\def\simulationtag{rfpitol=100e-7} \begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis group left, trim axis group right] \begin{groupplot}[ tick label style={font=\footnotesize}, label style={font=\small}, % group style={ y descriptions at = edge left, group size=3 by 1, horizontal sep=0.75cm }, height=4cm, width=4.5cm, % ytick={1,2,3}, yticklabels={experiment, simulation} ] % \nextgroupplot[semithick, xlabel = recurrence time, x unit = s, xmode=log, log ticks with fixed point, xtick={5,10,20,40}] \addplot[mark=+, boxplot={ box extend = 0.5 }] table[y index=0] {generated/boxplot-data:lab:recurrence.tex}; \addplot[mark=+, boxplot={ box extend = 0.5 }] table[y index=0] {generated/boxplot-data:simulation:\simulationtag:recurrence.tex}; % \nextgroupplot[semithick, xlabel = rupture width, x unit=m, xmin=0, xmax=0.4, extra x ticks = 0.2, extra x tick labels = , extra x tick style = { grid = major } ] \addplot[mark=+, boxplot={ box extend = 0.5 }] table[y index=0] {generated/boxplot-data:lab:ruptureWidth.tex}; \addplot[mark=+, boxplot={ box extend = 0.5 }] table[y index=0] {generated/boxplot-data:simulation:\simulationtag:ruptureWidth.tex}; % \nextgroupplot[semithick, xlabel = peak slip, x unit=mm, xmode=log, log ticks with fixed point, xtick={0.03, 0.06, 0.12}] \addplot[mark=+, boxplot={ box extend = 0.5 }] table[y index=0] {generated/boxplot-data:lab:peakSlip.tex}; \addplot[mark=+, boxplot={ box extend = 0.5 }] table[y index=0] {generated/boxplot-data:simulation:\simulationtag:peakSlip.tex}; \end{groupplot} \end{tikzpicture}