* possible explanation of the surge of filter hits in 2016: Trump came to power, Brexit happened and the first large-scale suspicion of manipulated elections was voiced
* modify the diagram (num filter hits/month) in such a way, that we can identify the number for each month (stretch the x-axis); maybe also plot a regression line through it
* split descriptive stats/visualisations in filters characteristics and filter activities (one bunch which focuses on filter themselves and one that takes the number of hits into account)
* talk to Mariam about methodology and coding
* Till now the whole inquiry is largely descriptive. It's fine the status quo is captured but then we should go a step further and ask "so what"? What do we have from that? Explain the data
* maybe we won't be able to explain a lot of it and we can open it further as interesting questions to be looked into by ethnographers
* think about what values we embed to what systems and how; --> Lessig
* to answer the question about evolution over time, I really do need the abuse_filter_history table
* modify 3rd question to: why are regexes still there when we have ML; answering it most probably involves talking to people
* check what questions the first bot papers asked, may serve as inspiration
* another difference bots/filters, it's easier to ddos the bot infrastructure, than the filters: buy a cluster and edit till the revert table overflows