diff --git a/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py b/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py
index e2710c5981466dfb83c3b247d2ba6f682595b4a1..4ae3f8703d31677c183fa0185f40d15ac447d100 100644
--- a/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py
+++ b/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+"""This module represents a approximation algorithm for the optimal packing of convex polygons.
+The guideline and heart of this algorithm is the paper:
+    Alt H., de Berg M., Knauer C. (2015)
+    Approximating Minimum-Area Rectangular and Convex Containers for Packing Convex Polygons.
+    In: Bansal N., Finocchi I. (eds) Algorithms - ESA 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
+    vol 9294. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48350-3_3
+    DOI:
+        https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48350-3_3
 import copy
 import numpy
 import math
diff --git a/mysite/plots/polygon_creator.py b/mysite/plots/polygon_creator.py
index 00d5518aaa0ba73a8cd667f823328c847a62c60b..2f8a278c25eb6f7194c01639baabb13363e32f99 100644
--- a/mysite/plots/polygon_creator.py
+++ b/mysite/plots/polygon_creator.py
@@ -1,18 +1,47 @@
-# Zerlegen des Polygons
-#import import_ipynb
+This module can cut a rectangular with known area into random convex polygons.
+These convex polygons can be packed with the  approximation algorithm from the module packing_algo.py.
+The purpose is to compare the area between the packed container and the optimal rectangular area.
-# Voronoi diagramm
-import scipy.spatial as spatial
-from collections import defaultdict
+This module has two different algorithm to cut the rectangular into convex polygons.
+import scipy.spatial as spatial  # package with voronoi diagramm
 import random
 import numpy
-from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
+from shapely.geometry import Polygon
 from .packing_algo import ConvexPolygon, Point_xy, plot_polygons_in_single_plot
 def rectangle_cutter(rect_width: float, rect_height: float, cut_count: int, intervals=[0, 0.01, 0.05, 1],
                      weights=[0, 0, 0.5, 1], render=False,
                      plot_width=700, plot_height=700) -> [ConvexPolygon]:
+    """Cuts the given rectangle into several convex polygons
+    Workflow of the algorithm:
+        0. Check the convex polygon area and assign it to his interval, every interval has his own weight partner which
+           represent the chance to cut the convex polygon.
+           Weight 0.5 means a 50%, weight 1.0 means a 100% chance that the polygon goes threw steps 1-4 which means
+           it will be cut into two new convex polygons.
+        1. Chooses two random viable edges.
+        2. Takes a random point from each edge chosen in step 1
+        3. Builds the shortest distance between the points chosen in step 2
+        4. The distance in step 3 is the border which cuts the old convex polygon into two new ones.
+        5. Step 0-4 will repeated until the cut_count is 0 or all polygons stopped to get cut because of step 0.
+    Args:
+        rect_width (float): the width of the starting rectangular
+        rect_height (float): the height of the starting rectangular
+        cut_count (int): the maximal cut count, example cut_count=5 means 2^5 convex polygons as result
+                         which would be the the best case where every convex polygon cut decision was True
+        intervals ([float]): the area intervals which sort the convex polygons into different weigh groups
+        weights ([float]): the weights which represent the chance that a polygon will be cut
+        render (bool): if True the cut steps will also be rendered else not
+        plot_width (int): the width of the plot objects
+        plot_height (int): the height of the plot objects
+    Returns:
+        all_polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): all cut convex polygons
+    """
     if len(intervals) != len(weights):
         raise ValueError("the number of values from weights and intervals need to be the same")
     rectangle_polygon = ConvexPolygon([(0, 0), (0, rect_height), (rect_width, rect_height), (rect_width, 0), (0, 0)])
@@ -22,17 +51,17 @@ def rectangle_cutter(rect_width: float, rect_height: float, cut_count: int, inte
     if cut_count < 0:
         raise ValueError("the cut cut_count need to be positive to cut the polygon")
     while cut_count > 0 and len(polygons_to_cut) > 0:
-        cutted_polygons = []
+        cut_polygons = []
         for polygon in polygons_to_cut:
             related_area = polygon.area / max_area
             weight = find_weight(related_area, intervals, weights)
             rand = random.random()
             if rand <= weight:
-                cutted_polygons = cutted_polygons + cut_polygon(polygon)
+                cut_polygons = cut_polygons + cut_polygon(polygon)
                 polygon.plot_fill = True
-        polygons_to_cut = cutted_polygons
+        polygons_to_cut = cut_polygons
         cut_count = cut_count - 1
         if render:
             current_polygons = polygons_to_cut + small_area_polygons
@@ -47,17 +76,42 @@ def rectangle_cutter(rect_width: float, rect_height: float, cut_count: int, inte
     return all_polygons
-def find_weight(x, intervals, weights):
+def find_weight(area: float, intervals: [float], weights: [float]) -> float:
+    """Finds the cut chance for the input area
+    Args:
+        area (float): the input area
+        intervals ([float]): the intervals in which the input area can fall
+        weights ([float]): the cut chances for every interval
+    Returns:
+        weights[index] (float): the cut chance for the input area
+    """
     for index in range(0, len(intervals)):
-        if x <= intervals[index]:
+        if area <= intervals[index]:
             return weights[index]
 def cut_polygon(polygon: ConvexPolygon) -> [ConvexPolygon]:
-    polygon = polygon.shell  # polyog
+    """Cuts a ConvexPolygon into two new ConvexPolygons
+    Steps:
+        1. Chooses two random edges from the input polygon
+        2. Takes a random point from each edge chosen in step 1
+        3. Builds the shortest distance between the points chosen in step 2
+        4. The distance in step 3 is the border which cuts the old convex polygon into two new ones.
+    Args:
+        polygon (ConvexPolygon): the convex input polygon which will be cut
+    Returns:
+        [ConvexPolygon(polygon_1), ConvexPolygon(polygon_2)]([ConvexPolygon]): two new ConvexPolygons
+    """
+    polygon = polygon.shell
     number_vertices = len(polygon)
     if number_vertices < 3:
         raise ValueError("Polygon has not enough vertices")
+    # Step 1 in the cut_polygon description
     first_edge = numpy.random.randint(1, number_vertices)
     second_edge = numpy.random.randint(1, number_vertices)
     while first_edge == second_edge:
@@ -68,17 +122,26 @@ def cut_polygon(polygon: ConvexPolygon) -> [ConvexPolygon]:
     vertex_2_first_edge = polygon[first_edge]
     vertex_1_second_edge = polygon[second_edge - 1]
     vertex_2_second_edge = polygon[second_edge]
+    # Step 2-4 in the cut_polygon description
     new_vertex_1 = random_point_between_edge(vertex_1_first_edge, vertex_2_first_edge)
     new_vertex_2 = random_point_between_edge(vertex_1_second_edge, vertex_2_second_edge)
     polygon_1 = polygon[:first_edge] + [new_vertex_1] + [new_vertex_2] + polygon[second_edge:]
     polygon_2 = [new_vertex_1] + polygon[first_edge:second_edge] + [new_vertex_2] + [new_vertex_1]
-    #  s = [1,2,5,6,7] ,s[6:] => []; daher können wir für den spezial Fall second_edge== vertices_number so vorgehen
     return [ConvexPolygon(polygon_1), ConvexPolygon(polygon_2)]
 def random_point_between_edge(vertex_1: Point_xy, vertex_2: Point_xy) -> Point_xy:
-    new_vertex = (0, 0)
+    """Returns a random point from an edge, the edge is build by the two input points
+    Uses the equation of a straight line to return a random point from the edge.
+    Args:
+        vertex_1 (Point_xy): the first input vertex/point
+        vertex_2 (Point_xy): the second input vertex/point
+    Returns:
+        new_vertex (Point_xy): the random point on the edge
+    """
     if vertex_1[0] == vertex_2[0]:
         low, high = vertex_1[1], vertex_2[1]
         if low > high:
@@ -92,11 +155,8 @@ def random_point_between_edge(vertex_1: Point_xy, vertex_2: Point_xy) -> Point_x
         rand_number = numpy.random.uniform(low, high)
         new_vertex = (rand_number, vertex_1[1])
-        # y = m*x+n
-        # n = y-m*x
-        slope = (vertex_1[1] - vertex_2[1]) / (vertex_1[0] - vertex_2[
-            0])  # m = y2-y1/x2-x1 Formel für die Geradensteigung mithilfe aus zwei verschiedenen Punkten der Geraden
-        n = vertex_1[1] - (slope * vertex_1[0])
+        slope = (vertex_1[1] - vertex_2[1]) / (vertex_1[0] - vertex_2[0])  # m = y2-y1/x2-x1
+        n = vertex_1[1] - (slope * vertex_1[0])  # n = y-m*x
         low, high = vertex_1[1], vertex_2[1]
         if low > high:
             low, high = high, low
@@ -106,9 +166,36 @@ def random_point_between_edge(vertex_1: Point_xy, vertex_2: Point_xy) -> Point_x
     return new_vertex
-# https://gist.github.com/pv/8036995
-# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20515554/colorize-voronoi-diagram/20678647#20678647
-def voronoi_polygons_wrapper(rect_width, rect_height, point_count):
+def voronoi_polygons_wrapper(rect_width: float, rect_height: float, point_count: int) -> [ConvexPolygon]:
+    """Cuts the input rectangle into voronoi cell polygons (they are convex)
+    Steps:
+        1. Creates n random points in the rectangle area, where n = point_count
+        2. Adds 4 distant dummy points which are far away from the rectangular to the random created points in steps 1,
+           the purpose of the dummy points is to be sure that the voronoi diagram is bigger than the rectangular, which
+           is important for step 4
+        3. creating the voronoi diagram with the scipy.spatial package
+        4. Intersect the voronoi regions which are not infinite with the input rectangular these intersections are the
+           cut convex polygons. The intersection is done with shapely package.
+    Help/Idea:
+        Using the scipy.spatial package for the voronoi diagram:
+            https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.Voronoi.html
+        The idea with the dummy elements is from:
+            https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20515554/colorize-voronoi-diagram
+        Using the shapely package for the intersection between the input rectangle and finite voronoi regions:
+            https://pypi.org/project/Shapely/
+    Args:
+        rect_width (float): the width of the input rectangle
+        rect_height (float): the height of the input rectangle
+        point_count (int): the number of random points which will created in the rectangle area, every point create a
+                           convex polygon
+    Returns:
+        polygon_list ([ConvexPolygon]): list of voronoi polygons cut from the input rectangle
+    """
     boundary = numpy.array([[0, 0], [0, rect_height], [rect_width, rect_height], [rect_width, 0], [0, 0]])
     boundary_polygon = Polygon(boundary)
@@ -121,14 +208,14 @@ def voronoi_polygons_wrapper(rect_width, rect_height, point_count):
     help_border = [[border_point, border_point], [-border_point, border_point], [border_point, -border_point],
                    [-border_point, -border_point]]
     points = numpy.append(points, help_border, axis=0)
-    # compute Voronoi tesselation
+    # compute voronoi tesselation
     vor = spatial.Voronoi(points)
     polygon_list = []
     for region in vor.regions:
         if not -1 in region:
             polygon = [vor.vertices[i] for i in region]
             if len(polygon) > 2:
-                # Clipping polygon
+                # clipping the voronoi cell an creating a convex polygon
                 poly = Polygon(polygon)
                 clipped_poly = poly.intersection(boundary_polygon)
@@ -136,6 +223,17 @@ def voronoi_polygons_wrapper(rect_width, rect_height, point_count):
 def pre_decimal_finder(i: float) -> int:
+    """Gives the number of pre_decimal places
+    This function helps to build the 4 voronoi dummy points which need to be far away from the rectangular which will
+    cut into voronoi cells.
+    Args:
+        i (float): the input value
+    Returns:
+        counter (int): the number of pre_decimal places
+    """
     if i < 0:
         i = abs(i)
     counter = 0