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Der Quelltext zu der Bachelorarbeit
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seedorf96 / FUPlanner
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
zkasmi / RcdMathLib
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyRcdMathLib: mathematical library for resource-limited devices. This library can be deployed for devices such as microcontrollers, embedded systems. or full-fledged devices like a PC. Read the RcdMathLib documentation to get started.
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Coding exercises for the Machine Learning for Data Science 21/22 course at the FU Berlin.
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Coding exercises for the Machine Learning for Data Science 21/22 course at the FU Berlin.
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Assignments for the 'Computer Vision' course at the FU Berlin, winter term 2021/2022.
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bjoeh98 / ABED
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This is the repository for the admin frontend to the unisport-o-mat.
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Dieses git beinhaltet, sowohl den Quellcode als auch, die Ergebnisse der Auswertung meiner Bachelorarbeit: "Diagnostische Klassifikation von Medulloblastomen anhand von Methylom- und Kopienanzahlprofilen mitverschiedenen Machine-Learning-Methoden"
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A modified version of OpenMPI that makes it possible to swap/permutate ranks of OMPI-processes inside the same job.
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yaochung41 / TEKRABber
MIT LicensePipeline for analyzing TEs and KRAB-ZNFs (Correlation and Differntially expressed genes/TEs)