@@ -78,3 +78,11 @@ To this end, we study the academic contributions on Wikipedia's vandal fighting
The remaining part of this thesis is organised in the following manner:
Chapter~\ref{chap:background} situates the topic in the academic discourse and examines some key notions relevant for the subsequent analysis.
In chapter~\ref{chap:methods}, I discuss scientific methods that helped me to accomplish the analysis (syn!).
Next, I describe the edit filter mechanism in general: how and why it was conceived, how it looks like/works from from a technical and a social governance perspective.
A detailed analysis (syn!) of the current state of all implemented edit filters on English Wikipedia follows (syn) is presented in chapter~\ref{chap:overview-en-wiki}.
We discuss the findings and the limitations of the inquiry in chapter~\ref{chap:discussion}.
Finally, the analysis (syn!) is wrapped up in the conclusion where also directions for possible future investigations are given.