// extended unavailable SGV may be due to clash with the current polling time
// while we wait for a good SGV event, polling is auto adjusted by offsetting the next poll based on miss count
nextRequestedPollTime+=POLL_PERIOD_MS/5L;// if there is a uploader/sensor poll clash on startup then this will push the next attempt out by 60 seconds
sendStatus("Warning: No SGV available from pump for "+dataStore.getUnavailableSGVCount()+" attempts");
nextRequestedPollTime+=((long)((dataStore.getUnavailableSGVCount()-2)%5))*(POLL_PERIOD_MS/10L);// adjust poll time in 1/10 steps to avoid potential poll clash (max adjustment at 5/10)
// extended unavailable SGV may be due to clash with the current polling time
// while we wait for a good SGV event, polling is auto adjusted by offsetting the next poll based on miss count
nextRequestedPollTime+=POLL_PERIOD_MS/5L;// if there is a uploader/sensor poll clash on startup then this will push the next attempt out by 60 seconds
sendStatus("Warning: No SGV available from pump for "+dataStore.getUnavailableSGVCount()+" attempts");
nextRequestedPollTime+=((long)((dataStore.getUnavailableSGVCount()-2)%5))*(POLL_PERIOD_MS/10L);// adjust poll time in 1/10 steps to avoid potential poll clash (max adjustment at 5/10)