Thesis Template
You want to have the following things installed if you intend to use this template:
- A LaTeX backend (e.g. TeX Live or MikTeX)
- A comfortable text editor (e.g. Notepad++) or a LaTeX frontend (e.g. TeXstudio)
- Visual Studio Code also has a quite usable LaTeX extension
- A bibliography manager (e.g. JabRef)
You may also use a Docker-based workflow. See below for details.
See the automatically created PDF file for more documentation on the "configuration options" of your document.
To create a PDF file manually (i.e. if you don't use a LaTeX frontend), you need to call:
latexmk -pdf thesis
You can also use a Docker image to compile the LaTeX source:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home danteev/texlive latexmk -pdf thesis.tex
# For continuous builds
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home danteev/texlive latexmk -pdf -pvc thesis.tex