class MatrixType, class FunctionType, int dim> void EulerPair<VectorType, MatrixType, FunctionType, dim>::extractVelocity( VectorType &velocity) const { if (!postProcessCalled) DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "It seems you forgot to call postProcess!"); velocity = v; }