@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Example <-- examples so far come from the 1st round of labeling
### Content related vandalism
Def: blatant, immediately obvious vandalism, such as inserting repeating characters or other intentional nonsence, such as "Baby carrots are yummy in my tummy." (Edit on the Veganism-Page); obscenities? %TODO where do we put obscenities?
Def: blatant, immediately obvious vandalism, such as inserting repeating characters or other intentional nonsence, such as "Baby carrots are yummy in my tummy." (Edit on the Veganism-Page); obscenities? %TODO where do we put obscenities? and stuff like ALL CAPS?
@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ Example <-- examples so far come from the 1st round of labeling
Def: We probably don't need this, see below for the only filter in this category
Examples: 396 "Don't delete the main page" (which was never tripped by the way^^)
Def: included during 2nd labeling for marking filters dealing with inserting profanities into articles in general, without them being targeted at a person (that is the difference to 'personal_attacks')
### Politically motivated vandalism
Def: Disruptions on topics related to religion
@@ -229,6 +232,20 @@ Examples: 154 "Macedonia naming conflict 2"; 19 "Replacement of "partition of In
TODO: label cases additionally with scope/area the filter is targeting
Introducing because of filter 18 "Test type edits from clicking on edit bar"