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  • podlesny/dune-tectonic
  • agnumpde/dune-tectonic
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with 1764 additions and 9 deletions
#include <dune/fufem/geometry/convexpolyhedron.hh>
#include <dune/contact/common/couplingpair.hh>
#include "globalfrictiondata.hh"
template <class GridType, class LocalVectorType, class field_type = double>
class FrictionCouplingPair : public Dune::Contact::CouplingPair<GridType, GridType, field_type>{
static const int dim = GridType::dimensionworld;
using Base = Dune::Contact::CouplingPair<GridType,GridType,field_type>;
using LocalVector = LocalVectorType;
// friction data
std::shared_ptr<ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector>> weakeningPatch_;
std::shared_ptr<GlobalFrictionData<dim>> frictionData_;
void setWeakeningPatch(std::shared_ptr<ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector>> weakeningPatch) {
weakeningPatch_ = weakeningPatch;
void setFrictionData(std::shared_ptr<GlobalFrictionData<dim>> frictionData) {
frictionData_ = frictionData;
const auto& weakeningPatch() const {
return *weakeningPatch_;
const auto& frictionData() const {
return *frictionData_;
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/common/function.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/frictiondata.hh>
#include "frictiondata.hh"
class FrictionPotential {
......@@ -41,26 +41,42 @@ class TruncatedRateState : public FrictionPotential {
double differential(double V) const override {
//std::cout << "differential: " << weight * fd.C - weightedNormalStress * coefficientOfFriction(V) << std::endl;
return weight * fd.C - weightedNormalStress * coefficientOfFriction(V);
double second_deriv(double V) const override {
//std::cout << "second deriv: " << ((V<=Vmin) ? 0.0 : -weightedNormalStress * (fd.a / V)) << std::endl;
if (V <= Vmin)
return 0;
return 0.0;
return -weightedNormalStress * (fd.a / V);
double regularity(double V) const override {
//std::cout << "regularity: " << ((std::abs(V - Vmin) < 1e-14) ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : std::abs(second_deriv(V))) << std::endl;
if (std::abs(V - Vmin) < 1e-14) // TODO
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
return std::abs(second_deriv(V));
double evaluate(double V) const override {
//std::cout << "second deriv: " << ((V<=Vmin) ? 0.0 : weight * fd.C * V - weightedNormalStress * fd.a * V * (std::log(V / Vmin) - 1)) << std::endl;
if (V <= Vmin)
return 0.0;
return weight * fd.C * V - weightedNormalStress * fd.a * V * (std::log(V / Vmin) - 1);
void updateAlpha(double alpha) override {
double const logrest = (fd.mu0 + fd.b * alpha) / fd.a;
Vmin = fd.V0 / std::exp(logrest);
//std::cout << "Vmin: " << Vmin << std::endl;
......@@ -92,6 +108,10 @@ class RegularisedRateState : public FrictionPotential {
return std::abs(second_deriv(V));
double evaluate(double V) const override {
return weight * fd.C * V - weightedNormalStress * 4 * fd.a * Vmin * std::pow(std::asinh(0.25 * V / Vmin), 2.0);
void updateAlpha(double alpha) override {
double const logrest = (fd.mu0 + fd.b * alpha) / fd.a;
Vmin = fd.V0 / std::exp(logrest);
......@@ -106,6 +126,9 @@ class RegularisedRateState : public FrictionPotential {
class ZeroFunction : public FrictionPotential {
template <typename... Args>
ZeroFunction(Args... args) {}
double evaluate(double) const override { return 0; }
double coefficientOfFriction(double s) const override { return 0; }
......@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
#include <dune/solvers/common/interval.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/localfriction.hh>
#include "localfriction.hh"
template <class Matrix, class Vector> class GlobalFriction {
template <class Matrix, class Vector>
class GlobalFriction {
using ScalarVector = Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double, 1>>;
......@@ -38,8 +39,9 @@ template <class Matrix, class Vector> class GlobalFriction {
LocalNonlinearity const virtual &restriction(size_t i) const = 0;
void addHessian(Vector const &v, Matrix &hessian) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
restriction(i).addHessian(v[i], hessian[i][i]);
void directionalDomain(Vector const &, Vector const &,
......@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ template <class Matrix, class Vector> class GlobalFriction {
return ret;
void virtual updateAlpha(ScalarVector const &alpha) = 0;
void virtual updateAlpha(const std::vector<ScalarVector>& alpha) = 0;
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include <dune/common/function.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/frictiondata.hh>
#include "frictiondata.hh"
template <class DomainType>
double evaluateScalarFunction(
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ template <int dimension> class GlobalFrictionData {
Dune::VirtualFunction<Dune::FieldVector<double, dimension>,
Dune::FieldVector<double, 1>>;
double virtual const &C() const = 0;
double virtual const &L() const = 0;
double virtual const &V0() const = 0;
#include <vector>
#include <dune/common/bitsetvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
#include "../../spatial-solving/contact/dualmortarcoupling.hh"
#include "globalfrictiondata.hh"
#include "globalfriction.hh"
#include "frictioncouplingpair.hh"
#include "../../utils/geocoordinate.hh"
#include "../../utils/index-in-sorted-range.hh"
template <class Matrix, class Vector, class ScalarFriction, class GridType>
class GlobalRateStateFriction : public GlobalFriction<Matrix, Vector> {
using GlobalFriction<Matrix, Vector>::block_size;
using typename GlobalFriction<Matrix, Vector>::LocalNonlinearity;
using Base = GlobalFriction<Matrix, Vector>;
using field_type = typename Vector::field_type;
using typename Base::ScalarVector;
using typename Base::LocalVectorType;
using FrictionCoupling = FrictionCouplingPair<GridType, LocalVectorType, field_type>;
using ContactCoupling = DualMortarCoupling<field_type, GridType>;
size_t bodyIndex(const size_t globalIdx) {
size_t i=0;
for (; i<offSet_.size()-1; i++) {
if (globalIdx < offSet_[i])
return i;
GlobalRateStateFriction(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ContactCoupling>>& contactCouplings, // contains nonmortarBoundary
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCoupling>>& couplings, // contains frictionInfo
const std::vector<ScalarVector>& weights,
const std::vector<ScalarVector>& weightedNormalStress)
: restrictions_(), localToGlobal_(), zeroFriction_() {
assert(contactCouplings.size() == couplings.size());
assert(weights.size() == weightedNormalStress.size());
const auto nBodies = weights.size();
offSet_.resize(nBodies, 0);
for (size_t i=1; i<nBodies; i++) {
offSet_[i] = weights[i-1].size();
std::vector<std::vector<int>> nonmortarBodies(nBodies); // first index body, second index coupling
for (size_t i=0; i<contactCouplings.size(); i++) {
const auto nonmortarIdx = couplings[i]->gridIdx_[0];
for (size_t bodyIdx=0; bodyIdx<nBodies; bodyIdx++) {
const auto& couplingIndices = nonmortarBodies[bodyIdx];
if (couplingIndices.size()==0)
const auto gridView = contactCouplings[couplingIndices[0]]->nonmortarBoundary().gridView();
decltype(gridView), Dune::MCMGVertexLayout> const vertexMapper(gridView, Dune::mcmgVertexLayout());
for (auto it = gridView.template begin<block_size>(); it != gridView.template end<block_size>(); ++it) {
const auto i = vertexMapper.index(*it);
for (size_t j=0; j<couplingIndices.size(); j++) {
const auto couplingIdx = couplingIndices[j];
if (not contactCouplings[couplingIdx]->nonmortarBoundary().containsVertex(i))
localToGlobal_.emplace_back(offSet_[bodyIdx] + i);
restrictions_.emplace_back(weights[bodyIdx][i], weightedNormalStress[bodyIdx][i],
void updateAlpha(const std::vector<ScalarVector>& alpha) override {
for (size_t j = 0; j < restrictions_.size(); ++j) {
const auto globalDof = localToGlobal_[j];
const auto bodyIdx = bodyIndex(globalDof);
size_t bodyDof;
if (bodyIdx>0) {
bodyDof = globalDof - offSet_[bodyIdx-1];
} else {
bodyDof = globalDof;
Return a restriction of the outer function to the i'th node.
LocalNonlinearity const &restriction(size_t i) const override {
auto const index = indexInSortedRange(localToGlobal_, i);
if (index == localToGlobal_.size())
return zeroFriction_;
return restrictions_[index];
std::vector<WrappedScalarFriction<block_size, ScalarFriction>> restrictions_;
std::vector<size_t> offSet_; // index off-set by body id
std::vector<size_t> localToGlobal_;
WrappedScalarFriction<block_size, ZeroFunction> const zeroFriction_;
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include <dune/fufem/arithmetic.hh>
#include <dune/solvers/common/interval.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/frictionpotential.hh>
#include "frictionpotential.hh"
template <size_t dimension> class LocalFriction {
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ template <size_t dimension> class LocalFriction {
using VectorType = Dune::FieldVector<double, dimension>;
using MatrixType = Dune::FieldMatrix<double, dimension, dimension>;
double virtual operator()(VectorType const &x) const = 0;
void virtual updateAlpha(double alpha) = 0;
double virtual regularity(VectorType const &x) const = 0;
double virtual coefficientOfFriction(VectorType const &x) const = 0;
......@@ -44,6 +45,10 @@ class WrappedScalarFriction : public LocalFriction<dimension> {
WrappedScalarFriction(Args... args)
: func_(args...) {}
double operator()(VectorType const &x) const override {
return func_.evaluate(x.two_norm());
void updateAlpha(double alpha) override { func_.updateAlpha(alpha); }
double regularity(VectorType const &x) const override {
......@@ -86,17 +91,26 @@ class WrappedScalarFriction : public LocalFriction<dimension> {
void addHessian(VectorType const &x, MatrixType &A) const override {
double const xnorm2 = x.two_norm2();
//std::cout << A << std::endl;
//std::cout << x << std::endl;
/* double const xnorm2 = x.two_norm2();
double const xnorm = std::sqrt(xnorm2);
if (xnorm2 <= 0.0)
//std::cout << xnorm << " " << xnorm2 << std::endl;
double const H1 = func_.differential(xnorm);
double const H2 = func_.second_deriv(xnorm);
//std::cout << H1 << " " << H2 << std::endl;
double const tensorweight = (H2 - H1 / xnorm) / xnorm2;
double const idweight = H1 / xnorm;
//std::cout << tensorweight << " " << idweight << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
double const entry = tensorweight * x[i] * x[j];
......@@ -107,7 +121,36 @@ class WrappedScalarFriction : public LocalFriction<dimension> {
for (size_t k = 0; k < dimension; ++k) {
double const entry = tensorweight * x[k] * x[k];
A[k][k] += entry + idweight;
const double xnorm = x.two_norm();
if (xnorm <= 0.0)
VectorType y = x;
y /= xnorm;
double const H1 = func_.differential(xnorm);
double const H2 = func_.second_deriv(xnorm);
double const tensorweight = (H2 - H1 / xnorm);
double const idweight = H1 / xnorm;
//std::cout << tensorweight << " " << idweight << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
double const entry = tensorweight * y[i] * y[j];
A[i][j] += entry;
A[j][i] += entry;
for (size_t k = 0; k < dimension; ++k) {
double const entry = tensorweight * y[k] * y[k];
A[k][k] += entry + idweight;
//std::cout << A << std::endl;
void addGradient(VectorType const &x, VectorType &y) const override {
#include "config.h"
#include "globalfrictioncontainer.hh"
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth>::operator[](std::size_t i)
-> IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth>::operator[](std::size_t i) const
-> const IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth>::size() const
-> size_t {
return globalFriction_.size();
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
void GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth>::resize(std::list<size_t> list) {
assert(list.size() <= depth);
if (list.size() == 0) {
} else {
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
template <class VectorContainer>
void GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth>::updateAlpha(const VectorContainer& newAlpha) {
assert(newAlpha.size() == size());
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth>::globalFriction()
-> GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth>::globalFriction() const
-> const GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1>::operator[](std::size_t i)
-> IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1>::operator[](std::size_t i) const
-> const IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1>::size() const
-> size_t {
return globalFriction_.size();
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
void GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1>::resize(std::list<size_t> newSize) {
if (newSize.size() > 0) {
globalFriction_.resize(newSize.front(), nullptr);
} else {
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
template <class Vector>
void GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1>::updateAlpha(const Vector& newAlpha) {
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1>::globalFriction()
-> GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
auto GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1>::globalFriction() const
-> const GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
#include ""
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
#include <list>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
template <class BaseGlobalFriction, size_t depth>
class GlobalFrictionContainer {
using IndexObject = GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, depth-1>;
using GlobalFriction = std::vector<IndexObject>;
GlobalFrictionContainer() {}
auto operator[](std::size_t i) -> IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const -> const IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
auto size() const -> size_t {
return globalFriction_.size();
void resize(std::list<size_t> list) {
assert(list.size() <= depth);
if (list.size() == 0) {
} else {
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
template <class VectorContainer>
void updateAlpha(const VectorContainer& newAlpha) {
assert(newAlpha.size() == size());
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
auto globalFriction() -> GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
auto globalFriction() const -> const GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
GlobalFriction globalFriction_;
template <class BaseGlobalFriction>
class GlobalFrictionContainer<BaseGlobalFriction, 1> {
using IndexObject = std::shared_ptr<BaseGlobalFriction>;
using GlobalFriction = std::vector<IndexObject>;
GlobalFrictionContainer() {}
auto operator[](std::size_t i) -> IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const -> const IndexObject& {
return globalFriction_[i];
auto size() const -> size_t {
return globalFriction_.size();
void resize(std::list<size_t> newSize) {
if (newSize.size() > 0) {
globalFriction_.resize(newSize.front(), nullptr);
} else {
template <class Vector>
void updateAlpha(const Vector& newAlpha) {
for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
auto globalFriction() -> GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
auto globalFriction() const -> const GlobalFriction& {
return globalFriction_;
GlobalFriction globalFriction_;
template <class Matrix, size_t n>
class Matrices {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Matrix>> elasticity;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Matrix>> damping;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Matrix>> mass;
Matrices() {
for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
elasticity[i] = std::make_shared<Matrix>();
damping[i] = std::make_shared<Matrix>();
mass[i] = std::make_shared<Matrix>();
template <class Matrix>
class Matrices<Matrix, 1> {
std::shared_ptr<Matrix> elasticity;
std::shared_ptr<Matrix> damping;
std::shared_ptr<Matrix> mass;
Matrices() :
add_custom_target(tectonic_dune_data-structures_network SOURCES
#install headers
#include "config.h"
#include <dune/contact/projections/normalprojection.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/assemblers/localassemblers/neumannboundaryassembler.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/functions/constantfunction.hh>
#include "../friction/globalratestatefriction.hh"
#include "../friction/frictionpotential.hh"
#include "contactnetwork.hh"
#include "../../assemblers.hh"
#include "../../utils/tobool.hh"
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::ContactNetwork(
size_t nBodies,
size_t nCouplings,
size_t nLevels) :
nBodyAssembler_(nBodies, nCouplings, 0.0)
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::addLevel(std::shared_ptr<LevelContactNetwork> levelContactNetwork) {
size_t level = levelContactNetwork->level();
if (level >= levelContactNetworks_.size()) {
levelContactNetworks_[level] = levelContactNetwork;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::addLevel(const std::vector<size_t>& bodyLevels, const size_t level) {
assert(bodyLevels.size() == nBodies());
if (level >= levelContactNetworks_.size()) {
auto& levelContactNetwork = levelContactNetworks_[level];
levelContactNetwork = std::make_shared<LevelContactNetwork>(nBodies(), nCouplings(), level);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Body>> bodies(nBodies());
for (size_t id=0; id<nBodies(); id++) {
const auto& body = this->body(id);
bodies[id] = std::make_shared<Body>(body->data(), body->grid(), std::min((size_t) body->grid()->maxLevel(), bodyLevels[id]));
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::assemble() {
std::vector<const GridType*> grids(nBodies());
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
grids[i] = bodies_[i]->grid().get();
frictionBoundaries_[i] = std::make_unique<BoundaryPatch>(bodies_[i]->gridView(), false);
// set up dune-contact nBodyAssembler
for (size_t i=0; i<nCouplings(); i++) {
nBodyAssembler_.setCoupling(*couplings_[i], i);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Dune::BitSetVector<1>>> dirichletVertices(nBodies());
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
const auto& body = this->body(i);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<typename LeafBody::BoundaryCondition>> boundaryConditions;
body->boundaryConditions("dirichlet", boundaryConditions);
dirichletVertices[i] = std::make_shared<Dune::BitSetVector<1>>(body->nVertices());
auto& vertices = *dirichletVertices[i];
if (boundaryConditions.size()<1)
for (size_t bc = 0; bc<boundaryConditions.size(); bc++) {
const auto& boundaryVertices = *boundaryConditions[bc]->boundaryPatch()->getVertices();
for (size_t j=0; j<boundaryVertices.size(); j++) {
vertices[j][0] = vertices[j][0] or boundaryVertices[j][0];
for (size_t i=0; i<nCouplings(); i++) {
auto& coupling = couplings_[i];
const auto& contactCoupling = nBodyAssembler_.getContactCouplings()[i]; // dual mortar object holding boundary patches
const auto nonmortarIdx = coupling->gridIdx_[0];
//const auto mortarIdx = coupling->gridIdx_[1];
// assemble state energy norm
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
frictionBoundaryMass_[i] = std::make_unique<ScalarMatrix>();
bodies_[i]->assembler()->assembleFrictionalBoundaryMass(*frictionBoundaries_[i], *frictionBoundaryMass_[i]);
*frictionBoundaryMass_[i] /= frictionBoundaries_[i]->area(); // TODO: weight by individual friction patches?
stateEnergyNorms_[i] = std::make_unique<typename LeafBody::StateEnergyNorm>(*frictionBoundaryMass_[i]);
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::assembleFriction(
const Config::FrictionModel& frictionModel,
const std::vector<ScalarVector>& weightedNormalStress) {
assert(weightedNormalStress.size() == bodies_.size());
const size_t nBodies = bodies_.size();
// Lumping of the nonlinearity
std::vector<ScalarVector> weights(nBodies);
NeumannBoundaryAssembler<GridType, typename ScalarVector::block_type>
ConstantFunction<LocalVector, typename ScalarVector::block_type>>(
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies; i++) {
bodies_[i]->assembler()->assembleBoundaryFunctional(frictionalBoundaryAssembler, weights[i], *frictionBoundaries_[i]);
/* globalFriction_ = std::make_shared<GlobalRateStateFriction<
Matrix, Vector, ZeroFunction, DeformedGridType>>(
nBodyAssembler_.getContactCouplings(), couplings_, weights, weightedNormalStress); */
switch (frictionModel) {
case Config::Truncated:
globalFriction_ = std::make_shared<GlobalRateStateFriction<
Matrix, VectorType, TruncatedRateState, GridType>>(
nBodyAssembler_.getContactCouplings(), couplings_, weights, weightedNormalStress);
case Config::Regularised:
globalFriction_ = std::make_shared<GlobalRateStateFriction<
Matrix, VectorType, RegularisedRateState, GridType>>(
nBodyAssembler_.getContactCouplings(), couplings_, weights, weightedNormalStress);
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::setBodies(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LeafBody>> bodies) {
bodies_ = bodies;
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
matrices_.elasticity[i] = bodies_[i]->matrices().elasticity;
matrices_.damping[i] = bodies_[i]->matrices().damping;
matrices_.mass[i] = bodies_[i]->matrices().mass;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::setCouplings(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>> couplings) {
couplings_ = couplings;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::constructBody(
const std::shared_ptr<BodyData<dim>>& bodyData,
const std::shared_ptr<HostGridType>& grid,
std::shared_ptr<LeafBody>& body) const {
body = std::make_shared<LeafBody>(bodyData, grid);
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::setDeformation(const std::vector<VectorType>& totalDeformation) {
assert(totalDeformation.size() == nBodies());
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
for (size_t i=0; i<levelContactNetworks_.size(); i++) {
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
template <class LevelBoundaryPatch>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::constructCoupling(
int nonMortarBodyIdx, int mortarBodyIdx,
const std::shared_ptr<LevelBoundaryPatch>& nonmortarPatch,
const std::shared_ptr<LevelBoundaryPatch>& mortarPatch,
const std::shared_ptr<ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector>>& weakeningPatch,
const std::shared_ptr<GlobalFrictionData<dim>>& frictionData,
std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>& coupling) const {
coupling = std::make_shared<FrictionCouplingPair>();
auto contactProjection = std::make_shared<Dune::Contact::NormalProjection<BoundaryPatch>>();
std::shared_ptr<typename FrictionCouplingPair::BackEndType> backend = nullptr;
coupling->set(nonMortarBodyIdx, mortarBodyIdx, nonmortarPatch, mortarPatch, 0.1, Dune::Contact::CouplingPairBase::STICK_SLIP, contactProjection, backend);
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::level(size_t level) const
-> const std::shared_ptr<LevelContactNetwork>& {
return levelContactNetworks_[level];
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::nLevels() const
-> size_t {
return levelContactNetworks_.size();
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::nBodies() const
-> size_t {
return bodies_.size();
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::nCouplings() const
-> size_t {
return couplings_.size();
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::body(int i) const
-> const std::shared_ptr<LeafBody>& {
return bodies_[i];
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::coupling(int i) const
-> const std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>& {
return couplings_[i];
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::couplings() const
-> const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>>& {
return couplings_;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::nBodyAssembler()
-> NBodyAssembler& {
return nBodyAssembler_;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::nBodyAssembler() const
-> const NBodyAssembler& {
return nBodyAssembler_;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::matrices() const
-> const Matrices<Matrix,2>& {
return matrices_;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::stateEnergyNorms() const
-> const StateEnergyNorms& {
return stateEnergyNorms_;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
auto ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::globalFriction() const
-> GlobalFriction& {
return *globalFriction_;
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::externalForces(ExternalForces& externalForces) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
externalForces[i] = std::make_unique<typename LeafBody::ExternalForce>(bodies_[i]->externalForce());
// collects all leaf boundary nodes from the different bodies identified by "tag" in a single BitSetVector
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::totalNodes(
const std::string& tag,
Dune::BitSetVector<dim>& totalNodes) const {
int totalSize = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
totalSize += this->body(i)->nVertices();
int idx=0;
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
const auto& body = this->body(i);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<typename LeafBody::BoundaryCondition>> boundaryConditions;
body->boundaryConditions(tag, boundaryConditions);
if (boundaryConditions.size()>0) {
const int idxBackup = idx;
for (size_t bc = 0; bc<boundaryConditions.size(); bc++) {
const auto& nodes = boundaryConditions[bc]->boundaryNodes();
for (size_t j=0; j<nodes->size(); j++, idx++)
for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
totalNodes[idx][k] = totalNodes[idx][k] or (*nodes)[j][k];
idx = (bc==boundaryConditions.size()-1 ? idx : idxBackup);
} else {
idx += body->nVertices();
// collects all leaf boundary nodes from the different bodies identified by "tag" in a vector of BitSetVector
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::boundaryPatchNodes(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryPatchNodes& nodes) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryPatchNodes(tag, nodes[i]);
// collects all leaf boundary nodes from the different bodies identified by "tag" in a vector of BitSetVector
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::boundaryNodes(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryNodes& nodes) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryNodes(tag, nodes[i]);
// collects all leaf boundary functions from the different bodies identified by "tag"
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::boundaryFunctions(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryFunctions& functions) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryFunctions(tag, functions[i]);
// collects all leaf boundary patches from the different bodies identified by "tag"
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::boundaryPatches(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryPatches& patches) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryPatches(tag, patches[i]);
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::frictionNodes(std::vector<const Dune::BitSetVector<1>*>& nodes) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
nodes[i] = frictionBoundaries_[i]->getVertices();
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
void ContactNetwork<HostGridType, VectorType>::frictionPatches(std::vector<const BoundaryPatch*>& patches) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
patches[i] = frictionBoundaries_[i].get();
#include ""
#include <memory>
#include <dune/common/promotiontraits.hh>
#include "../../spatial-solving/contact/nbodyassembler.hh"
#include "../../assemblers.hh"
#include "../enums.hh"
#include "../matrices.hh"
#include "../body/body.hh"
#include "../body/bodydata.hh"
#include "../friction/frictioncouplingpair.hh"
#include "../friction/globalfriction.hh"
#include "../friction/globalfrictiondata.hh"
#include "levelcontactnetwork.hh"
template <class HostGridType, class VectorType>
class ContactNetwork {
//using Vector = Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double, dim>>;
enum {dim = HostGridType::dimensionworld};
using field_type = typename Dune::PromotionTraits<typename VectorType::field_type,
typename HostGridType::ctype>::PromotedType;
using LeafBody = LeafBody<HostGridType, VectorType>;
using GridType = typename LeafBody::GridType;
using GridView = typename LeafBody::GridView;
using BoundaryPatch = BoundaryPatch<GridView>;
using Assembler = typename LeafBody::Assembler;
using Matrix = typename Assembler::Matrix;
using ScalarMatrix = typename Assembler::ScalarMatrix;
using ScalarVector = typename Assembler::ScalarVector;
using LocalVector = typename VectorType::block_type;
using FrictionCouplingPair = FrictionCouplingPair<GridType, LocalVector, field_type>;
using Function = Dune::VirtualFunction<double, double>;
using BoundaryFunctions = std::vector<typename LeafBody::BoundaryFunctions>;
using BoundaryNodes = std::vector<typename LeafBody::BoundaryNodes>;
using BoundaryPatchNodes = std::vector<typename LeafBody::BoundaryPatchNodes>;
using BoundaryPatches = std::vector<typename LeafBody::BoundaryPatches>;
using GlobalFriction = GlobalFriction<Matrix, VectorType>;
using StateEnergyNorms = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<typename LeafBody::StateEnergyNorm> >;
using ExternalForces = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const typename LeafBody::ExternalForce> >;
using NBodyAssembler = NBodyAssembler<GridType, VectorType>;
using LevelContactNetwork = LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>;
using Body = typename LevelContactNetwork::Body;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LevelContactNetwork>> levelContactNetworks_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LeafBody>> bodies_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>> couplings_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BoundaryPatch>> frictionBoundaries_; // union of all boundary patches per body
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ScalarMatrix>> frictionBoundaryMass_;
StateEnergyNorms stateEnergyNorms_;
NBodyAssembler nBodyAssembler_;
Matrices<Matrix,2> matrices_;
std::shared_ptr<GlobalFriction> globalFriction_;
ContactNetwork(size_t nBodies, size_t nCouplings, size_t nLevels = 0);
void addLevel(std::shared_ptr<LevelContactNetwork> levelContactNetwork);
void addLevel(const std::vector<size_t>& bodyLevels, const size_t level);
void assemble();
void assembleFriction(
const Config::FrictionModel& frictionModel,
const std::vector<ScalarVector>& weightedNormalStress);
void setBodies(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LeafBody>> bodies);
void setCouplings(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>> couplings);
void setDeformation(const std::vector<VectorType>& totalDeformation);
void constructBody(
const std::shared_ptr<BodyData<dim>>& bodyData,
const std::shared_ptr<HostGridType>& grid,
std::shared_ptr<LeafBody>& body) const;
template <class LevelBoundaryPatch>
void constructCoupling(
int nonMortarBodyIdx,
int mortarBodyIdx,
const std::shared_ptr<LevelBoundaryPatch>& nonmortarPatch,
const std::shared_ptr<LevelBoundaryPatch>& mortarPatch,
const std::shared_ptr<ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector>>& weakeningPatch,
const std::shared_ptr<GlobalFrictionData<dim>>& frictionData,
std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>& coupling) const;
// getter
auto level(size_t level) const -> const std::shared_ptr<LevelContactNetwork>&;
auto nLevels() const -> size_t;
auto nBodies() const -> size_t;
auto nCouplings() const -> size_t;
auto body(int i) const -> const std::shared_ptr<LeafBody>&;
auto coupling(int i) const -> const std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>&;
auto couplings() const -> const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>>&;
auto nBodyAssembler() -> NBodyAssembler&;
auto nBodyAssembler() const -> const NBodyAssembler&;
auto matrices() const -> const Matrices<Matrix,2>&;
auto stateEnergyNorms() const -> const StateEnergyNorms&;
auto globalFriction() const -> GlobalFriction&;
void externalForces(ExternalForces& externalForces) const;
void totalNodes(
const std::string& tag,
Dune::BitSetVector<dim>& totalNodes) const;
void boundaryPatches(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryPatches& patches) const;
void boundaryPatchNodes(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryPatchNodes& nodes) const;
void boundaryNodes(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryNodes& nodes) const;
void boundaryFunctions(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryFunctions& functions) const;
void frictionNodes(std::vector<const Dune::BitSetVector<1>*>& nodes) const;
void frictionPatches(std::vector<const BoundaryPatch*>& patches) const;
#ifndef MY_DIM
#error MY_DIM unset
#include "../../explicitgrid.hh"
#include "../../explicitvectors.hh"
#include "contactnetwork.hh"
template class ContactNetwork<Grid, Vector>;
#include "config.h"
#include <dune/contact/projections/normalprojection.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/assemblers/localassemblers/neumannboundaryassembler.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/functions/constantfunction.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/facehierarchy.hh>
#include "../../assemblers.hh"
#include "../../utils/tobool.hh"
#include "../../utils/debugutils.hh"
#include "../friction/globalratestatefriction.hh"
#include "../friction/frictionpotential.hh"
#include "levelcontactnetwork.hh"
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::LevelContactNetwork(
int nBodies,
int nCouplings,
int level) :
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::setBodies(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Body>> bodies) {
assert(nBodies() == bodies.size());
bodies_ = bodies;
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::setCouplings(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>> couplings) {
assert(nCouplings() == couplings.size());
couplings_ = couplings;
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::constructBody(
const std::shared_ptr<BodyData<dimworld>>& bodyData,
const std::shared_ptr<GridType>& grid,
const size_t level,
std::shared_ptr<Body>& body) const {
body = std::make_shared<Body>(bodyData, grid, level);
// collects all leaf boundary nodes from the different bodies identified by "tag" in a single BitSetVector
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::totalNodes(
const std::string& tag,
Dune::BitSetVector<dimworld>& totalNodes) const {
int totalSize = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
totalSize += this->body(i)->nVertices();
int idx=0;
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
const auto& body = this->body(i);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<typename Body::BoundaryCondition>> boundaryConditions;
body->boundaryConditions(tag, boundaryConditions);
const int idxBackup = idx;
for (size_t bc = 0; bc<boundaryConditions.size(); bc++) {
const auto& nodes = boundaryConditions[bc]->boundaryNodes();
for (size_t j=0; j<nodes->size(); j++, idx++)
for (int k=0; k<dimworld; k++)
totalNodes[idx][k] = (*nodes)[j][k];
idx = (bc==boundaryConditions.size()-1 ? idx : idxBackup);
// collects all leaf boundary nodes from the different bodies identified by "tag" in a vector of BitSetVector
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::boundaryPatchNodes(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryPatchNodes& nodes) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryPatchNodes(tag, nodes[i]);
// collects all leaf boundary nodes from the different bodies identified by "tag" in a vector of BitSetVector
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::boundaryNodes(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryNodes& nodes) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryNodes(tag, nodes[i]);
// collects all leaf boundary functions from the different bodies identified by "tag"
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::boundaryFunctions(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryFunctions& functions) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryFunctions(tag, functions[i]);
// collects all leaf boundary patches from the different bodies identified by "tag"
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::boundaryPatches(
const std::string& tag,
BoundaryPatches& patches) const {
for (size_t i=0; i<nBodies(); i++) {
this->body(i)->boundaryPatches(tag, patches[i]);
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
auto LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::level() const
-> int {
return level_;
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
auto LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::nBodies() const
-> size_t {
return bodies_.size();
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
auto LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::nCouplings() const
-> size_t {
return couplings_.size();
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
auto LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::body(int i) const
-> const std::shared_ptr<Body>& {
return bodies_[i];
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
auto LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::coupling(int i) const
-> const std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>& {
return couplings_[i];
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
auto LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::couplings() const
-> const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FrictionCouplingPair>>& {
return couplings_;
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::prolong(const BoundaryPatch& coarsePatch, BoundaryPatch& finePatch, const size_t fineLevel) {
if (not(coarsePatch.isInitialized()))
DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "Coarse boundary patch has not been set up correctly!");
const GridType& grid = coarsePatch.gridView().grid();
// Set array sizes correctly
for (const auto& pIt : coarsePatch) {
const auto& inside = pIt.inside();
if (inside.level() == fineLevel)
finePatch.addFace(inside, pIt.indexInInside());
else {
Face<GridType> face(grid, inside, pIt.indexInInside());
typename Face<GridType>::HierarchicIterator it = face.hbegin(fineLevel);
typename Face<GridType>::HierarchicIterator end = face.hend(fineLevel);
for(; it!=end; ++it) {
if (it->element().level() == fineLevel)
finePatch.addFace(it->element(), it->index());
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
void LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::build(field_type overlap) {
for (size_t i=0; i<couplings_.size(); i++) {
auto& coupling = *couplings_[i];
const size_t nmBody = coupling.gridIdx_[0];
const size_t mBody = coupling.gridIdx_[1];
this->prolong(*coupling.patch0(), nonmortarPatches_[i], body(nmBody)->level());
this->prolong(*coupling.patch1(), mortarPatches_[i], body(mBody)->level());
using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
auto desc0 = [&] (const Element& e, unsigned int face) {
return nonmortarPatches_[i].contains(e,face);
auto desc1 = [&] (const Element& e, unsigned int face) {
return mortarPatches_[i].contains(e,face);
auto extract0 = std::make_shared<Extractor>(body(nmBody)->gridView(), desc0);
auto extract1 = std::make_shared<Extractor>(body(mBody)->gridView(), desc1);
gridGlueBackend_ = std::make_shared< Dune::GridGlue::ContactMerge<dim, ctype> >(overlap);
glues_[i] = std::make_shared<Glue>(extract0, extract1, gridGlueBackend_);
template <class GridType, class FrictionCouplingPair, class field_type>
auto LevelContactNetwork<GridType, FrictionCouplingPair, field_type>::glue(int i) const
-> const std::shared_ptr<Glue>& {
return glues_[i];
#include ""
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.