# Fahrtenbuch ## How to develop - Install modules for client and server: `cd client && npm i && cd ../server && npm i` - Create .env file from .env.example in server: `cp ./server/.env.example ./server/.env` - Build client: `cd client && npm run build` - Start development backend server: `cd server && npm run dev` This method supports hot-reload for the server but not for the client because the server serves the production build of React. To develop with hot-reload on both client and server, do this: - Start development backend server on port 4000: `cd server && npm run dev` - In a second terminal, start development client server on port 3000: `cd client && npm start` - Open the client on `localhost:3000`. API requests from the client now get proxied to the backend dev server as specified in the client's package.json under "proxy".