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  • dev-group1-simon
  • dev-group1-stefan
  • dev-group2-all-aggregations
  • dev-group2-graphs
  • dev-group2-limit-neighbors
  • dev-group3-kim
  • dev-group3-qdigest
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8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Jul181514131098754328Jun26232221201816151413831May31Aug24Jul2324Jun181712119snapshot trigger on wallet gui will be create as wall a supervisor snapshotdev-group3-qdig…dev-group3-qdigestminor fixes histogram fixesSplit supervisor and wallet histogramsupervisor track all transactionssnapshot loadadd transactionHistoryMerge branch 'dev-group3-qdigest' of into dev-group3-qdigestimplement distributed snapshot for wallets and add x-quantile to histogram viewimproved snapshot folder naming with leading zerosadded warning if send amount is not setchange randomNeighbors such that it works both with gephi and withoutdev-group2-all-…dev-group2-all-aggregationsmergefix AggregationContextBuilderadded statisticsadded statistic messageMerge branch 'dev-group3-gephi' into 'master' mastermasterrefactor builder pattern AggregationContextprevent npe with aggregation context resultsmerge dev-group3-gephiadd graphsdev-group2-graphsdev-group2-graphslimit neighbors to given numberdev-group2-limi…dev-group2-limit-neighborsadd sum and count as aggregation functions, allow for multiple aggregations at the same timemake AggregationContext nonnullAdded fix for spaces in node namesAdded helper to handle cases, where label fields are not well-formedChanged random transaction callback to a futureReduced log message spam, callback added for when a random transactions are finishedNode info will now only be display for a certain amount of time in the GraphWindow info barqdigst to statistics class and statistic class to abstractWallet, snapshot can now load from previous sessions.Added file selector to select topology fileRefactoring and fixing the invisible graph bugAdded a status bar showing wallet information when a node is clickedImplemented functionality to handle node clickhistograms as bar chartsnapshot based histogramssince the absented of fully connected network the coins transaction is a bit buggy, add DirtyBugFixBy spawning new Wallets chose preKnownNeighbour randomly, chain the random transactionRetina on click support added. Please check wiki for details on this branchAdded creation of overlay network based on gephi graph librarysnapshot