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  • podlesny/dune-tectonic
  • agnumpde/dune-tectonic
2 results
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with 1730 additions and 204 deletions
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/functions/constantfunction.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/body.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/gravity.hh>
#include "cuboidgeometry.hh"
#include "segmented-function.hh"
template <int dimension> class MyBody : public Body<dimension> {
using typename Body<dimension>::ScalarFunction;
using typename Body<dimension>::VectorField;
MyBody(Dune::ParameterTree const &parset)
: poissonRatio_(parset.get<double>("body.poissonRatio")),
youngModulus_(3.0 * parset.get<double>("body.bulkModulus") *
(1.0 - 2.0 * poissonRatio_)),
gravityField_(densityField_, MyGeometry::zenith,
parset.get<double>("gravity")) {}
double getPoissonRatio() const override { return poissonRatio_; }
double getYoungModulus() const override { return youngModulus_; }
ScalarFunction const &getShearViscosityField() const override {
return shearViscosityField_;
ScalarFunction const &getBulkViscosityField() const override {
return bulkViscosityField_;
ScalarFunction const &getDensityField() const override {
return densityField_;
VectorField const &getGravityField() const override { return gravityField_; }
double const poissonRatio_;
double const youngModulus_;
SegmentedFunction const shearViscosityField_;
SegmentedFunction const bulkViscosityField_;
SegmentedFunction const densityField_;
Gravity<dimension> const gravityField_;
#include <dune/common/function.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/globalfrictiondata.hh>
#include "patchfunction.hh"
template <class LocalVector>
class MyGlobalFrictionData : public GlobalFrictionData<LocalVector::dimension> {
using typename GlobalFrictionData<LocalVector::dimension>::VirtualFunction;
MyGlobalFrictionData(Dune::ParameterTree const &parset,
ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector> const &segment)
: C_(parset.get<double>("C")),
parset.get<double>("weakening.a"), segment),
parset.get<double>("weakening.b"), segment),
mu0_(parset.get<double>("mu0")) {}
double const &C() const override { return C_; }
double const &L() const override { return L_; }
double const &V0() const override { return V0_; }
VirtualFunction const &a() const override { return a_; }
VirtualFunction const &b() const override { return b_; }
double const &mu0() const override { return mu0_; }
double const C_;
double const L_;
double const V0_;
PatchFunction const a_;
PatchFunction const b_;
double const mu0_;
#include "config.h"
#include <dune/fufem/geometry/polyhedrondistance.hh>
#include "mygrids.hh"
#include "midpoint.hh"
#include "../diameter.hh"
#if MY_DIM == 3
SimplexManager::SimplexManager(unsigned int shift) : shift_(shift) {}
// back-to-front, front-to-back, front-to-back
void SimplexManager::addFromVerticesFBB(unsigned int U, unsigned int V,
unsigned int W) {
#if MY_DIM == 3
unsigned int const U2 = U + shift_;
unsigned int const V2 = V + shift_;
unsigned int const W2 = W + shift_;
simplices_.push_back({ U, V, W, U2 });
simplices_.push_back({ V, V2, W2, U2 });
simplices_.push_back({ W, W2, U2, V });
simplices_.push_back({ U, V, W });
// back-to-front, back-to-front, front-to-back
void SimplexManager::addFromVerticesFFB(unsigned int U, unsigned int V,
unsigned int W) {
#if MY_DIM == 3
unsigned int const U2 = U + shift_;
unsigned int const V2 = V + shift_;
unsigned int const W2 = W + shift_;
simplices_.push_back({ U, V, W, U2 });
simplices_.push_back({ V, V2, W, U2 });
simplices_.push_back({ V2, W, U2, W2 });
simplices_.push_back({ U, V, W });
auto SimplexManager::getSimplices() -> SimplexList const & {
return simplices_;
// Fix: 3D case (still Elias code)
template <class Grid> GridsConstructor<Grid>::GridsConstructor(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CuboidGeometry>> const &cuboidGeometries_) :
size_t const gridCount = cuboidGeometries.size();
for (size_t idx=0; idx<grids.size(); idx++) {
const auto& cuboidGeometry = *cuboidGeometries[idx];
const auto& A = cuboidGeometry.A;
const auto& B = cuboidGeometry.B;
const auto& C = cuboidGeometry.C;
const auto& D = cuboidGeometry.D;
unsigned int const vc = 4;
#if MY_DIM == 3
Dune::FieldMatrix<double, 2 * vc, MY_DIM> vertices;
Dune::FieldMatrix<double, vc, MY_DIM> vertices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
#if MY_DIM == 3
size_t numXYplanes = 2;
size_t numXYplanes = 1;
size_t k = 0;
for (size_t j = 1; j <= numXYplanes; ++j) {
vertices[k++][i] = A[i];
vertices[k++][i] = B[i];
vertices[k++][i] = C[i];
vertices[k++][i] = D[i];
assert(k == j * vc);
#if MY_DIM == 3
for (size_t k = 0; k < vc; ++k) {
vertices[k][2] = -cuboidGeometry.depth / 2.0;
vertices[k + vc][2] = cuboidGeometry.depth / 2.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices.N(); ++i)
Dune::GeometryType cell;
#if MY_DIM == 3
cell = Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron;
cell = Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle;
#if MY_DIM == 3
SimplexManager sm(vc);
SimplexManager sm;
sm.addFromVerticesFFB(1, 2, 0);
sm.addFromVerticesFFB(2, 3, 0);
auto const &simplices = sm.getSimplices();
// sanity-check choices of simplices
for (size_t i = 0; i < simplices.size(); ++i) {
Dune::FieldMatrix<double, MY_DIM, MY_DIM> check;
for (size_t j = 0; j < MY_DIM; ++j)
check[j] = vertices[simplices[i][j + 1]] - vertices[simplices[i][j]];
assert(check.determinant() > 0);
gridFactories[idx].insertElement(cell, simplices[i]);
grids[idx] = std::shared_ptr<Grid>(gridFactories[idx].createGrid());
template <class Grid>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Grid>>& GridsConstructor<Grid>::getGrids() {
return grids;
template <class Grid>
template <class GridView>
MyFaces<GridView> GridsConstructor<Grid>::constructFaces(
GridView const &gridView, CuboidGeometry const &cuboidGeometry) {
return MyFaces<GridView>(gridView, cuboidGeometry);
template <class GridView>
template <class Vector>
bool MyFaces<GridView>::xyCollinear(Vector const &a, Vector const &b,
Vector const &c) {
return isClose2((b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]), (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]));
template <class GridView>
template <class Vector>
bool MyFaces<GridView>::xyBoxed(Vector const &v1, Vector const &v2,
Vector const &x) {
auto const minmax0 = std::minmax(v1[0], v2[0]);
auto const minmax1 = std::minmax(v1[1], v2[1]);
if (minmax0.first - 1e-14 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale > x[0] or
x[0] > minmax0.second + 1e-14 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale)
return false;
if (minmax1.first - 1e-14 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale > x[1] or
x[1] > minmax1.second + 1e-14 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale)
return false;
return true;
template <class GridView>
template <class Vector>
bool MyFaces<GridView>::xyBetween(Vector const &v1, Vector const &v2,
Vector const &x) {
return xyCollinear(v1, v2, x) && xyBoxed(v1, v2, x);
template <class GridView>
MyFaces<GridView>::MyFaces(GridView const &gridView, CuboidGeometry const &cuboidGeometry_)
#if MY_DIM == 3
lower.insertFacesByProperty([&](typename GridView::Intersection const &in) {
return xyBetween(cuboidGeometry.A, cuboidGeometry.B, in.geometry().center());
right.insertFacesByProperty([&](typename GridView::Intersection const &in) {
return xyBetween(cuboidGeometry.B, cuboidGeometry.C, in.geometry().center());
upper.insertFacesByProperty([&](typename GridView::Intersection const &in) {
return xyBetween(cuboidGeometry.D, cuboidGeometry.C, in.geometry().center());
left.insertFacesByProperty([&](typename GridView::Intersection const &in) {
return xyBetween(cuboidGeometry.A, cuboidGeometry.D, in.geometry().center());
#if MY_DIM == 3
front.insertFacesByProperty([&](typename GridView::Intersection const &in) {
return isClose(cuboidGeometry.depth / 2.0, in.geometry().center()[2]);
back.insertFacesByProperty([&](typename GridView::Intersection const &in) {
return isClose(-cuboidGeometry.depth / 2.0, in.geometry().center()[2]);
double computeAdmissibleDiameter(double distance, double smallestDiameter, double lengthScale) {
return (distance / 0.0125 / lengthScale + 1.0) * smallestDiameter;
template <class Grid, class LocalVector>
void refine(Grid &grid, ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector> const &weakPatch,
double smallestDiameter, double lengthScale) {
bool needRefine = true;
while (true) {
needRefine = false;
for (auto &&e : elements(grid.leafGridView())) {
auto const geometry = e.geometry();
auto const weakeningRegionDistance =
distance(weakPatch, geometry, 1e-6 * lengthScale);
auto const admissibleDiameter =
computeAdmissibleDiameter(weakeningRegionDistance, smallestDiameter, lengthScale);
if (diameter(geometry) <= admissibleDiameter)
needRefine = true;
grid.mark(1, e);
if (!needRefine)
#include ""
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/gridfactory.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/geometry/convexpolyhedron.hh>
#include "cuboidgeometry.hh"
template <class GridView> struct MyFaces {
BoundaryPatch<GridView> lower;
BoundaryPatch<GridView> right;
BoundaryPatch<GridView> upper;
BoundaryPatch<GridView> left;
#if MY_DIM == 3
BoundaryPatch<GridView> front;
BoundaryPatch<GridView> back;
MyFaces(GridView const &gridView, CuboidGeometry const &cuboidGeometry_);
CuboidGeometry const &cuboidGeometry;
bool isClose(double a, double b) {
return std::abs(a - b) < 1e-14 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale;
bool isClose2(double a, double b) {
return std::abs(a - b) <
1e-14 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale;
template <class Vector>
bool xyBoxed(Vector const &v1, Vector const &v2, Vector const &x);
template <class Vector>
bool xyCollinear(Vector const &a, Vector const &b, Vector const &c);
template <class Vector>
bool xyBetween(Vector const &v1, Vector const &v2, Vector const &x);
class SimplexManager {
using SimplexList = std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>;
#if MY_DIM == 3
SimplexManager(unsigned int shift);
void addFromVerticesFBB(unsigned int U, unsigned int V, unsigned int W);
void addFromVerticesFFB(unsigned int U, unsigned int V, unsigned int W);
SimplexList const &getSimplices();
SimplexList simplices_;
#if MY_DIM == 3
unsigned int const shift_;
template <class Grid> class GridsConstructor {
GridsConstructor(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CuboidGeometry>> const &cuboidGeometries_);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Grid>>& getGrids();
template <class GridView>
MyFaces<GridView> constructFaces(GridView const &gridView, CuboidGeometry const &cuboidGeometry);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CuboidGeometry>> const &cuboidGeometries;
std::vector<Dune::GridFactory<Grid>> gridFactories;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Grid>> grids;
double computeAdmissibleDiameter(double distance, double smallestDiameter, double lengthScale);
template <class Grid, class LocalVector>
void refine(Grid &grid, ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector> const &weakPatch,
double smallestDiameter, double lengthScale);
#ifndef MY_DIM
#error MY_DIM unset
#include "../explicitgrid.hh"
#include "../explicitvectors.hh"
#include "cuboidgeometry.hh"
template class GridsConstructor<Grid>;
template struct MyFaces<GridView>;
template struct MyFaces<LevelGridView>;
template MyFaces<GridView> GridsConstructor<Grid>::constructFaces(
GridView const &gridView, CuboidGeometry const &CuboidGeometry_);
template MyFaces<LevelGridView> GridsConstructor<Grid>::constructFaces(
LevelGridView const &gridView, CuboidGeometry const &CuboidGeometry_);
template void refine<Grid, LocalVector>(
Grid &grid, ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector> const &weakPatch,
double smallestDiameter, double lengthScale);
#include <dune/common/function.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/geometry/polyhedrondistance.hh>
class PatchFunction
: public Dune::VirtualFunction<Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM>,
Dune::FieldVector<double, 1>> {
using Polyhedron = ConvexPolyhedron<Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM>>;
double const v1_;
double const v2_;
Polyhedron const &segment_;
PatchFunction(double v1, double v2, Polyhedron const &segment)
: v1_(v1), v2_(v2), segment_(segment) {}
void evaluate(Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM> const &x,
Dune::FieldVector<double, 1> &y) const {
y = distance(x, segment_, 1e-6 * MyGeometry::lengthScale) <= 1e-5 ? v2_
: v1_;
#include <dune/common/function.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include "cuboidgeometry.hh"
class SegmentedFunction
: public Dune::VirtualFunction<Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM>,
Dune::FieldVector<double, 1>> {
bool liesBelow(Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM> const &x,
Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM> const &y,
Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM> const &z) const {
return x[1] + (z[0] - x[0]) * (y[1] - x[1]) / (y[0] - x[0]) >= z[1];
bool insideRegion2(Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM> const &z) const {
return liesBelow(MyGeometry::K, MyGeometry::M, z);
double const _v1;
double const _v2;
SegmentedFunction(double v1, double v2) : _v1(v1), _v2(v2) {}
void evaluate(Dune::FieldVector<double, MY_DIM> const &x,
Dune::FieldVector<double, 1> &y) const {
y = insideRegion2(x) ? _v2 : _v1;
#include "cuboidgeometry.hh"
template <class LocalVector>
ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector> getWeakPatch(Dune::ParameterTree const &parset, CuboidGeometry const &cuboidGeometry) {
ConvexPolyhedron<LocalVector> weakPatch;
#if MY_DIM == 3
weakPatch.vertices[0] = weakPatch.vertices[2] = cuboidGeometry.X;
weakPatch.vertices[1] = weakPatch.vertices[3] = cuboidGeometry.Y;
for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
weakPatch.vertices[k][2] = -cuboidGeometry.depth / 2.0;
weakPatch.vertices[k + 2][2] = cuboidGeometry.depth / 2.0;
switch (parset.get<Config::PatchType>("patchType")) {
case Config::Rectangular:
case Config::Trapezoidal:
weakPatch.vertices[1][0] += 0.05 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale;
weakPatch.vertices[3][0] -= 0.05 * cuboidGeometry.lengthScale;
weakPatch.vertices[0] = cuboidGeometry.X;
weakPatch.vertices[1] = cuboidGeometry.Y;
return weakPatch;
This diff is collapsed.
# -*- mode:conf -*-
gravity = 9.81 # [m/s^2]
data.write = true
printProgress = false
restarts.first = 0
restarts.spacing= 20
restarts.write = true
vtk.write = false
finalTime = 1000 # [s]
bodyCount = 2
bulkModulus = 0.5e5 # [Pa]
poissonRatio = 0.3 # [1]
density = 900 # [kg/m^3]
shearViscosity = 1e3 # [Pas]
bulkViscosity = 1e3 # [Pas]
density = 1000 # [kg/m^3]
shearViscosity = 1e4 # [Pas]
bulkViscosity = 1e4 # [Pas]
C = 10 # [Pa]
mu0 = 0.7 # [ ]
V0 = 5e-5 # [m/s]
L = 2.25e-5 # [m]
initialAlpha = 0 # [ ]
stateModel = AgeingLaw
frictionModel = Regularised
a = 0.002 # [ ]
b = 0.017 # [ ]
a = 0.020 # [ ]
b = 0.005 # [ ]
scheme = newmark
maximumIterations = 100000
verbosity = quiet
maximumIterations = 100000
verbosity = quiet
maximumIterations = 100000
verbosity = quiet
maximumIterations = 10000
lambda = 0.5
maxiumumIterations = 100000
pre = 3
cycle = 1 # 1 = V, 2 = W, etc.
post = 3
pre = 1
multi = 5 # number of multigrid steps
post = 0
......@@ -31,9 +31,14 @@
#include <dune/fufem/formatstring.hh>
#include <dune/solvers/norms/energynorm.hh>
#include <dune/solvers/solvers/loopsolver.hh>
#include <dune/solvers/solvers/solver.hh>
#include <dune/tnnmg/problem-classes/convexproblem.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/geocoordinate.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/myblockproblem.hh>
......@@ -62,13 +67,18 @@
#include "time-stepping/updaters.hh"
#include "vtk.hh"
// for getcwd
#include <unistd.h>
size_t const dims = MY_DIM;
Dune::ParameterTree getParameters(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Dune::ParameterTree parset;
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readINITree("one-body-problem.cfg", parset);
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readINITree("/home/mi/podlesny/software/dune/dune-tectonic/src/one-body-problem.cfg", parset);
Dune::Fufem::formatString("one-body-problem-%dD.cfg", dims), parset);
Dune::Fufem::formatString("/home/mi/podlesny/software/dune/dune-tectonic/src/one-body-problem-%dD.cfg", dims), parset);
Dune::ParameterTreeParser::readOptions(argc, argv, parset);
return parset;
......@@ -79,6 +89,14 @@ void handleSignal(int signum) { terminationRequested = true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
try {
Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
char buffer[256];
char *val = getcwd(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (val) {
std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
std::cout << argv[0] << std::endl;
auto const parset = getParameters(argc, argv);
......@@ -140,6 +158,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Set up functions for time-dependent boundary conditions
using Function = Dune::VirtualFunction<double, double>;
Function const &velocityDirichletFunction = VelocityDirichletCondition();
......@@ -184,8 +203,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
auto const writeData = parset.get<bool>("");
bool const handleRestarts = writeRestarts or firstRestart > 0;
auto dataFile =
writeData ? std::make_unique<HDF5::File>("output.h5") : nullptr;
auto restartFile = handleRestarts
? std::make_unique<HDF5::File>(
......@@ -214,7 +235,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Vector vertexCoordinates(leafVertexCount);
GridView, Dune::MCMGVertexLayout> const vertexMapper(leafView);
GridView, Dune::MCMGVertexLayout> const vertexMapper(leafView, Dune::mcmgVertexLayout());
for (auto &&v : vertices(leafView))
vertexCoordinates[vertexMapper.index(v)] = geoToPoint(v.geometry());
......@@ -229,6 +250,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
MyVTKWriter<MyVertexBasis, typename MyAssembler::CellBasis> const vtkWriter(
myAssembler.cellBasis, myAssembler.vertexBasis, "obs");
IterationRegister iterationCount;
auto const report = [&](bool initial = false) {
if (writeData) {
......@@ -261,6 +283,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Set up TNNMG solver
using NonlinearFactory = SolverFactory<
......@@ -321,6 +344,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
} catch (Dune::Exception &e) {
Dune::derr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl;
} catch (std::exception &e) {
......@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
#include <dune/common/parametertree.hh>
#include <dune/matrix-vector/axpy.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
#include <dune/tnnmg/nonlinearities/zerononlinearity.hh>
#include <dune/tnnmg/problem-classes/blocknonlineartnnmgproblem.hh>
#include <dune/contact/assemblers/nbodyassembler.hh>
#include <dune/tectonic/body.hh>
#include "assemblers.hh"
......@@ -18,32 +22,45 @@ template <class VectorTEMPLATE, class ScalarVectorTEMPLATE> class ProgramState {
using Vector = VectorTEMPLATE;
using ScalarVector = ScalarVectorTEMPLATE;
ProgramState(int leafVertexCount)
: u(leafVertexCount),
weightedNormalStress(leafVertexCount) {}
ProgramState(const std::vector<int>& leafVertexCounts)
: bodyCount(leafVertexCounts.size()) {
for (size_t i=0; i<bodyCount; i++) {
size_t leafVertexCount = leafVertexCounts[i];
// Set up initial conditions
template <class Matrix, class GridView>
void setupInitialConditions(
Dune::ParameterTree const &parset,
std::function<void(double, Vector &)> externalForces,
Matrices<Matrix> const matrices,
MyAssembler<GridView, Vector::block_type::dimension> const &myAssembler,
Dune::BitSetVector<Vector::block_type::dimension> const &dirichletNodes,
Dune::BitSetVector<Vector::block_type::dimension> const &noNodes,
BoundaryPatch<GridView> const &frictionalBoundary,
Body<Vector::block_type::dimension> const &body) {
const Dune::ParameterTree& parset,
const Dune::Contact::NBodyAssembler<typename GridView::Grid, Vector>& nBodyAssembler,
std::vector<std::function<void(double, Vector &)>> externalForces,
const Matrices<Matrix>& matrices,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MyAssembler<GridView, Vector::block_type::dimension>>>& assemblers,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<Vector::block_type::dimension>>& dirichletNodes,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<Vector::block_type::dimension>>& noNodes,
const std::vector<BoundaryPatch<GridView>>& frictionalBoundaries,
const Body<Vector::block_type::dimension>& body) {
using LocalVector = typename Vector::block_type;
using LocalMatrix = typename Matrix::block_type;
auto constexpr dims = LocalVector::dimension;
// Solving a linear problem with a multigrid solver
auto const solveLinearProblem = [&](
Dune::BitSetVector<dims> const &_dirichletNodes, Matrix const &_matrix,
Dune::BitSetVector<dims> const &_dirichletNodes, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Matrix>>& _matrix,
Vector const &_rhs, Vector &_x,
Dune::ParameterTree const &_localParset) {
......@@ -54,7 +71,7 @@ template <class VectorTEMPLATE, class ScalarVectorTEMPLATE> class ProgramState {
ZeroNonlinearity<LocalVector, LocalMatrix> zeroNonlinearity;
LinearFactory factory(parset.sub("solver.tnnmg"), // FIXME
myAssembler.gridView.grid(), _dirichletNodes);
assemblers.gridView.grid(), _dirichletNodes);
typename LinearFactory::ConvexProblem convexProblem(
1.0, _matrix, zeroNonlinearity, _rhs, _x);
......@@ -62,7 +79,11 @@ template <class VectorTEMPLATE, class ScalarVectorTEMPLATE> class ProgramState {
auto multigridStep = factory.getStep();
multigridStep->setProblem(_x, problem);
EnergyNorm<Matrix, Vector> const norm(_matrix);
LoopSolver<Vector> solver(
multigridStep.get(), _localParset.get<size_t>("maximumIterations"),
_localParset.get<double>("tolerance"), &norm,
......@@ -71,17 +92,28 @@ template <class VectorTEMPLATE, class ScalarVectorTEMPLATE> class ProgramState {
Vector totalX = multigridStep->getSol();
// cleanup
nBodyAssembler.postprocess(totalX, x);
timeStep = 0;
relativeTime = 0.0;
relativeTau = 1e-6;
Vector ell0(u.size());
externalForces(relativeTime, ell0);
std::vector<Vector> ell0(bodyCount);
for (size_t i=0; i<bodyCount; i++) {
// Initial velocity
v[i] = 0.0;
// Initial velocity
v = 0.0;
externalForces[i](relativeTime, ell0[i]);
// Initial displacement: Start from a situation of minimal stress,
// which is automatically attained in the case [v = 0 = a].
......@@ -91,29 +123,35 @@ template <class VectorTEMPLATE, class ScalarVectorTEMPLATE> class ProgramState {
// Initial acceleration: Computed in agreement with Ma = ell0 - Au
// (without Dirichlet constraints), again assuming dPhi(v = 0) = 0
Vector accelerationRHS = ell0;
Arithmetic::subtractProduct(accelerationRHS, matrices.elasticity, u);
solveLinearProblem(noNodes, matrices.mass, accelerationRHS, a,
std::vector<Vector> accelerationRHS = ell0;
for (size_t i=0; i<bodyCount; i++) {
// Initial state
alpha[i] = parset.get<double>("boundary.friction.initialAlpha");
// Initial normal stress
frictionalBoundaries[i], weightedNormalStress[i], body.getYoungModulus(),
body.getPoissonRatio(), u[i]);
// Initial state
alpha = parset.get<double>("boundary.friction.initialAlpha");
Dune::MatrixVector::subtractProduct(accelerationRHS[i], *matrices.elasticity[i], u[i]);
// Initial normal stress
frictionalBoundary, weightedNormalStress, body.getYoungModulus(),
body.getPoissonRatio(), u);
solveLinearProblem(noNodes, matrices.mass, accelerationRHS, a,
Vector u;
Vector v;
Vector a;
ScalarVector alpha;
ScalarVector weightedNormalStress;
std::vector<Vector> u;
std::vector<Vector> v;
std::vector<Vector> a;
std::vector<ScalarVector> alpha;
std::vector<ScalarVector> weightedNormalStress;
double relativeTime;
double relativeTau;
size_t timeStep;
const size_t bodyCount;
......@@ -8,6 +8,19 @@
#include <dune/solvers/norms/energynorm.hh>
#include <dune/solvers/solvers/loopsolver.hh>
#include <dune/contact/assemblers/nbodyassembler.hh>
#include <dune/contact/common/dualbasisadapter.hh>
#include <dune/localfunctions/lagrange/pqkfactory.hh>
#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/gridfunction.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/functions/basisgridfunction.hh>
#include "../enums.hh"
#include "../enumparser.hh"
......@@ -19,11 +32,13 @@ void FixedPointIterationCounter::operator+=(
multigridIterations += other.multigridIterations;
template <class Factory, class Updaters, class ErrorNorm>
FixedPointIterator<Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::FixedPointIterator(
template <class DeformedGrid, class Factory, class Updaters, class ErrorNorm>
FixedPointIterator<DeformedGrid, Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::FixedPointIterator(
const Dune::Contact::NBodyAssembler<DeformedGrid, Vector>& nBodyAssembler,
Factory &factory, Dune::ParameterTree const &parset,
std::shared_ptr<Nonlinearity> globalFriction, ErrorNorm const &errorNorm)
: step_(factory.getStep()),
: nBodyAssembler_(nBodyAssembler),
......@@ -34,9 +49,9 @@ FixedPointIterator<Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::FixedPointIterator(
errorNorm_(errorNorm) {}
template <class Factory, class Updaters, class ErrorNorm>
template <class DeformedGrid,class Factory, class Updaters, class ErrorNorm>
FixedPointIterator<Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::run(
FixedPointIterator<DeformedGrid, Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::run(
Updaters updaters, Matrix const &velocityMatrix, Vector const &velocityRHS,
Vector &velocityIterate) {
EnergyNorm<Matrix, Vector> energyNorm(velocityMatrix);
......@@ -46,7 +61,7 @@ FixedPointIterator<Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::run(
size_t fixedPointIteration;
size_t multigridIterations = 0;
ScalarVector alpha;
std::vector<ScalarVector> alpha;
for (fixedPointIteration = 0; fixedPointIteration < fixedPointMaxIterations_;
++fixedPointIteration) {
......@@ -56,15 +71,22 @@ FixedPointIterator<Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::run(
velocityRHS, velocityIterate);
BlockProblem velocityProblem(parset_, convexProblem);
step_->setProblem(velocityIterate, velocityProblem);
multigridIterations += velocityProblemSolver.getResult().iterations;
Vector v_m;
std::vector<Vector> v_m;
v_m *= 1.0 - lambda_;
Arithmetic::addProduct(v_m, lambda_, velocityIterate);
for (size_t i=0; i<v_m.size(); i++) {
v_m[i] *= 1.0 - lambda_;
Arithmetic::addProduct(v_m[i], lambda_, velocityIterate[i]);
// compute relative velocities on contact boundaries
// solve a state problem
......@@ -97,4 +119,270 @@ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream,
<< ")";
template <class DeformedGrid, class Factory, class Updaters, class ErrorNorm>
void FixedPointIterator<DeformedGrid, Factory, Updaters, ErrorNorm>::relativeVelocities(std::vector<Vector>& v_m) const {
// adaptation of DualMortarCoupling::setup()
const size_t dim = DeformedGrid::dimension;
typedef typename DeformedGrid::LeafGridView GridView;
//cache of local bases
typedef Dune::PQkLocalFiniteElementCache<typename DeformedGrid::ctype, field_type, dim,1> FiniteElementCache1;
FiniteElementCache1 cache1;
// cache for the dual functions on the boundary
using DualCache = Dune::Contact::DualBasisAdapter<GridView, field_type>;
std::unique_ptr<DualCache> dualCache;
dualCache = std::make_unique< Dune::Contact::DualBasisAdapterGlobal<GridView, field_type> >();
// define FE grid functions
std::vector<BasisGridFunction<> > gridFunctions(nBodyAssembler_.nGrids());
for (size_t i=0; i<gridFunctions.size(); i++) {
const auto& contactCouplings = nBodyAssembler_.getContactCouplings();
for (size_t i=0; i<contactCouplings.size(); i++) {
auto contactCoupling = contactCouplings[i];
auto glue = contactCoupling->getGlue();
// loop over all intersections
for (const auto& rIs : intersections(glue)) {
const auto& inside = rIs.inside();
if (!nonmortarBoundary_.contains(rIs.inside(),rIs.indexInInside()))
const auto& outside = rIs.outside();
// types of the elements supporting the boundary segments in question
Dune::GeometryType nonmortarEType = inside.type();
Dune::GeometryType mortarEType = outside.type();
const auto& domainRefElement = Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype, dim>::general(nonmortarEType);
const auto& targetRefElement = Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype, dim>::general(mortarEType);
int noOfMortarVec = targetRefElement.size(dim);
Dune::GeometryType nmFaceType = domainRefElement.type(rIs.indexInInside(),1);
Dune::GeometryType mFaceType = targetRefElement.type(rIs.indexInOutside(),1);
// Select a quadrature rule
// 2 in 2d and for integration over triangles in 3d. If one (or both) of the two faces involved
// are quadrilaterals, then the quad order has to be risen to 3 (4).
int quadOrder = 2 + (!nmFaceType.isSimplex()) + (!mFaceType.isSimplex());
const auto& quadRule = Dune::QuadratureRules<ctype, dim-1>::rule(rIs.type(), quadOrder);
const auto& mortarFiniteElement = cache1.get(mortarEType);
dualCache->bind(inside, rIs.indexInInside());
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<field_type,1> > mortarQuadValues, dualQuadValues;
const auto& rGeom = rIs.geometry();
const auto& rGeomOutside = rIs.geometryOutside();
const auto& rGeomInInside = rIs.geometryInInside();
const auto& rGeomInOutside = rIs.geometryInOutside();
int nNonmortarFaceNodes = domainRefElement.size(rIs.indexInInside(),1,dim);
std::vector<int> nonmortarFaceNodes;
for (int i=0; i<nNonmortarFaceNodes; i++) {
int faceIdxi = domainRefElement.subEntity(rIs.indexInInside(), 1, i, dim);
for (const auto& quadPt : quadRule) {
// compute integration element of overlap
ctype integrationElement = rGeom.integrationElement(quadPt.position());
// quadrature point positions on the reference element
Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> nonmortarQuadPos =;
Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> mortarQuadPos =;
// The current quadrature point in world coordinates
Dune::FieldVector<field_type,dim> nonmortarQpWorld =;
Dune::FieldVector<field_type,dim> mortarQpWorld =;;
// the gap direction (normal * gapValue)
Dune::FieldVector<field_type,dim> gapVector = mortarQpWorld - nonmortarQpWorld;
//evaluate all shapefunctions at the quadrature point
// loop over all Lagrange multiplier shape functions
for (int j=0; j<nNonmortarFaceNodes; j++) {
int globalDomainIdx = indexSet0.subIndex(inside,nonmortarFaceNodes[j],dim);
int rowIdx = globalToLocal[globalDomainIdx];
weakObstacle_[rowIdx][0] += integrationElement * quadPt.weight()
* dualQuadValues[nonmortarFaceNodes[j]] * (gapVector*avNormals[globalDomainIdx]);
// loop over all mortar shape functions
for (int k=0; k<noOfMortarVec; k++) {
int colIdx = indexSet1.subIndex(outside, k, dim);
if (!mortarBoundary_.containsVertex(colIdx))
// Integrate over the product of two shape functions
field_type mortarEntry = integrationElement* quadPt.weight()* dualQuadValues[nonmortarFaceNodes[j]]* mortarQuadValues[k];
Dune::MatrixVector::addToDiagonal(mortarLagrangeMatrix_[rowIdx][colIdx], mortarEntry);
// reducing nonmortar boundary
// Get all fine grid boundary segments that are totally covered by the grid-glue segments
typedef std::pair<int,int> Pair;
std::map<Pair,ctype> coveredArea, fullArea;
// initialize with area of boundary faces
for (const auto& bIt : nonmortarBoundary_) {
const Pair p(indexSet0.index(bIt.inside()),bIt.indexInInside());
fullArea[p] = bIt.geometry().volume();
coveredArea[p] = 0;
// sum up the remote intersection areas to find out which are totally covered
for (const auto& rIs : intersections(glue))
coveredArea[Pair(indexSet0.index(rIs.inside()),rIs.indexInInside())] += rIs.geometry().volume();
// add all fine grid faces that are totally covered by the contact mapping
for (const auto& bIt : nonmortarBoundary_) {
const auto& inside = bIt.inside();
fullArea[Pair(indexSet0.index(inside),bIt.indexInInside())] >= coveredArea_)
boundaryWithMapping.addFace(inside, bIt.indexInInside());
//writeBoundary(boundaryWithMapping,debugPath_ + "relevantNonmortar");
/** \todo replace by all fine grid segments which are totally covered by the RemoteIntersections. */
//for (const auto& rIs : intersections(glue))
// boundaryWithMapping.addFace(rIs.inside(),rIs.indexInInside());
printf("contact mapping could be built for %d of %d boundary segments.\n",
boundaryWithMapping.numFaces(), nonmortarBoundary_.numFaces());
nonmortarBoundary_ = boundaryWithMapping;
for (const auto& rIs : intersections(glue))
if (nonmortarBoundary_.contains(rIs.inside(),rIs.indexInInside()))
// Assemble the diagonal matrix coupling the nonmortar side with the lagrange multiplyers there
// The weak obstacle vector
weakObstacle_ = 0;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Get the occupation structure for the mortar matrix
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** \todo Also restrict mortar indices and don't use the whole grid level. */
Dune::MatrixIndexSet mortarIndices(nonmortarBoundary_.numVertices(), grid1_->size(dim));
// Create mapping from the global set of block dofs to the ones on the contact boundary
std::vector<int> globalToLocal;
// loop over all intersections
for (const auto& rIs : intersections(glue)) {
if (!nonmortarBoundary_.contains(rIs.inside(),rIs.indexInInside()))
const auto& inside = rIs.inside();
const auto& outside = rIs.outside();
const auto& domainRefElement = Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype, dim>::general(inside.type());
const auto& targetRefElement = Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype, dim>::general(outside.type());
int nDomainVertices = domainRefElement.size(dim);
int nTargetVertices = targetRefElement.size(dim);
for (int j=0; j<nDomainVertices; j++) {
int localDomainIdx = globalToLocal[indexSet0.subIndex(inside,j,dim)];
// if the vertex is not contained in the restricted contact boundary then dismiss it
if (localDomainIdx == -1)
for (int k=0; k<nTargetVertices; k++) {
int globalTargetIdx = indexSet1.subIndex(outside,k,dim);
if (!mortarBoundary_.containsVertex(globalTargetIdx))
mortarIndices.add(localDomainIdx, globalTargetIdx);
// Clear it
mortarLagrangeMatrix_ = 0;
//cache of local bases
FiniteElementCache1 cache1;
std::unique_ptr<DualCache> dualCache;
dualCache = std::make_unique< Dune::Contact::DualBasisAdapterGlobal<GridView0, field_type> >();
std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> > avNormals;
avNormals = nonmortarBoundary_.getNormals();
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// Compute M = D^{-1} \hat{M}
// ///////////////////////////////////////
Dune::BCRSMatrix<MatrixBlock>& M = mortarLagrangeMatrix_;
Dune::BDMatrix<MatrixBlock>& D = nonmortarLagrangeMatrix_;
// First compute D^{-1}
// Then the matrix product D^{-1} \hat{M}
for (auto rowIt = M.begin(); rowIt != M.end(); ++rowIt) {
const auto rowIndex = rowIt.index();
for (auto& entry : *rowIt)
// weakObstacles in transformed basis = D^{-1}*weakObstacle_
for(size_t rowIdx=0; rowIdx<weakObstacle_.size(); rowIdx++)
weakObstacle_[rowIdx] *= D[rowIdx][rowIdx][0][0];
#include ""
......@@ -9,20 +9,22 @@
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, int dimension>
std::shared_ptr<RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dimension>>
initRateUpdater(Config::scheme scheme,
Function const &velocityDirichletFunction,
Dune::BitSetVector<dimension> const &velocityDirichletNodes,
Matrices<Matrix> const &matrices, Vector const &u_initial,
Vector const &v_initial, Vector const &a_initial) {
const std::vector<Function>& velocityDirichletFunctions,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<dimension>>& velocityDirichletNodes,
const Matrices<Matrix>& matrices,
const std::vector<Vector>& u_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& v_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& a_initial) {
switch (scheme) {
case Config::Newmark:
return std::make_shared<Newmark<Vector, Matrix, Function, dimension>>(
matrices, u_initial, v_initial, a_initial, velocityDirichletNodes,
case Config::BackwardEuler:
return std::make_shared<
BackwardEuler<Vector, Matrix, Function, dimension>>(
matrices, u_initial, v_initial, a_initial, velocityDirichletNodes,
......@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, int dimension>
std::shared_ptr<RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dimension>>
initRateUpdater(Config::scheme scheme,
Function const &velocityDirichletFunction,
Dune::BitSetVector<dimension> const &velocityDirichletNodes,
Matrices<Matrix> const &matrices, Vector const &u_initial,
Vector const &v_initial, Vector const &a_initial);
const std::vector<Function>& velocityDirichletFunctions,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<dimension>>& velocityDirichletNodes,
const Matrices<Matrix>& matrices,
const std::vector<Vector>& u_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& v_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& a_initial);
#include <dune/solvers/common/arithmetic.hh>
#include <dune/matrix-vector/axpy.hh>
#include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
#include "backward_euler.hh"
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
BackwardEuler<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::BackwardEuler(
Matrices<Matrix> const &_matrices, Vector const &_u_initial,
Vector const &_v_initial, Vector const &_a_initial,
Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
Function const &_dirichletFunction)
const Matrices<Matrix>& _matrices, const std::vector<Vector>& _u_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& _v_initial, const std::vector<Vector>& _a_initial,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<dim>>& _dirichletNodes,
const std::vector<Function>& _dirichletFunctions)
: RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>(
_matrices, _u_initial, _v_initial, _a_initial, _dirichletNodes,
_dirichletFunction) {}
_dirichletFunctions) {}
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void BackwardEuler<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::setup(
Vector const &ell, double _tau, double relativeTime, Vector &rhs,
Vector &iterate, Matrix &AM) {
this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(relativeTime, this->dirichletValue);
this->tau = _tau;
/* We start out with the formulation
M a + C v + A u = ell
Backward Euler means
a1 = 1.0/tau ( v1 - v0 )
u1 = tau v1 + u0
in summary, we get at time t=1
M [1.0/tau ( v1 - v0 )] + C v1
+ A [tau v1 + u0] = ell
1.0/tau M v1 + C v1 + tau A v1
= [1.0/tau M + C + tau A] v1
= ell + 1.0/tau M v0 - A u0
// set up LHS (for fixed tau, we'd only really have to do this once)
Dune::MatrixIndexSet indices(this->matrices.elasticity.N(),
void BackwardEuler<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::setup(const std::vector<Vector>& ell,
double _tau,
double relativeTime,
std::vector<Vector>& rhs, std::vector<Vector>& iterate,
std::vector<Matrix>& AM) {
for (size_t i=0; i<this->u.size(); i++) {
this->dirichletFunctions[i].evaluate(relativeTime, this->dirichletValues[i]);
this->tau = _tau;
/* We start out with the formulation
M a + C v + A u = ell
Backward Euler means
a1 = 1.0/tau ( v1 - v0 )
u1 = tau v1 + u0
in summary, we get at time t=1
M [1.0/tau ( v1 - v0 )] + C v1
+ A [tau v1 + u0] = ell
1.0/tau M v1 + C v1 + tau A v1
= [1.0/tau M + C + tau A] v1
= ell + 1.0/tau M v0 - A u0
// set up LHS (for fixed tau, we'd only really have to do this once)
Matrix& LHS = AM[i];
Dune::MatrixIndexSet indices(this->matrices.elasticity[i]->N(),
LHS = 0.0;
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(LHS, 1.0 / this->tau, *this->matrices.mass[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(LHS, 1.0, *this->matrices.damping[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(LHS, this->tau, *this->matrices.elasticity[i]);
// set up RHS
Vector& rhss = rhs[i];
rhss = ell[i];
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(rhss, 1.0 / this->tau, *this->matrices.mass[i],
Dune::MatrixVector::subtractProduct(rhss, *this->matrices.elasticity[i], this->u_o[i]);
iterate = this->v_o;
const Dune::BitSetVector<dim>& dirichletNodess = this->dirichletNodes[i];
for (size_t k = 0; k < dirichletNodess.size(); ++k)
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
if (this->dirichletNodes[k][j])
iterate[k][j] = (j == 0) ? this->dirichletValue : 0;
AM = 0.0;
Arithmetic::addProduct(AM, 1.0 / this->tau, this->matrices.mass);
Arithmetic::addProduct(AM, 1.0, this->matrices.damping);
Arithmetic::addProduct(AM, this->tau, this->matrices.elasticity);
// set up RHS
rhs = ell;
Arithmetic::addProduct(rhs, 1.0 / this->tau, this->matrices.mass,
Arithmetic::subtractProduct(rhs, this->matrices.elasticity, this->u_o);
iterate = this->v_o;
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
if (this->dirichletNodes[i][j])
iterate[i][j] = (j == 0) ? this->dirichletValue : 0;
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void BackwardEuler<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::postProcess(
Vector const &iterate) {
const std::vector<Vector>& iterate) {
this->postProcessCalled = true;
this->v = iterate;
this->u = this->u_o;
Arithmetic::addProduct(this->u, this->tau, this->v);
this->a = this->v;
this->a -= this->v_o;
this->a /= this->tau;
for (size_t i=0; i<this->u.size(); i++) {
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(this->u[i], this->tau, this->v[i]);
Vector& ai = this->a[i];
ai = this->v[i];
ai -= this->v_o[i];
ai /= this->tau;
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
......@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
class BackwardEuler : public RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim> {
BackwardEuler(Matrices<Matrix> const &_matrices, Vector const &_u_initial,
Vector const &_v_initial, Vector const &_a_initial,
Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
Function const &_dirichletFunction);
BackwardEuler(const Matrices<Matrix> &_matrices, const std::vector<Vector> &_u_initial,
const std::vector<Vector> &_v_initial, const std::vector<Vector> &_a_initial,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<dim> > &_dirichletNodes,
const std::vector<Function> &_dirichletFunctions);
void setup(Vector const &, double, double, Vector &, Vector &,
Matrix &) override;
void postProcess(Vector const &) override;
void setup(const std::vector<Vector>&, double, double, std::vector<Vector>&, std::vector<Vector>&,
std::vector<Matrix>&) override;
void postProcess(const std::vector<Vector>&) override;
std::shared_ptr<RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>> clone()
const override;
#include <dune/solvers/common/arithmetic.hh>
#include <dune/matrix-vector/axpy.hh>
#include <dune/istl/matrixindexset.hh>
#include "newmark.hh"
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
Newmark<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::Newmark(
Matrices<Matrix> const &_matrices, Vector const &_u_initial,
Vector const &_v_initial, Vector const &_a_initial,
Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
Function const &_dirichletFunction)
const Matrices<Matrix>& _matrices, const std::vector<Vector>& _u_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& _v_initial, const std::vector<Vector>& _a_initial,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<dim>>& _dirichletNodes,
const std::vector<Function>& _dirichletFunctions)
: RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>(
_matrices, _u_initial, _v_initial, _a_initial, _dirichletNodes,
_dirichletFunction) {}
_dirichletFunctions) {}
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void Newmark<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::setup(Vector const &ell,
void Newmark<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::setup(const std::vector<Vector>& ell,
double _tau,
double relativeTime,
Vector &rhs, Vector &iterate,
Matrix &AM) {
this->dirichletFunction.evaluate(relativeTime, this->dirichletValue);
this->tau = _tau;
std::vector<Vector>& rhs, std::vector<Vector>& iterate,
std::vector<Matrix>& AM) {
for (size_t i=0; i<this->u.size(); i++) {
this->dirichletFunctions[i].evaluate(relativeTime, this->dirichletValues[i]);
this->tau = _tau;
/* We start out with the formulation
/* We start out with the formulation
M a + C v + A u = ell
......@@ -41,58 +43,64 @@ void Newmark<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::setup(Vector const &ell,
= [2/tau M + C + tau/2 A] v1
= ell + 2/tau M v0 + M a0
- tau/2 A v0 - A u0
// set up LHS (for fixed tau, we'd only really have to do this once)
Dune::MatrixIndexSet indices(this->matrices.elasticity.N(),
// set up LHS (for fixed tau, we'd only really have to do this once)
Matrix& LHS = AM[i];
Dune::MatrixIndexSet indices(this->matrices.elasticity[i]->N(),
LHS = 0.0;
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(LHS, 2.0 / this->tau, *this->matrices.mass[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(LHS, 1.0, *this->matrices.damping[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(LHS, this->tau / 2.0, *this->matrices.elasticity[i]);
// set up RHS
Vector& rhss = rhs[i];
rhss = ell[i];
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(rhss, 2.0 / this->tau, *this->matrices.mass[i],
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(rhss, *this->matrices.mass[i], this->a_o[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::subtractProduct(rhss, this->tau / 2.0, *this->matrices.elasticity[i],
Dune::MatrixVector::subtractProduct(rhss, *this->matrices.elasticity[i], this->u_o[i]);
iterate = this->v_o;
const Dune::BitSetVector<dim>& dirichletNodess = this->dirichletNodes[i];
for (size_t k = 0; k < dirichletNodess.size(); ++k)
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
if (this->dirichletNodess[k][j])
iterate[k][j] = (j == 0) ? this->dirichletValue : 0;
AM = 0.0;
Arithmetic::addProduct(AM, 2.0 / this->tau, this->matrices.mass);
Arithmetic::addProduct(AM, 1.0, this->matrices.damping);
Arithmetic::addProduct(AM, this->tau / 2.0, this->matrices.elasticity);
// set up RHS
rhs = ell;
Arithmetic::addProduct(rhs, 2.0 / this->tau, this->matrices.mass,
Arithmetic::addProduct(rhs, this->matrices.mass, this->a_o);
Arithmetic::subtractProduct(rhs, this->tau / 2.0, this->matrices.elasticity,
Arithmetic::subtractProduct(rhs, this->matrices.elasticity, this->u_o);
iterate = this->v_o;
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->dirichletNodes.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
if (this->dirichletNodes[i][j])
iterate[i][j] = (j == 0) ? this->dirichletValue : 0;
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void Newmark<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::postProcess(
Vector const &iterate) {
void Newmark<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::postProcess(const std::vector<Vector>& iterate) {
this->postProcessCalled = true;
this->v = iterate;
// u1 = tau/2 ( v1 + v0 ) + u0
this->u = this->u_o;
Arithmetic::addProduct(this->u, this->tau / 2.0, this->v);
Arithmetic::addProduct(this->u, this->tau / 2.0, this->v_o);
// a1 = 2/tau ( v1 - v0 ) - a0
this->a = 0.0;
Arithmetic::addProduct(this->a, 2.0 / this->tau, this->v);
Arithmetic::subtractProduct(this->a, 2.0 / this->tau, this->v_o);
Arithmetic::subtractProduct(this->a, 1.0, this->a_o);
for (size_t i=0; i<this->u.size(); i++) {
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(this->u[i], this->tau / 2.0, this->v[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(this->u[i], this->tau / 2.0, this->v_o[i]);
// a1 = 2/tau ( v1 - v0 ) - a0
this->a[i] = 0.0;
Dune::MatrixVector::addProduct(this->a[i], 2.0 / this->tau, this->v[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::subtractProduct(this->a[i], 2.0 / this->tau, this->v_o[i]);
Dune::MatrixVector::subtractProduct(this->a[i], 1.0, this->a_o[i]);
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
......@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
class Newmark : public RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim> {
Newmark(Matrices<Matrix> const &_matrices, Vector const &_u_initial,
Vector const &_v_initial, Vector const &_a_initial,
Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
Function const &_dirichletFunction);
Newmark(const Matrices<Matrix>& _matrices, const std::vector<Vector>& _u_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& _v_initial, const std::vector<Vector>& _a_initial,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<dim>>& _dirichletNodes,
const std::vector<Function>& _dirichletFunctions);
void setup(Vector const &, double, double, Vector &, Vector &,
Matrix &) override;
void postProcess(Vector const &) override;
void setup(const std::vector<Vector>&, double, double, std::vector<Vector>&, std::vector<Vector>&,
std::vector<Matrix>&) override;
void postProcess(const std::vector<Vector>&) override;
std::shared_ptr<RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>> clone()
const override;
......@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::RateUpdater(
Matrices<Matrix> const &_matrices, Vector const &_u_initial,
Vector const &_v_initial, Vector const &_a_initial,
Dune::BitSetVector<dim> const &_dirichletNodes,
Function const &_dirichletFunction)
const Matrices<Matrix>& _matrices, const std::vector<Vector>& _u_initial,
const std::vector<Vector>& _v_initial, const std::vector<Vector>& _a_initial,
const std::vector<Dune::BitSetVector<dim>>& _dirichletNodes,
const std::vector<Function>& _dirichletFunctions)
: matrices(_matrices),
dirichletFunction(_dirichletFunction) {}
dirichletFunctions(_dirichletFunctions) {}
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::nextTimeStep() {
......@@ -26,17 +26,15 @@ void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::nextTimeStep() {
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractDisplacement(
Vector &displacement) const {
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractDisplacement(std::vector<Vector>& displacements) const {
if (!postProcessCalled)
DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "It seems you forgot to call postProcess!");
displacement = u;
displacements = u;
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractVelocity(
Vector &velocity) const {
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractVelocity(std::vector<Vector>& velocity) const {
if (!postProcessCalled)
DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "It seems you forgot to call postProcess!");
......@@ -44,14 +42,12 @@ void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractVelocity(
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractOldVelocity(
Vector &oldVelocity) const {
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractOldVelocity(std::vector<Vector>& oldVelocity) const {
oldVelocity = v_o;
template <class Vector, class Matrix, class Function, size_t dim>
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractAcceleration(
Vector &acceleration) const {
void RateUpdater<Vector, Matrix, Function, dim>::extractAcceleration(std::vector<Vector>& acceleration) const {
if (!postProcessCalled)
DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "It seems you forgot to call postProcess!");