@@ -474,6 +474,10 @@ maybe it's a historical phenomenon (in many regards):
Oftentimes edit filter managers are also bot operators; how would they decide when to implement a filter and when a bot?
%TODO: ask people! (on IRC?)
I've compiled a list of edit filter managers who are simultaneously also bot operators;
I've further assembled the bots they run and made notes on the bots that seem to be relevant to vandalism prevention/quality assurance
I'm currently trying to determine from document traces what filter contributions the corresponding edit filter managers had and whether they are working on filters similar to the bots they operate.
Insight is currently minimal, since abuse\_filter\_history table is not available and we can only determine what filters an edit filter manager has worked on from limited traces such as: last modifier of the filter from abuse\_filter table; editors who signed their comments from abuse\_filter table; probably some noticeboards or talk page archives, but I haven't looked into these so far.