From 7b8b3cf96fde7b400a178abd08008786dfc74008 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tolga Yurtseven <>
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 20:52:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] commenting and added docs strings until the rectangular

 mysite/plots/ |   4 +-
 mysite/plots/    | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 mysite/plots/            |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 229 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mysite/plots/ b/mysite/plots/
index 98d1c7d8..5ccbd19a 100644
--- a/mysite/plots/
+++ b/mysite/plots/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # import pandas as pd
-# from .packing_algo import ConvexPolygon, pack_polygons, truncate, End_Container, plot_containers, ConvexContainer
+# from .packing_algo import ConvexPolygon, pack_polygons, truncate, RectangularContainer, plot_containers, ConvexContainer
 # from .polygon_creator import voronoi_polygons_wrapper, rectangle_cutter
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 #                                  'angle_0_area/opt_area': angle_0_area_div_list,
 #                                  'angle_0_not_clipped_area/opt_area': angle_0_not_clipped_area_div_list,
 #                                  'opt-area': opt_area_list, 'polygon count': polygon_count_list,
-#                                  'mini-container count': mini_container_count_list, 'end-container': end_container_list}
+#                                  'mini-container count': mini_container_count_list, 'Rectangular-Container': end_container_list}
 #     return rect_containers_data_dict
diff --git a/mysite/plots/ b/mysite/plots/
index 62eff063..4c05687e 100644
--- a/mysite/plots/
+++ b/mysite/plots/
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ class ConvexPolygon(object):
             slope = truncate(self.__slope, 1)
         x_data = self.__x_values
         y_data = self.__y_values
-        TOOLTIPS = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
+        tooltips = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
         if title == "":
             title = 'height: {}  slope: {}'.format(height, slope)
             title = '{}  height: {}  slope: {}'.format(title, height, slope)
         fig = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', width=plot_width, height=plot_height,
-                     tooltips=TOOLTIPS, )
+                     tooltips=tooltips, )
         if self.plot_fill:
             poly_fig = fig.patch(x_data, y_data, line_width=1, color=color, alpha=0.9, line_alpha=1, muted_alpha=0.05)
@@ -381,17 +381,20 @@ class HighClass(object):
 class Container(object):
     """Container which holds the packed polygons from one HighClass
-    Attributes:
-        hc (HighClass): reference to HighClass object
+    The Container has fixed height which is dependent from the HighClass max_boundary.
+    The polygon which will get packed (included/translated) will be in ascending order according to their spine value.
         hc (HighClass): reference to HighClass object
-        y_boundary (float): y coordinate boundary for the container
+        y_boundary (float): y coordinate boundary for the container dependent of the High_Class max_boundary
         x_boundary (float): x coordinate boundary fot the container
         Tree (Tree): avl-tree data structure
         root (TreeNode): the root of the avl-tree datastructure
         sigma ([ConvexPolygon]): the list of packed convex polygons from the HighClass
         plot_steps ([Figure]): list of steps which are done to pack the container as plot objects
+    Attributes:
+        hc (HighClass): reference to HighClass object
     def __init__(self, hc: HighClass) -> None:
         self.hc = hc
@@ -482,8 +485,8 @@ class Container(object):
                     self.root = self.Tree.insert_node(self.root, vertex[1], vertex, vertex_neighbour)
                 self.x_boundary += polygon.width
-                plot_steps.append(
-                    self.plot_container(sigma_plot_helper, render=False, title="Step {}".format(step_counter)))
+                plot_steps.append(self.plot_container(sigma_plot_helper, render=False,
+                                                      title="Step {}".format(step_counter)))
                 step_counter += 1
                 transform_x = (self.x_boundary + abs(polygon.min_x)) + 10
@@ -533,17 +536,34 @@ class Container(object):
     def plot_container(self, sigma=None, r_l_distances=None, l_r_distances=None, min_distance=None, render=True,
                        title="", box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple=None) -> Figure:
-        # sigma als argument statt self.sigma dient dazu auch zwischen schritte plotten zu lassen
+        """Creates a plot object of the actual container
+        Args:
+            sigma ([ConvexPolygon]): ConvexPolygons which are already packed into the container
+            r_l_distances ([(Point_xy, float)]): the tuples represent the vertices visible from left of the polygon
+                                                 to pack and their distances to the corresponding edges
+            l_r_distances ([(Point_xy, float)]): the tuples represent the vertices visible from right of all already
+                                                 packed polygons and their distances to the corresponding edges
+            min_distance (float): the minimal distance from all distances right to left and left to right
+            render (bool): if True the plot will be also rendered else not
+            title (str): the title of the plot default ""
+            box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple (([float],[color])): the boundary x values for the boxes and their
+                                                                     background color, the boxes will later be
+                                                                     extended to the mini-containers
+        Returns:
+            fig (Figure): a plot object of the container
+        """
         legend_items = []
         legend_polygons = []
         legend_spine = []
         legend_lr = []
         legend_rl = []
         legend_vertices = []
-        if sigma == None:
+        if sigma is None:
             sigma = self.sigma
-        TOOLTIPS = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
-        fig = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', tooltips=TOOLTIPS, toolbar_location="left")
+        tooltips = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
+        fig = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', tooltips=tooltips, toolbar_location="left")
+        # builds the polygon plots
         for counter, polygon in enumerate(sigma):
             x_values = polygon.x_values
             y_values = polygon.y_values
@@ -557,7 +577,10 @@ class Container(object):
             spine_fig = fig.line(x_spine, y_spine, line_color="red", line_width=1, alpha=0.01, muted_color="red",
-        if box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple != None:
+        # mark the boxes  with their background color, these boxes will later be extend to mini-containers
+        if title == "":
+            fig.title.text = 'Hc_{}-Container height: {} '.format(self.hc.i, truncate(self.y_boundary, 1))
+        if box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple is not None:
             box_boundarys_x_values = box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple[0]
             background_c_list = box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple[1]
             for counter, boundary in enumerate(box_boundarys_x_values[0:-1]):
@@ -566,11 +589,8 @@ class Container(object):
                                           right=next_boundary, fill_color=background_c_list[counter], fill_alpha=0.1)
                 fig.line([next_boundary, next_boundary], [0, self.y_boundary], line_dash="dotted")
-            fig.title.text = 'Hc-Container{}  height: {}  -> Mini Containers'.format(self.hc.i,
-                                                                                     truncate(self.y_boundary, 1))
-        if title == "":
-            fig.title.text = 'Hc-Container{} height: {} '.format(self.hc.i, truncate(self.y_boundary, 1))
-        if r_l_distances != None:
+            fig.title.text = 'Hc_{}-Container to Mini Containers'.format(self.hc.i, truncate(self.y_boundary, 1))
+        if r_l_distances is not None:
             for vertex_distance_tuple in r_l_distances:
                 vertex_r = vertex_distance_tuple[0]
                 distance = vertex_distance_tuple[1]
@@ -591,7 +611,7 @@ class Container(object):
-        if l_r_distances != None:
+        if l_r_distances is not None:
             for vertex_distance_tuple in l_r_distances:
                 vertex_l = vertex_distance_tuple[0]
                 distance = vertex_distance_tuple[1]
@@ -617,9 +637,9 @@ class Container(object):
                                 [0, 0, self.y_boundary, self.y_boundary, 0], line_color="black", alpha=0.7,
                                 line_width=1, muted_alpha=0.2, )
         legend_items.append(("spine", legend_spine))
-        if l_r_distances != None:
+        if l_r_distances is not None:
             legend_items.append(("distance-lr", legend_lr))
-        if r_l_distances != None:
+        if r_l_distances is not None:
             legend_items.append(("distance-rl", legend_rl))
         legend_items.append(("boundary", [fig_boundary]))
         legend_items.append(("vertices", legend_vertices))
@@ -632,11 +652,23 @@ class Container(object):
         return fig
     def plot_container_steps(self, render=True, colums=2, plot_width=600, plot_height=600) -> Column:
+        """Build a plot object which includes all container packing steps/plots
+        This plot is a grid plot, which means that it is result of merging several plots.
+        Args:
+            render (bool): If True the plot will be rendered else not
+            colums (int): the number of colums in which the packing steps are listed
+            plot_width (int): the width of the single plot objects
+            plot_height (int): the height of the single plot objects
+        Returns:
+            grid_layout(Column): A plot object with all packing steps inside
+        """
         grid = gridplot(self.plot_steps, ncols=colums, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height,
         min_border = (int(self.hc.min_border * 10)) / 10
         max_border = (int(self.hc.max_border * 10)) / 10
-        # text="<b>Hc_{}&nbsp;&nbsp;height:&nbsp;{}-{}&nbsp;&nbsp;alpha: {}<b>
         title = Div(
             text="<b>Highclass Container&nbsp{},&nbspPolygon&nbspheight:&nbsp{}-{} <b>".format(self.hc.i, min_border,
@@ -646,29 +678,63 @@ class Container(object):
         return grid_layout
-class Mini_Container(object):
+class MiniContainer(object):
+    """An object which holds the polygons from a container box
+    The Container which got packed/build from a HighClass got "theoretically" divided  into boxes. A mini-container is
+    an extension of the width of one these boxes.
+    The purpose is to have mini-containers with fixed widths so they easily can be stacked, when the
+    RectengularContainer is build.
+    Args:
+        max_width (float): is the maximum width for all mini-containers which will be created
+                           formula:= (c+1)* max_width_of_all_polygons_to_pack
+        max_height (float): the y boundary of the Container which was divided into the boxes
+        max_polygon_width (float): is the value of the max_width_of_all_polygons_to_pack
+        hc_i (int): the number of the HighClass starting at 0, hc_0 would be the first HighClass
+        c (float): c = 2.214 helps to build the mini-container max_width for more information look into the paper
+    Attributes:
+        max_polygon_width (float): the value of the max_width_of_all_polygons_to_pack
+        current_right_boundary (float): the biggest x coordinate value of all the polygons in the mini-container
+        height (float): the biggest y coordinate value of all the polygons in the mini-container
+        hc_i (int): the number of the HighClass starting at 0, hc_0 would be the first HighClass
+        max_height (float): the y boundary of the Container which was divided into the boxes
+        max_width (float): is the maximum width for all mini-containers which will be created
+                           formula:= (c+1)* max_width_of_all_polygons_to_pack
+        c (float): c = 2.214 helps to build the mini-container max_width for more information look into the paper
+        polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): Convex polygons which are in the mini-container
+        y_offset (float): offset which helps to stack the mini-container to the  RectangularContainer
+    """
     def __init__(self, max_width: float, max_height: float, max_polygon_width: float, hc_i: int, c=2.214) -> None:
         self.max_polygon_width = max_polygon_width
         self.current_right_boundary = 0
         self.height = 0
         self.hc_i = hc_i
-        self.hc_height = max_height
+        self.max_height = max_height
         self.max_width = max_width
         self.c = c
         self.polygons = []
         self.y_offset = 0
-        self.plot_steps = []
     def plot_container(self, render=True, title="", background_c=None) -> Figure:
+        """Creates a plot object of the mini-container
+        Args:
+            render (bool): if True the mini-container is also rendered else not
+            title (str): the title of the plot
+            background_c (str): a color for the plot background
+        Returns:
+            fig (Figure): a plot object of the mini-container
+        """
         y_offset = self.y_offset
         legend_polygons = []
         legend_spine = []
-        legend_lr = []
-        legend_rl = []
         legend_vertices = []
-        TOOLTIPS = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
-        fig = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', tooltips=TOOLTIPS, toolbar_location="left")
-        if background_c != None:
+        tooltips = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
+        fig = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', tooltips=tooltips, toolbar_location="left")
+        if background_c is not None:
             color_box = BoxAnnotation(left=0, right=self.max_width, bottom=y_offset,
                                       top=y_offset + self.height, fill_color=background_c,
@@ -707,69 +773,142 @@ class Mini_Container(object):
         return fig
-class End_Container(object):
-    def __init__(self, mini_container_array: [Mini_Container], angle=0) -> None:
+class RectangularContainer(object):
+    """The RectangularContainer which holds the packed polygons which are the result of the packing algorithm,
+    For building the RectangularContainer all the MiniContainers will be stacked on each other.
+    Args:
+        mini_container_array ([MiniContainer]): the mini-container to pack
+        angle (int): the angle of the RectangularContainer default=0°, will be used for optimizations and to build the
+                     convex-container
+    Attributes:
+        mini_containers ([MiniContainer]): the mini containers in their final position
+        initial_mini_containers ([MiniContainer]): a redundant copy of all mini-container in their initial position
+        polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): the result of the packing algorithm all start polygons packed
+        x_boundary (float): the x boundary of the RectangularContainer
+        y_boundary (float): the y boundary of the RectangularContainer
+        container_not_clipped_area (float): the area of the RectangularContainer without clipping/optimization,
+                                            optimizations are clipping the mini-containers y boundary to the highest
+                                            vertex of all polygons inside the MiniContainer instead of using the
+                                            HighClass boundary of the MiniContainer.
+                                            Another optimization is to clip the RectangularContainer x boundary to
+                                            the rightest vertex of all polygons inside the RectangularContainer instead
+                                            of using the MiniContainer x boundary.
+        polygon_shells ([[Point_xy]]): a list of all packed polygon shells
+        x_values_border ([float]): the x values of the RectangularContainer border
+        y_values_border ([float]): the y values of the RectangularContainer border
+        container_area (float): the optimized/clipped container area
+        angle (int): the angle of the RectangularContainer default=0°, will be used for optimizations and to build the
+                     convex-container
+        plot_steps_all (Tabs): plot object with all steps to pack the RectangularContainer with tabs
+    """
+    def __init__(self, mini_container_array: [MiniContainer], angle=0) -> None:
         self.mini_containers = copy.deepcopy(mini_container_array)
         self.initial_mini_containers = mini_container_array
-        self.polygons, self.max_width, self.max_height, self.container_not_clipped_area = self.pack_container()
+        self.polygons, self.x_boundary, self.y_boundary, self.container_not_clipped_area = self.pack_container()
         self.polygon_shells = self.collect_polygon_shells()
-        self.x_values_border = [0, 0, self.max_width, self.max_width, 0]
-        self.y_values_border = [0, self.max_height, self.max_height, 0, 0]
-        self.container_area = self.max_width * self.max_height
+        self.x_values_border = [0, 0, self.x_boundary, self.x_boundary, 0]
+        self.y_values_border = [0, self.y_boundary, self.y_boundary, 0, 0]
+        self.container_area = self.x_boundary * self.y_boundary
         self.angle = angle
         self.plot_steps_all = None
     def collect_polygon_shells(self):
+        """Collects the polygon shells of the packed polygons
+        Returns:
+            polygon_shells ([[Point_xy]]): a list of all packed polygon shells
+        """
         polygon_shells = []
         for polygon in self.polygons:
         return polygon_shells
     def pack_container(self) -> ([ConvexPolygon], float, float):
-        y_offset = 0
-        end_c_polygons = []
-        container_polygon_boundary_width = 0
+        """Stacks the mini-containers and build the RectangularContainer
+        Returns:
+            rect_c_polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): packed polygons
+            x_boundary (float): x boundary of the RectangularContainer
+            y_boundary (float): the y boundary of the RectangularContainer
+            container_not_clipped_area (float): area of the not clipped RectangularContainer
+        """
+        x_boundary = 0
+        y_boundary = 0
+        rect_c_polygons = []
         container_not_clipped_area = 0
         for mini_container in self.mini_containers:
-            container_not_clipped_area += mini_container.max_width * mini_container.hc_height
+            container_not_clipped_area += mini_container.max_width * mini_container.max_height
             for polygon in mini_container.polygons:
-                polygon.translation(0, y_offset)
-            mini_container.y_offset = y_offset
-            y_offset += mini_container.height
-            end_c_polygons = end_c_polygons + mini_container.polygons
-            if container_polygon_boundary_width < mini_container.current_right_boundary:
-                container_polygon_boundary_width = mini_container.current_right_boundary
-        return (end_c_polygons, container_polygon_boundary_width, y_offset, container_not_clipped_area)
+                polygon.translation(0, y_boundary)
+            mini_container.y_offset = y_boundary
+            y_boundary += mini_container.height
+            rect_c_polygons = rect_c_polygons + mini_container.polygons
+            if x_boundary < mini_container.current_right_boundary:
+                x_boundary = mini_container.current_right_boundary
+        return rect_c_polygons, x_boundary, y_boundary, container_not_clipped_area
     def plot_polygons(self, title="", plot_width=500, plot_height=500, render=True) -> Figure:
+        """Creates a plot object for all packed polygons
+        Args:
+            title (str): title of the plot
+            plot_width (int): the width of the plot figure
+            plot_height (int): the height of the plot figure
+            render (bool): if True the plot object will be rendered else not
+        Returns:
+            fig (Figure): plot object with all packed polygons
+        """
         if title == "":
-            title = 'End-Container  area: {}  not-clipped-area: {}   angle:{}'.format(truncate(self.container_area, 1),
-                                                                                      truncate(
-                                                                                          self.container_not_clipped_area,
-                                                                                          1), self.angle)
+            title = 'Rectangular-Container  area: {}  not-clipped-area: {}   ' \
+                    'angle:{}'.format(truncate(self.container_area, 1), truncate(self.container_not_clipped_area, 1),
+                                      self.angle)
         fig = plot_polygons_in_single_plot(self.polygons, title=title, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height,
                                            render=render, border=(self.x_values_border, self.y_values_border))
         return fig
-    def plot_steps(self, render=True):
+    def plot_steps(self, render=True) -> Tabs:
+        """Plot object with all steps needed to pack the RectangularContainer
+        Args:
+            render (bool): if True the plot object will be rendered else not
+        Returns:
+            plot_steps_all (Tabs): plot object with all steps to pack the RectangularContainer with tabs
+        """
         if render:
         return self.plot_steps_all
     def plot_container(self, title="", plot_width=600, plot_height=600, solo_box_border=False, render=True,
                        reverse_legend=True) -> Figure:
+        """Plot object with all stacked mini-containers with background colors
+        Args:
+            title (str): title of the plot
+            plot_width (int): plot width
+            plot_height (int): plot height
+            solo_box_border (bool): if True shows for every mini-container an own x boundary which is build by the
+                                    rightest polygon in this mini-container
+            render (bool): if True the plot object will be rendered else not
+            reverse_legend (bool): if True the legend of the plot will be reversed else not
+        Returns:
+            fig (Figure): plot object with all stacked mini-containers with background colors
+        """
         legend_mini_containers = []
         legend_spine = []
-        legend_lr = []
-        legend_rl = []
         legend_items = []
         legend_vertices = []
-        TOOLTIPS = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
+        tooltips = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
         if title == "":
-            title = 'End-Container   area: {}   not-clipped-area: {}   angle:{}'.format(
+            title = 'Rectangular-Container   area: {}   not-clipped-area: {}   angle:{}'.format(
                 truncate(self.container_area, 1), truncate(self.container_not_clipped_area, 1), self.angle)
         fig = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', width=plot_width, height=plot_height,
-                     toolbar_location="left", tooltips=TOOLTIPS)
+                     toolbar_location="left", tooltips=tooltips)
         y_offset = 0
         colors = itertools.cycle(palette)
         for counter, mini_container in enumerate(self.mini_containers):
@@ -792,9 +931,9 @@ class End_Container(object):
             if solo_box_border:
                 mini_box_border = mini_container.current_right_boundary
-                fig.title.text = 'End-Container mini-containers with solo boundarys'
+                fig.title.text = 'Rectangular-Container mini-containers with solo boundaries'
-                mini_box_border = self.max_width
+                mini_box_border = self.x_boundary
             color_box = BoxAnnotation(left=0, right=mini_box_border, bottom=mini_container.y_offset,
                                       top=mini_container.y_offset + mini_container.height, fill_color=color,
@@ -824,15 +963,15 @@ class ConvexContainer(object):
     def __init__(self, polygons: [ConvexPolygon], steps=90, build_plots=True) -> None:
         self.angle_0_end_container = pack_polygons(polygons)
         self.angle_0_end_container_polygons = self.angle_0_end_container.polygons
-        self.rotate_center = (self.angle_0_end_container.max_width / 2, self.angle_0_end_container.max_height / 2)
-        self.rotated_end_container_list = []  # Liste aller Endcontainer
+        self.rotate_center = (self.angle_0_end_container.x_boundary / 2, self.angle_0_end_container.y_boundary / 2)
+        self.rotated_end_container_list = []  # Liste aller RectangularContainer
         self.rotated_container_plots = []
         self.back_rotated_polygons_plots = []
         self.smallest_end_container, self.polygons, self.angle, self.area = self.find_convex_container(steps,
         self.polygon_shells = self.collect_polygon_shells()
-        self.width = self.smallest_end_container.max_width
-        self.height = self.smallest_end_container.max_height
+        self.width = self.smallest_end_container.x_boundary
+        self.height = self.smallest_end_container.y_boundary
         self.boundarys_x_values, self.boundarys_y_values = self.set_boundarys()
         self.plot_steps_all = self.build_plot_steps()
@@ -843,7 +982,7 @@ class ConvexContainer(object):
         rotated_c = self.plot_rotated_containers(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
-        rotated_c_tab = Panel(child=rotated_c, title="Rotated-End-Containers")
+        rotated_c_tab = Panel(child=rotated_c, title="Rotated-Rectangular-Containers")
         back_rotated_c = self.plot_back_rotated_polygons(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
@@ -861,7 +1000,7 @@ class ConvexContainer(object):
         return self.plot_steps_all
-    def find_convex_container(self, steps: int, build_plots=True) -> (End_Container, [ConvexPolygon], int, float):
+    def find_convex_container(self, steps: int, build_plots=True) -> (RectangularContainer, [ConvexPolygon], int, float):
         list_of_area = []
         polygons = []
         for angle in range(0, 360, steps):
@@ -870,8 +1009,8 @@ class ConvexContainer(object):
             # rotated_end_container.angle=angle
-            if build_plots:  # das Flag ist aus Performance gründen da sonst wird jeder End Container zurück rotiert
-                title = 'End-Container  area: {}  not-clipped-area: {} angle: {}'.format(
+            if build_plots:  # das Flag ist aus Performance gründen da sonst wird jeder Rectangular-Container zurück rotiert
+                title = 'Rectangular-Container  area: {}  not-clipped-area: {} angle: {}'.format(
                     truncate(rotated_end_container.container_area, 1),
                     truncate(rotated_end_container.container_not_clipped_area, 1), rotated_end_container.angle)
                 self.rotated_container_plots.append(rotated_end_container.plot_container(render=False, title=title))
@@ -957,7 +1096,7 @@ def rotate_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle: int, origin=(0, 0)) -> [Co
     return rotated_polygons
-def build_mini_containers_and_plots(container_array: [Container], c=2.214) -> ([Mini_Container], [[Figure]]):
+def build_mini_containers_and_plots(container_array: [Container], c=2.214) -> ([MiniContainer], [[Figure]]):
     mini_container_array = []
     mini_container_plots_list = []
     colors = itertools.cycle(palette)
@@ -982,7 +1121,7 @@ def build_mini_containers_and_plots(container_array: [Container], c=2.214) -> ([
         # wichtig zu kucken ob der container noch Polygone enthält da die linkesten Punkte noch in der anderen Box liegen können und eine Box leer sein kann
         # while len(container_sigma) > 0 and (box_width * box_counter) < (container.x_boundary):
         while len(container_sigma) > 0:
-            mini_container = Mini_Container(max_width_mini_container, (container.y_boundary),
+            mini_container = MiniContainer(max_width_mini_container, (container.y_boundary),
                                             container.hc.w_max_polygon, container.hc.i)
             translation = box_width * (box_counter - 1)
             min_translation = math.inf
@@ -1088,9 +1227,9 @@ def plot_polygons_in_single_plot(polygon_list: [ConvexPolygon], title="", plot_w
                                  border=None, reverse_legend=False) -> Figure:
     polygon_number = len(polygon_list)
-    TOOLTIPS = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
+    tooltips = [("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x{0.0}, $y{0.0})"), ]
     fig = figure(title=title, x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', width=plot_width, height=plot_height,
-                 tooltips=TOOLTIPS, toolbar_location="left")
+                 tooltips=tooltips, toolbar_location="left")
     colors = itertools.cycle(palette)
     legend_items = []
     legend_polygons = []
@@ -1139,8 +1278,8 @@ def build_height_classes(polygon_list: [ConvexPolygon]) -> [HighClass]:
     while polygon_count > 0:
         hc = HighClass(i, alpha, h_max_polygon, w_max_polygon)
         hc_polygons = []
-        while polygon_count > 0 and hc.min_border < ordered_polygons[0].height and ordered_polygons[
-            0].height <= hc.max_border:
+        while polygon_count > 0 and hc.min_border < ordered_polygons[0].height and \
+              ordered_polygons[0].height <= hc.max_border:
             polygon_count -= 1
@@ -1158,12 +1297,12 @@ def building_containers(height_classes: [HighClass]) -> [Container]:
     return containers
-def pack_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle=0) -> End_Container:
-    # building the endcontainer
+def pack_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle=0) -> RectangularContainer:
+    # building the RectangularContainer
     list_hc = build_height_classes(polygons)
     list_containers = building_containers(list_hc)
     list_mini_containers, mini_container_plot_steps = build_mini_containers_and_plots(list_containers)
-    end_container = End_Container(list_mini_containers, angle)
+    end_container = RectangularContainer(list_mini_containers, angle)
     # plots
     p_tab = polygons_to_tab_plot(polygons)
@@ -1175,7 +1314,7 @@ def pack_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle=0) -> End_Container:
     mc_tab = mini_container_plots_to_tab_plot(mini_container_plot_steps)
     mc_header_tab = Panel(child=mc_tab, title="Mini-Containers")
     ec_tab = end_container_to_tab_plot(end_container)
-    ec_header_tab = Panel(child=ec_tab, title="End-Container")
+    ec_header_tab = Panel(child=ec_tab, title="Rectangular-Container")
     all_tabs_with_header = Tabs(tabs=[p_header_tab, hc_header_tab, c_header_tab, mc_header_tab, ec_header_tab])
     end_container.plot_steps_all = all_tabs_with_header
@@ -1212,7 +1351,7 @@ def hc_to_tab_plot(list_hc: [HighClass], plot_width=450, plot_height=450) -> Tab
     hc_tab_list = []
     for counter, hc in enumerate(list_hc):
         hc_plot = hc.plot_hc(render=False, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height)
-        tab = Panel(child=hc_plot, title="High-Class {}".format(counter))
+        tab = Panel(child=hc_plot, title="High-Class {}".format(hc.i))
     hc_tabs = Tabs(tabs=hc_tab_list)
     return hc_tabs
@@ -1223,29 +1362,30 @@ def containers_to_tab_plot(list_containers: [Container], plot_width=700, plot_he
     for counter, container in enumerate(list_containers):
         container_plot = container.plot_container_steps(plot_width=plot_width, colums=3, plot_height=plot_height,
-        tab = Panel(child=container_plot, title="Container {}".format(counter, counter))
+        tab = Panel(child=container_plot, title="Hc_{} Container".format(container.hc.i))
     container_tabs = Tabs(tabs=container_tab_list)
     return container_tabs
-def mini_container_plots_to_tab_plot(mini_container_plot_steps: [Figure], plot_width=700, plot_height=700,
-                                     ncols=3) -> Tabs:
+def mini_container_plots_to_tab_plot(mini_container_plot_steps: [Figure], plot_width=700, plot_height=700, ncols=3) \
+        -> Tabs:
     mini_plots_tabs = []
     for counter, m_plot in enumerate(mini_container_plot_steps):
-        m_plot_grid = gridplot(m_plot, ncols=3, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left")
-        grid_title = Div(text="<b>Hc{} to Mini-Containers<b>".format(counter))
+        title = m_plot[0].title.text
+        m_plot_grid = gridplot(m_plot, ncols=ncols, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left")
+        grid_title = Div(text="<b>{}<b>".format(title))
         mc_layout = layout(grid_title, m_plot_grid)
-        tab = Panel(child=mc_layout, title="Hc{}  Mini-Containers".format(counter))
+        tab = Panel(child=mc_layout, title=title)
     mini_tabs = Tabs(tabs=mini_plots_tabs)
     return mini_tabs
-def end_container_to_tab_plot(end_container: End_Container, plot_width=800, plot_height=800) -> Tabs:
+def end_container_to_tab_plot(end_container: RectangularContainer, plot_width=800, plot_height=800) -> Tabs:
     end_container_tabs = []
     polygons_plot = end_container.plot_polygons(render=False, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height)
-    tab = Panel(child=polygons_plot, title="End-Container")
+    tab = Panel(child=polygons_plot, title="Rectangular-Container")
     container_plot = end_container.plot_container(render=False, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height)
     tab = Panel(child=container_plot, title="Show Mini-Containers")
diff --git a/mysite/plots/ b/mysite/plots/
index 88cf1676..88d2d49a 100644
--- a/mysite/plots/
+++ b/mysite/plots/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from django.urls import path
 from plots.views import PolygonEditView, PackingRectContainer, PackingRotatedRectContainer, PackingConvexContainer, \
-    CSVPolygons, ClearPolygons ,CreateConvexPolygons
-from . import views
+    CSVPolygons, ClearPolygons, CreateConvexPolygons
 urlpatterns = [
     path('', PolygonEditView.as_view(), name='start-page'),