diff --git a/unisportomat/quiz/management/commands/seed_db.py b/unisportomat/quiz/management/commands/seed_db.py
index ded2a9140dbf7a9ca8de92726f4476b3dcde1434..f74da5c71fd93e54bb0802aa19914bdcc17fdf14 100644
--- a/unisportomat/quiz/management/commands/seed_db.py
+++ b/unisportomat/quiz/management/commands/seed_db.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from quiz.models import (
+    QuestionOrder,
@@ -171,3 +172,12 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
             k_s.text = text[1]
+        # Create Entries in the QuestionOrder DB
+        QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", 1)
+        QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("snack")
+        QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", 3)
+        QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("activity")
+        QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", 2)
+        QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", 4)
diff --git a/unisportomat/quiz/migrations/0007_questionorder.py b/unisportomat/quiz/migrations/0007_questionorder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4b79e3fc8d805ad67f5ada78891224a548ac43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unisportomat/quiz/migrations/0007_questionorder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2 on 2021-06-27 14:00
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('quiz', '0006_auto_20210612_1230'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='QuestionOrder',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('order_id', models.IntegerField(null=True)),
+                ('type_of_slot', models.TextField(choices=[('question', 'question'), ('snack', 'snack'), ('activity', 'activity')], default='snack')),
+                ('question_id', models.IntegerField(default=-1)),
+            ],
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/unisportomat/quiz/models.py b/unisportomat/quiz/models.py
index d582994f73b3de31d04f59e1a1e8d16539cf3ed8..5b7041cf454cb55e26483a8abefa6d1bee539bb4 100644
--- a/unisportomat/quiz/models.py
+++ b/unisportomat/quiz/models.py
@@ -92,3 +92,96 @@ class Question(models.Model):
     def __str__(self):
         return self.text
+class QuestionOrderManager(models.Manager):
+    """
+    Manages Handling of QuestionOrder Objects
+    Includes create_entry_at_end, which handles Creation of new Entries
+    and delete_entry, which deletes one entry and changes the order_id of the following entries
+    """
+    def create_entry_at_end(self, type_of_slot, question_id=None):
+        if type_of_slot == "question" and question_id is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A Question ID must be given if the Type of the Slot is Question"
+            )
+        elif type_of_slot not in ["question", "snack", "activity"]:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'{type_of_slot} not in valid choice list ["question", "snack", "activity"]'
+            )
+        entry = QuestionOrder()
+        entry.type_of_slot = type_of_slot
+        # If question_id is None, fill it out as -1, else take the question_id value
+        if entry.type_of_slot == "question":
+            entry.question_id = question_id
+        # If no Entry exists, highest_current_order is 0, otherwise highest order_id
+        if self.count() == 0:
+            highest_current_order = 0
+        else:
+            # "latest" returns highest value (normally used for dates, I believe)
+            highest_current_order = self.latest("order_id").order_id
+        entry.order_id = highest_current_order + 1
+        entry.save()
+        return entry
+    def delete_entry(self, given_order_id):
+        # Delete must be called on an instance, not a queryset
+        entry = self.get(order_id = given_order_id)
+        entry.delete()
+        larger_entries = self.filter(order_id__gte=given_order_id)
+        # The Primary Key of an Object cannot be changed, really, instead a new Object is created when the PK changes
+        # This means that we need to delete the original Object so that we only have the new pk
+        for entry in larger_entries.iterator():
+            entry.order_id = entry.order_id - 1
+            entry.save()
+    def delete_entry_by_question_id(self, given_question_id):
+        queryset = self.filter(question_id = given_question_id)
+        if queryset.count() == 0:
+            # If the Question doesn't exist in the Order, we don't need to do anything
+            return
+        # If the question is in the Order more than once for some reason, sweat not, we will delete them all
+        for entry in queryset.iterator():
+            self.delete_entry(entry.order_id)
+class QuestionOrder(models.Model):
+    """
+    Defines the order of the Questions, Snacks, and Activities given in the Quiz
+    Default Choice for type_of_slot is "snack" instead of "question",
+    because "snack" doesn't need a question_id and is therefore a safer choice
+    """
+    objects = QuestionOrderManager()
+    order_id = models.IntegerField(null=True)
+    type_of_slot = models.TextField(
+        choices=[
+            ("question", "question"),
+            ("snack", "snack"),
+            ("activity", "activity"),
+        ],
+        default="snack",
+    )
+    question_id = models.IntegerField(default=-1)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"Entry {self.order_id}: {self.type_of_slot}"
diff --git a/unisportomat/quiz/tests.py b/unisportomat/quiz/tests.py
index 542d2c5e8cfdd224a2307e24509f1a9717e94410..0a236a579eb49042c790d5fb375006c7e3a691c7 100644
--- a/unisportomat/quiz/tests.py
+++ b/unisportomat/quiz/tests.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from django.utils.translation import get_language, activate
 from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
 from django.conf import settings
 from .models import (
+    QuestionOrder,
@@ -379,3 +380,153 @@ class Modeltranslation_Two_Languages_Test(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(self.question.text, self.question.text_en)
         self.assertNotEqual(self.question.text, self.question.text_de)
+class QuestionOrder_Test(TestCase):
+    """
+    Tests the QuestionOrder Model and its Manager
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Sets up DB with Five Default Questions from seed_db
+        """
+        # Setup the Database with seeded values
+        call_command("seed_db", ["--yes", "--no-superuser"])
+        # We get Five Questions, that's all we need
+        # Also, we assume that we are working with an empty QuestionOrder Table
+        QuestionOrder.objects.all().delete()
+    def test_check_empty_oder_table(self):
+        """
+        Checks Whether Initial QuestionOrder Table is Empty
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 0)
+    def test_add_question_to_table(self):
+        """
+        Tests adding a Question to the Table
+        """
+        entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", question_id=2)
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.order_id, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.type_of_slot, "question")
+        self.assertEqual(entry.question_id, 2)
+    def test_add_snack_activity_to_table(self):
+        """
+        Tests adding a Snack and Activity to the Table
+        """
+        entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("snack")
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.order_id, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.type_of_slot, "snack")
+        self.assertEqual(entry.question_id, -1)
+        # Add Question_ID to activity to see whether it is correctly ignored
+        entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("activity", question_id=3)
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.order_id, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.type_of_slot, "activity")
+        self.assertEqual(entry.question_id, -1)
+    def test_autoincrementing_id(self):
+        """
+        When Entries are deleted, do the automatically generated PK-Fields reuse the IDs or do they stil increment?
+        """
+        # Create First and Second Entry
+        entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", question_id=1)
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.order_id, 1)
+        entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", question_id=2)
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.order_id, 2)
+        # Check Second Entry
+        most_recent_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.get(order_id=2)
+        self.assertEqual(most_recent_entry.order_id, 2)
+        # Delete Second Entry
+        QuestionOrder.objects.delete_entry(2)
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 1)
+        # Create Third Entry and Check whether the ID of the Second Entry is Reused (it should be)
+        entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end("question", question_id=3)
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(entry.order_id, 2)
+    def test_removing_entry_in_middle(self):
+        """
+        When an Entry in the Middle is Removed, the order_ids larger than the removed entry should be decremented
+        """
+        # Create Three Questions
+        first_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end(
+            "question", question_id=1
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(first_entry.order_id, 1)
+        second_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end(
+            "question", question_id=2
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(second_entry.order_id, 2)
+        third_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end(
+            "question", question_id=3
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(third_entry.order_id, 3)
+        # Use Custom Deletion Method to remove second Entry
+        QuestionOrder.objects.delete_entry(2)
+        # Check whether Question Higher than the deleted one went down one slot
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 2)
+        last_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.last()
+        self.assertEqual(last_entry.order_id, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(last_entry.question_id, 3)
+    def test_removing_entry_in_middle_by_question_id(self):
+        """
+        When an Entry in the Middle is Removed, the order_ids larger than the removed entry should be decremented
+        """
+        # Create Three Questions
+        first_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end(
+            "question", question_id=1
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(first_entry.order_id, 1)
+        second_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end(
+            "question", question_id=2
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(second_entry.order_id, 2)
+        third_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.create_entry_at_end(
+            "question", question_id=3
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(third_entry.order_id, 3)
+        # Use Custom Deletion Method to remove second Entry
+        QuestionOrder.objects.delete_entry_by_question_id(2)
+        # Check whether Question Higher than the deleted one went down one slot
+        self.assertEqual(QuestionOrder.objects.count(), 2)
+        last_entry = QuestionOrder.objects.last()
+        self.assertEqual(last_entry.order_id, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(last_entry.question_id, 3)