diff --git a/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py b/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py
index 4c05687e50f5de8c1a5881b1492dab786a7fbfc2..d791ef49409772fdd77ed6e009f4f631e1ba9dd6 100644
--- a/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py
+++ b/mysite/plots/packing_algo.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from shapely import affinity
 # plotting packages
 from bokeh.plotting import figure, Figure
 from bokeh.io import output_notebook, show
-from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, layout, column, Column
+from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, layout, column, Column, Row
 from bokeh.models import Div
 from bokeh.models import Legend
 from bokeh.models import BoxAnnotation
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ class Container(object):
         return sigma, plot_steps
     def plot_container(self, sigma=None, r_l_distances=None, l_r_distances=None, min_distance=None, render=True,
-                       title="", box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple=None) -> Figure:
+                       title="", box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple=None) -> Figure:
         """Creates a plot object of the actual container
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ class Container(object):
             min_distance (float): the minimal distance from all distances right to left and left to right
             render (bool): if True the plot will be also rendered else not
             title (str): the title of the plot default ""
-            box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple (([float],[color])): the boundary x values for the boxes and their
+            box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple (([float],[color])): the boundary x values for the boxes and their
                                                                      background color, the boxes will later be
                                                                      extended to the mini-containers
@@ -580,12 +580,12 @@ class Container(object):
         # mark the boxes  with their background color, these boxes will later be extend to mini-containers
         if title == "":
             fig.title.text = 'Hc_{}-Container height: {} '.format(self.hc.i, truncate(self.y_boundary, 1))
-        if box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple is not None:
-            box_boundarys_x_values = box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple[0]
-            background_c_list = box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple[1]
-            for counter, boundary in enumerate(box_boundarys_x_values[0:-1]):
-                next_boundary = box_boundarys_x_values[counter + 1]
-                color_box = BoxAnnotation(bottom=0, top=self.y_boundary, left=box_boundarys_x_values[counter],
+        if box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple is not None:
+            box_boundaries_x_values = box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple[0]
+            background_c_list = box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple[1]
+            for counter, boundary in enumerate(box_boundaries_x_values[0:-1]):
+                next_boundary = box_boundaries_x_values[counter + 1]
+                color_box = BoxAnnotation(bottom=0, top=self.y_boundary, left=box_boundaries_x_values[counter],
                                           right=next_boundary, fill_color=background_c_list[counter], fill_alpha=0.1)
                 fig.line([next_boundary, next_boundary], [0, self.y_boundary], line_dash="dotted")
@@ -960,70 +960,104 @@ class RectangularContainer(object):
 class ConvexContainer(object):
+    """Convex Container which holds the packed polygons
+    To build the convex container the convex input polygons will be rotated with an negative angle = -gamma and packed
+    to a RectangularContainer.
+    After packing the RectangularContainer its border and all polygons from it will be rotated back with the angle
+    positive gamma. These rotation, packing and back rotation steps will be done several times by incrementing the angle
+    to find the smallest ConvexContainer. The angle should be between 0 <= |gamma| < 360 to prevent repetition of the
+    ConvexContainers. Smaller gamma increments means more repetitions to find the ConvexContainer but the chance to
+    skip the smallest ConvexContainer is lower.
+    Example:
+        gamma=10° increments:=0°,10°,20° ...350° -> 36 times doing the 3 steps rotating ( with -gamma), packing to Rect-
+        angularContainer and back rotating (with gamma) of the convex input polygons,
+        between the increments could be some angle like 8° where we miss the smallest ConvexContainer.
+    Args:
+        polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): convex input polygons to pack into the smallest ConvexContainer
+        steps (int): the angle for the rotation and backrotation increments
+    Attributes:
+        angle_0_rectangular_container (ConvexContainer): the input polygons packed to a not rotated RectangularContainer
+        angle_0_rectangular_container_polygons ([ConvexPolygon]):  the polygons of the 0° RectangularContainer
+        rotate_center (float): the center for rotating the polygons, the center of the 0° RectangularContainer
+        rotated_rectangular_container_list ([EndContainer]): the list of all packed RectangularContainers
+        rotated_container_plots (Column): plot object which include all packed RectangularContainers
+        back_rotated_polygons_plots (Column): plot object which include all back rotated RectangularContainers
+        smallest_rectangular_container (EndContainer): smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer)
+        polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): the polygon of the smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer)
+        angle (int): the angle of the smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer)
+        area (float): the area of the smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer)
+        polygon_shells ([[Point_xy]]): the shells of the polygons in the smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer)
+        width (float): the width of the ConvexContainer
+        height (float): the height of the ConvexContainer
+        boundary_x_values ([float]): the x values of the ConvexContainer boundary
+        boundary_y_values ([float]): the y values of the ConvexContainer boundary
+        plot_steps_all (Tabs): all steps of building the smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer) and
+                                   including all rotated and back rotated RectangularContainers
+    """
     def __init__(self, polygons: [ConvexPolygon], steps=90, build_plots=True) -> None:
-        self.angle_0_end_container = pack_polygons(polygons)
-        self.angle_0_end_container_polygons = self.angle_0_end_container.polygons
-        self.rotate_center = (self.angle_0_end_container.x_boundary / 2, self.angle_0_end_container.y_boundary / 2)
-        self.rotated_end_container_list = []  # Liste aller RectangularContainer
+        self.angle_0_rectangular_container = pack_polygons(polygons)
+        self.angle_0_rectangular_container_polygons = self.angle_0_rectangular_container.polygons
+        self.rotate_center = (self.angle_0_rectangular_container.x_boundary / 2,
+                              self.angle_0_rectangular_container.y_boundary / 2)
+        self.rotated_rectangular_container_list = []  # Liste aller RectangularContainer
         self.rotated_container_plots = []
         self.back_rotated_polygons_plots = []
-        self.smallest_end_container, self.polygons, self.angle, self.area = self.find_convex_container(steps,
-                                                                                                       build_plots)
+        self.smallest_rectangular_container, self.polygons, self.angle, self.area = self.find_convex_container(steps,build_plots)
         self.polygon_shells = self.collect_polygon_shells()
-        self.width = self.smallest_end_container.x_boundary
-        self.height = self.smallest_end_container.y_boundary
-        self.boundarys_x_values, self.boundarys_y_values = self.set_boundarys()
+        self.width = self.smallest_rectangular_container.x_boundary
+        self.height = self.smallest_rectangular_container.y_boundary
+        self.boundary_x_values, self.boundary_y_values = self.set_boundaries()
         self.plot_steps_all = self.build_plot_steps()
-    def build_plot_steps(self):
-        convex_c_panels = []
-        smallest_c = self.plot_container(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
-        smallest_c_tab = Panel(child=smallest_c, title="Smallest-Convex-Container")
-        convex_c_panels.append(smallest_c_tab)
-        rotated_c = self.plot_rotated_containers(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
-        rotated_c_tab = Panel(child=rotated_c, title="Rotated-Rectangular-Containers")
-        convex_c_panels.append(rotated_c_tab)
-        back_rotated_c = self.plot_back_rotated_polygons(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
-        back_rotated_c_tab = Panel(child=back_rotated_c, title="Convex-Containers (back rotated)")
-        convex_c_panels.append(back_rotated_c_tab)
-        tabs = Tabs(tabs=convex_c_panels)
-        t_header = Panel(child=tabs, title="Convex-Container")  #
-        tab_header = self.smallest_end_container.plot_steps(render=False)
-        tab_header.tabs.append(t_header)
-        return tab_header
+    def find_convex_container(self, steps: int, build_plots=True) -> (RectangularContainer, [ConvexPolygon], int,
+                                                                      float):
+        """Finds the ConvexContainer and collects the steps as plot objects
-    def plot_steps(self, render=True):
-        if render:
-            show(self.plot_steps_all)
-        return self.plot_steps_all
+        To find the convex container the convex input polygons will be rotated with an negative angle=-gamma and packed
+        to a RectangularContainer.
+        After packing the RectangularContainer its border and all polygons from it will be rotated back with the angle
+        positive gamma. The RectangularContainer with the smallest area is the ConvexContainer result.
-    def find_convex_container(self, steps: int, build_plots=True) -> (RectangularContainer, [ConvexPolygon], int, float):
+        Args:
+            steps (int): the increment steps (degree) for rotating the polygons
+            build_plots (bool): if True all the RectangularContainer plot steps which will be done to find the Convex-
+                                Container will be collected that means even the RectangularContainers which are not the
+                                smallest will be back rotated and a plot object will created
+                                -> more redundant steps and worse performance but winning more information
+                                else no plot objects for the steps are build ->  just the end ConvexContainer and his
+                                polygons can be plotted
+        Returns:
+            smallest_container (RectangularContainer): the smallest RectangularContainer  not back rotated
+            smallest_back_rotated_polygons: the polygons of the smallest RectangularContainer back rotated which are
+                                            building the ConvexContainer by adding the boundary
+            abs_angle (int): the rotation angle of the smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer)
+            smallest_area (float): the area of the smallest RectangularContainer (ConvexContainer)
+        """
         list_of_area = []
-        polygons = []
         for angle in range(0, 360, steps):
-            polygons = rotate_polygons(self.angle_0_end_container_polygons, -angle, origin=self.rotate_center)
-            rotated_end_container = pack_polygons(polygons, -angle)
-            # rotated_end_container.angle=angle
-            self.rotated_end_container_list.append(rotated_end_container)
-            list_of_area.append(rotated_end_container)
-            if build_plots:  # das Flag ist aus Performance gründen da sonst wird jeder Rectangular-Container zurück rotiert
+            polygons = rotate_polygons(self.angle_0_rectangular_container_polygons, -angle, origin=self.rotate_center)
+            rotated_rectangular_container = pack_polygons(polygons, -angle)
+            self.rotated_rectangular_container_list.append(rotated_rectangular_container)
+            list_of_area.append(rotated_rectangular_container)
+            if build_plots:
                 title = 'Rectangular-Container  area: {}  not-clipped-area: {} angle: {}'.format(
-                    truncate(rotated_end_container.container_area, 1),
-                    truncate(rotated_end_container.container_not_clipped_area, 1), rotated_end_container.angle)
-                self.rotated_container_plots.append(rotated_end_container.plot_container(render=False, title=title))
-                back_rotated_polygons = rotate_polygons(rotated_end_container.polygons, angle,
+                    truncate(rotated_rectangular_container.container_area, 1),
+                    truncate(rotated_rectangular_container.container_not_clipped_area, 1),
+                    rotated_rectangular_container.angle)
+                self.rotated_container_plots.append(rotated_rectangular_container.plot_container(render=False, title=title))
+                back_rotated_polygons = rotate_polygons(rotated_rectangular_container.polygons, angle,
                                                         origin=self.rotate_center)  # kreiert neue Polygone
-                box_x_v = rotated_end_container.x_values_border
-                box_y_v = rotated_end_container.y_values_border
-                boundarys = list(zip(box_x_v, box_y_v))
-                rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values = rotate_points_and_split(boundarys, angle,
+                box_x_v = rotated_rectangular_container.x_values_border
+                box_y_v = rotated_rectangular_container.y_values_border
+                boundaries = list(zip(box_x_v, box_y_v))
+                rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values = rotate_points_and_split(boundaries, angle,
                 title2 = 'Convex-Container  area: {}  not-clipped-area: {} angle: {}'.format(
-                    truncate(rotated_end_container.container_area, 1),
-                    truncate(rotated_end_container.container_not_clipped_area, 1), -rotated_end_container.angle)
+                    truncate(rotated_rectangular_container.container_area, 1),
+                    truncate(rotated_rectangular_container.container_not_clipped_area, 1), -rotated_rectangular_container.angle)
                 back_rotated_polygon_plot = plot_polygons_in_single_plot(back_rotated_polygons, render=False,
                                                                          border=(rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values),
@@ -1034,54 +1068,179 @@ class ConvexContainer(object):
         smallest_container_polygons = sorted_container[0].polygons
         smallest_back_rotated_polygons = rotate_polygons(smallest_container_polygons, angle, origin=self.rotate_center)
         smallest_area = smallest_container.container_area
-        return (smallest_container, smallest_back_rotated_polygons, abs(angle), smallest_area)
+        abs_angle = abs(angle)
+        return smallest_container, smallest_back_rotated_polygons, abs_angle, smallest_area
-    def collect_polygon_shells(self):
+    def collect_polygon_shells(self) -> [[Point_xy]]:
+        """Collects the polygon shells of all packed polygons in the ConvexContainer
+        Returns:
+            polygon_shells ([[Point_xy]]): polygon shells of all packed polygons in the ConvexContainer
+        """
         polygon_shells = []
         for polygon in self.polygons:
         return polygon_shells
-    def set_boundarys(self) -> ([Point_xy], [Point_xy]):
-        container = self.smallest_end_container
-        boundarys_x_values = [0, 0, self.width, self.width, 0]
-        boundarys_y_values = [0, self.height, self.height, 0, 0]
-        boundarys = list(zip(boundarys_x_values, boundarys_y_values))
-        rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values = rotate_points_and_split(boundarys, container.angle,
+    def set_boundaries(self) -> ([Point_xy], [Point_xy]):
+        """Sets the boundaries for the ConvexContainer
+        Returns:
+            rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values ([Point_xy], [Point_xy]): x and y values of the boundary in a tuple
+        """
+        container = self.smallest_rectangular_container
+        boundary_x_values = [0, 0, self.width, self.width, 0]
+        boundary_y_values = [0, self.height, self.height, 0, 0]
+        boundaries = list(zip(boundary_x_values, boundary_y_values))
+        rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values = rotate_points_and_split(boundaries, container.angle,
-        return (rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values)
+        return rotated_x_values, rotated_y_values
+    def build_plot_steps(self) -> Tabs:
+        """
+        Build the plot object with all steps to build the smallest RectangularContainer and all rotated Rectangular-
+        Containers and back rotated polygons
-    def plot_rotated_containers(self, render=True, colums=9, plot_width=600, plot_height=600) -> Column:
+        Returns:
+            tab_header (Tabs): a plot object which is organized with tabs
+        """
+        convex_c_panels = []
+        smallest_c = self.plot_container(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
+        smallest_c_tab = Panel(child=smallest_c, title="Smallest-Convex-Container")
+        convex_c_panels.append(smallest_c_tab)
+        rotated_c = self.plot_rotated_containers(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
+        rotated_c_tab = Panel(child=rotated_c, title="Rotated-Rectangular-Containers")
+        convex_c_panels.append(rotated_c_tab)
+        back_rotated_c = self.plot_back_rotated_polygons(render=False, plot_width=800, plot_height=700)
+        back_rotated_c_tab = Panel(child=back_rotated_c, title="Convex-Containers (back rotated)")
+        convex_c_panels.append(back_rotated_c_tab)
+        tabs = Tabs(tabs=convex_c_panels)
+        t_header = Panel(child=tabs, title="Convex-Container")  #
+        tab_header = self.smallest_rectangular_container.plot_steps(render=False)
+        tab_header.tabs.append(t_header)
+        return tab_header
+    def plot_steps(self, render=True) -> Tabs:
+        """Plot including the ConvexContainer, rotated RectangularContainers and back rotated polygons
+        Args:
+            render (bool): if True render the plot else not
+        Returns:
+            plot_steps_all (Tabs): a plot object which is organized with tabs
+        """
+        if render:
+            show(self.plot_steps_all)
+        return self.plot_steps_all
+    def plot_rotated_containers(self, render=True, colums=9, plot_width=600, plot_height=600) -> Row:
+        """Plot including all rotated RectangularContainers
+        Args:
+            render (bool): if True render the plot else not
+            colums (int): the colum count in which the container plots will be rendered
+            plot_width (int): the width of the plot figure
+            plot_height (int): the height of the plot figure
+        Returns:
+            grid (Row): grid plot including all rotated RectangularContainers
+        """
         grid = gridplot(self.rotated_container_plots, ncols=colums, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height,
         if render:
         return grid
-    def plot_back_rotated_polygons(self, render=True, colums=9, plot_width=700, plot_height=600) -> Column:
+    def plot_back_rotated_polygons(self, render=True, colums=9, plot_width=700, plot_height=600) -> Row:
+        """Plot including all back rotated polygons of the RectangularContainers
+        Args:
+            render (bool): if True render the plot else not
+            colums (int): the colum count in which the container plots will be rendered
+            plot_width (int): the width of the plot figure
+            plot_height (int): the height of the plot figure
+        Returns:
+            grid (Row): grid plot including all back rotated polygons of the RectangularContainers
+        """
         grid = gridplot(self.back_rotated_polygons_plots, ncols=colums, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height,
         if render:
         return grid
-    def plot_container(self, title="", plot_width=600, plot_height=600, render=True, reverse_legend=True) -> Figure:
+    def plot_container(self, title="", plot_width=600, plot_height=600, render=True) -> Figure:
+        """Plot of the ConvexContainer
+        Args:
+            title (str): the title of the ConvexContainer
+            plot_width (int): width of the plot figure
+            plot_height (int): height of the plot figure
+            render (bol): if True the plot will be rendered else not
+        Returns:
+            fig (Figure): ConvexContainer plot object
+        """
         if title == "":
             title = 'Convex Container  area: {}  not-clipped-area: {}  angle: {}'.format(
-                truncate(self.smallest_end_container.container_area, 1),
-                truncate(self.smallest_end_container.container_not_clipped_area, 1), self.angle)
+                truncate(self.smallest_rectangular_container.container_area, 1),
+                truncate(self.smallest_rectangular_container.container_not_clipped_area, 1), self.angle)
         fig = plot_polygons_in_single_plot(self.polygons, title=title, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height,
-                                           render=render, border=(self.boundarys_x_values, self.boundarys_y_values))
+                                           render=render, border=(self.boundary_x_values, self.boundary_y_values))
         return fig
 def rotate_points_and_split(point_list: [Point_xy], angle, origin=(0, 0)) -> ([float], [float]):
+    """Rotates the input points and give a tuple with x and y values back
+    Uses the affinity.rotated function from the shapely package which creates a dependency, another way would be to use
+    a own function (rotation matrix).
+    Hint:
+        when writing an own function to rotate the points, their are some special cases in python which need to be
+        handled,
+        this is a code snipped from the shapely package to show these cases
+        code snipped from: https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely/blob/master/shapely/affinity.py
+        angle = angle * pi/180.0
+        cosp = cos(angle)
+        sinp = sin(angle)
+        if abs(cosp) < 2.5e-16:  # if not checked this case could create confusion
+            cosp = 0.0
+        if abs(sinp) < 2.5e-16:  # if not checked this case could create confusion
+            sinp = 0.0
+    Args:
+        point_list ([Point_xy]): a list of points which need to be rotated
+        angle (int): the rotation angle
+        origin (float): the rotation point for all rotations
+    Returns:
+        poly_wrapper_rotated.exterior.xy (([float], [float])): tuple with rotated x and y values
+    """
+    # wrapping the points into a shapely Polygon to use the rotation function
     poly_wrapper = Polygon(point_list)
     poly_wrapper_rotated = affinity.rotate(poly_wrapper, angle, origin=origin)
     return poly_wrapper_rotated.exterior.xy
 def rotate_and_create_new_convex_polygon(polygon: ConvexPolygon, angle: int, origin=(0, 0)) -> ConvexPolygon:
+    """Creates a new rotated convex polygon from an input convex polygon
+    This function uses again the affinity.rotate() function from shapely.
+    This creates a dependency to the shapely package.
+    Args:
+        polygon (ConvexPolygon): convex polygon which will "copied" and rotated
+        angle (int): the rotation angle
+        origin (float): the rotation point for all vertex rotations
+    Returns:
+        rotated_convex_polygon (ConvexPolygon): rotated convex polygon
+    """
     poly_wrapper = Polygon(polygon.shell)
     poly_wrapper_rotated = affinity.rotate(poly_wrapper, angle, origin=origin)
     rotated_convex_polygon = ConvexPolygon(poly_wrapper_rotated.exterior.coords)
@@ -1089,6 +1248,16 @@ def rotate_and_create_new_convex_polygon(polygon: ConvexPolygon, angle: int, ori
 def rotate_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle: int, origin=(0, 0)) -> [ConvexPolygon]:
+    """Creates several new rotated convex polygons
+    Args:
+        polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): convex polygons which will "copied" and rotated
+        angle (int): the rotation angle
+        origin (float): the rotation point for all vertex rotations
+    Returns:
+        rotated_polygons ([ConvexPolygon]): rotated convex polygons
+    """
     rotated_polygons = []
     for polygon in polygons:
         rotated_polygon = rotate_and_create_new_convex_polygon(polygon, angle, origin)
@@ -1097,6 +1266,21 @@ def rotate_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle: int, origin=(0, 0)) -> [Co
 def build_mini_containers_and_plots(container_array: [Container], c=2.214) -> ([MiniContainer], [[Figure]]):
+    """Divides a Container into boxes and creates mini-containers by extending these
+    This function also creates plot objects for every important step to build the mini-containers.
+    Args:
+        container_array ([Container]): a list of all container every container is build from a highclass
+        c (float): the values which decides the width of the mini-containers for more information look into the paper
+    Returns:
+        mini_container_array, mini_container_plots_list ([MiniContainer], [[Figure]]): a tuple of all build
+                                                                                       mini-containers and all import
+                                                                                       plot steps, every list of plots
+                                                                                       represent a Container and the
+                                                                                       resulting mini-containers
+    """
     mini_container_array = []
     mini_container_plots_list = []
     colors = itertools.cycle(palette)
@@ -1106,65 +1290,60 @@ def build_mini_containers_and_plots(container_array: [Container], c=2.214) -> ([
         container_and_mini_container_plots = []
         box_width = c * container.hc.w_max_polygon
         box_width_helper = 0
-        box_counter = 1  # hilft dabei wie oft der Container in Mini-Container geteilt wird
-        box_boundarys_x_values = []
-        # für den plot die grenzen der miniboxen herauszufinden
+        box_counter = 1  # helper for dividing the container into boxes
+        box_boundaries_x_values = []
+        # finding the box boundaries for plot
         while box_width_helper < container.x_boundary:
-            box_boundarys_x_values.append(box_width_helper)
+            box_boundaries_x_values.append(box_width_helper)
             box_width_helper += box_width
-        box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple = (box_boundarys_x_values, background_color_list)
+        box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple = (box_boundaries_x_values, background_color_list)
         container_and_mini_container_plots.append(container.plot_container(container_sigma, render=False,
-                                                                           box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple=box_boundarys_x_values_colors_tuple))  # will added to the plots
+                                                                           box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple=
+                                                                           box_boundaries_x_values_colors_tuple))
         max_width_mini_container = box_width + container.hc.w_max_polygon
         background_counter = 0
-        # wichtig zu kucken ob der container noch Polygone enthält da die linkesten Punkte noch in der anderen Box liegen können und eine Box leer sein kann
-        # while len(container_sigma) > 0 and (box_width * box_counter) < (container.x_boundary):
         while len(container_sigma) > 0:
-            mini_container = MiniContainer(max_width_mini_container, (container.y_boundary),
-                                            container.hc.w_max_polygon, container.hc.i)
-            translation = box_width * (box_counter - 1)
+            mini_container = MiniContainer(max_width_mini_container, container.y_boundary,
+                                           container.hc.w_max_polygon, container.hc.i)
             min_translation = math.inf
             mini_container_y_border = 0
             mini_container_x_border = 0
-            # new
-            pop_list = []  # enthält die counter der Polygone die zur box gehören
+            pop_list = []  # holds the indices of polygons which are assigned to the box
             for counter, polygon in enumerate(container_sigma):
                 if polygon.min_x < (box_width * box_counter):
                     if polygon.min_x < min_translation:
                         min_translation = polygon.min_x
-                        # selbst wenn man das 0 Element poped gibt es keine Probleme
             pop_helper = 0
-            if pop_list != []:
+            # translating the polygons assigned the the box and adding them to the mini container
+            if pop_list:
                 for counter in pop_list:
-                    container_sigma[counter - pop_helper].translation(-min_translation, 0)  # new
+                    container_sigma[counter - pop_helper].translation(-min_translation, 0)
                     if mini_container_y_border < container_sigma[counter - pop_helper].max_y:
                         mini_container_y_border = container_sigma[counter - pop_helper].max_y
                     if mini_container_x_border < container_sigma[counter - pop_helper].max_x:
                         mini_container_x_border = container_sigma[counter - pop_helper].max_x
                     mini_container.polygons.append(container_sigma.pop(counter - pop_helper))
                     pop_helper += 1
-                # mini_container.plot_container()
             mini_container.height = mini_container_y_border
             mini_container.current_right_boundary = mini_container_x_border
             if (box_width * box_counter) < (container.x_boundary):
                 title = "Mini-Container{}  height: {}  (hc_{})".format(box_counter, truncate(mini_container.height, 1),
-                b_color = background_color_list[background_counter]  # ----
+                b_color = background_color_list[background_counter]
                     mini_container.plot_container(title=title, render=False, background_c=b_color))
                 box_counter += 1
                 background_counter += 1
-            # für die kürzere box
+            # for the smaller box
                 title = "Mini-Container{}  height: {}  (hc_{})".format(box_counter, truncate(mini_container.height, 1),
-                # mini_container.plot_container(title)-
                 container_and_mini_container_plots.append(mini_container.plot_container(title=title, render=False))
-    return (mini_container_array, mini_container_plots_list)
+    return mini_container_array, mini_container_plots_list
 def plot_mini_containers(plot_steps: [[Figure]], render=True, colums=3, plot_width=600, plot_height=600) -> Column:
@@ -1302,7 +1481,7 @@ def pack_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle=0) -> RectangularContainer:
     list_hc = build_height_classes(polygons)
     list_containers = building_containers(list_hc)
     list_mini_containers, mini_container_plot_steps = build_mini_containers_and_plots(list_containers)
-    end_container = RectangularContainer(list_mini_containers, angle)
+    rectangular_container = RectangularContainer(list_mini_containers, angle)
     # plots
     p_tab = polygons_to_tab_plot(polygons)
@@ -1313,12 +1492,12 @@ def pack_polygons(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], angle=0) -> RectangularContainer:
     c_header_tab = Panel(child=c_tab, title="Containers")
     mc_tab = mini_container_plots_to_tab_plot(mini_container_plot_steps)
     mc_header_tab = Panel(child=mc_tab, title="Mini-Containers")
-    ec_tab = end_container_to_tab_plot(end_container)
+    ec_tab = rectangular_container_to_tab_plot(rectangular_container)
     ec_header_tab = Panel(child=ec_tab, title="Rectangular-Container")
     all_tabs_with_header = Tabs(tabs=[p_header_tab, hc_header_tab, c_header_tab, mc_header_tab, ec_header_tab])
-    end_container.plot_steps_all = all_tabs_with_header
-    return end_container
+    rectangular_container.plot_steps_all = all_tabs_with_header
+    return rectangular_container
 def polygons_to_tab_plot(polygons: [ConvexPolygon], tab_poly_count=9, ncols=3, plot_width=450, plot_height=450) -> Tabs:
@@ -1382,15 +1561,15 @@ def mini_container_plots_to_tab_plot(mini_container_plot_steps: [Figure], plot_w
     return mini_tabs
-def end_container_to_tab_plot(end_container: RectangularContainer, plot_width=800, plot_height=800) -> Tabs:
-    end_container_tabs = []
-    polygons_plot = end_container.plot_polygons(render=False, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height)
+def rectangular_container_to_tab_plot(rectangular_container: RectangularContainer, plot_width=800, plot_height=800) -> Tabs:
+    rectangular_container_tabs = []
+    polygons_plot = rectangular_container.plot_polygons(render=False, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height)
     tab = Panel(child=polygons_plot, title="Rectangular-Container")
-    end_container_tabs.append(tab)
-    container_plot = end_container.plot_container(render=False, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height)
+    rectangular_container_tabs.append(tab)
+    container_plot = rectangular_container.plot_container(render=False, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height)
     tab = Panel(child=container_plot, title="Show Mini-Containers")
-    end_container_tabs.append(tab)
-    end_tabs = Tabs(tabs=end_container_tabs)
+    rectangular_container_tabs.append(tab)
+    end_tabs = Tabs(tabs=rectangular_container_tabs)
     return end_tabs
diff --git a/mysite/plots/templates/plots/packed_polygons.html b/mysite/plots/templates/plots/packed_polygons.html
index 6584979bee2f8bbdebbd2f179d366d89e49716e2..97e35ffd41d3bcdb2f190db14e6d4dcaf1ac19dd 100644
--- a/mysite/plots/templates/plots/packed_polygons.html
+++ b/mysite/plots/templates/plots/packed_polygons.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 <h1>Final Container Polygons Coordinates</h1>
-<p>every Row stands for one Polygon<p>
+<p>every List stands for one Polygon<p>
 {% for polygon in coordinates%}