@@ -234,18 +234,11 @@ As of May 10, 2019, there are 154 users in the ``edit filter managers'' group\fo
@@ -234,18 +234,11 @@ As of May 10, 2019, there are 154 users in the ``edit filter managers'' group\fo
(For comparison, as of March 9, 2019 there are 1181 admins, see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers/sysop}.)
(For comparison, as of March 9, 2019 there are 1181 admins, see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers/sysop}.)
Out of the 154 edit filter managers only 11 are not administrators (most of them have other privileged groups such as ``rollbacker'', ``pending changes reviewer'', ``extended confirmed user'' and similar though).
Out of the 154 edit filter managers only 11 are not administrators (most of them have other privileged groups such as ``rollbacker'', ``pending changes reviewer'', ``extended confirmed user'' and similar though).
\subsection{Modifying a filter}
% TODO Should we keep this here? it's more a comment on the filters lifecycle that I also discuss in chap.5
It is not uncommon, that the action(s) a particular filter triggers change over time.
As of the guidelines for introducing new filters, every filter should be enabled in ``log only'' mode at the beginning.
After it has been deemed that the filter actually acts as desired, usually additional actions are switched on~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilterInstructions}.
Sometimes, when a wave of particularly persistent vandalism arises, a filter is temporarily set to ``warn'' or ``disallow'' and the actions are removed again as soon as the filter is not tripped very frequently anymore. %TODO src? other than data?
\subsection{Urgent situations}
\subsection{Urgent situations}
Throughout the documentation, there are several provisions for urgent situations.
Throughout the documentation, there are several provisions for urgent situations.
For instance, generally, every new filter should be tested extensively in logging mode only (without any further actions) until a sufficient number of edits has demonstrated that it does indeed filter what it was intended to and there aren't too many false positives.
For instance, generally, every new filter should be tested extensively in logging mode only (without any further filter actions enabled) until a sufficient number of edits has demonstrated that it does indeed filter what it was intended to and there aren't too many false positives.
As a matter of fact, caution is solicited both on the edit filter description page~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter} and on the edit filter management page~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilterManagement}.
As a matter of fact, caution is solicited both on the edit filter description page~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter} and on the edit filter management page~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilterManagement}.
Only then the filter should have ``warn'' or ``disallow'' actions enabled~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter}.
Only then the filter should have ``warn'' or ``disallow'' actions enabled~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter}.
%TODO move this to the introducing a filter part, where it's mentioned for the first time that filters should be "log only" in the beginning; move verything else to further studies/long list of interesting questions
%TODO move this to the introducing a filter part, where it's mentioned for the first time that filters should be "log only" in the beginning; move verything else to further studies/long list of interesting questions
@@ -522,6 +522,14 @@ CAT: https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Especial:Usuaris/abusefilter (currently: 4 us
@@ -522,6 +522,14 @@ CAT: https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Especial:Usuaris/abusefilter (currently: 4 us
-- auf Spanisch/Deutsch/Russisch existiert die Rolle nicht; interessant zu wissen, ob sie iwo subsumiert wurde
-- auf Spanisch/Deutsch/Russisch existiert die Rolle nicht; interessant zu wissen, ob sie iwo subsumiert wurde
-- auf Bulgarisch übrigens auch nicht, aber da existiert auch die gesamte EditFilter seite nicht
-- auf Bulgarisch übrigens auch nicht, aber da existiert auch die gesamte EditFilter seite nicht
Probably it's simply admins who can modify the filters there.
Probably it's simply admins who can modify the filters there.
\subsection{Modifying a filter}
% TODO Moved from chap.4, building a filter
It is not uncommon, that the action(s) a particular filter triggers change over time.
As of the guidelines for implementing new filters, every filter should be enabled in ``log only'' mode at its introduction.
After it has been deemed that the filter actually acts as desired, usually additional actions are switched on~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilterInstructions}.
Sometimes, when a wave of particularly persistent vandalism arises, a filter is temporarily set to ``warn'' or ``disallow'' and the actions are removed again as soon as the filter is not tripped very frequently anymore. %TODO src? other than data?