This repo contains a technical report on a online based survey on email use. The survey was developed as part of the course "Empirische Bewertung in der Informatik" at the Institute of Computer Science.
Report Template
We use the template provided by the course instructors.
You want to have the following things installed in order to use this template:
- A LaTeX backend (e.g. TeX Live or MikTeX)
- A comfortable text editor (e.g. Notepad++), a LaTeX frontend (e.g. TeXstudio), or an R frontend (e.g. RStudio)
- A BibTeX manager (e.g. JabRef)
- R with the knitr library installed.
To create a PDF file manually (i.e. if you don't use a LaTeX frontend), you need to call:
Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('report.Rnw')"
pdflatex report
bibtex report
pdflatex report
pdflatex report
Attention: There are problems with BibTeX if you are using RStudio. It seems not work from within RStudio so you need to resort to the manual file creation.
Good to know
The two templates both use the same document class agse-empir-report
comes with a few tweaks (all of which are also demonstrated in the default
template content):
- The new commands
to format the author information. - The commands
are altered and have an optional parameter to indicate the author of the corresponding text part. - Exmples of inline R code with
and regular knitr blocks (<<>>= ... @
) with both tables and plots.