* Question: Is it worth it to use a filter which has many side effects?
* Do filters work the desired way/help for a smoother Wikipedia service or is it a lot of work to maintain them and the usefulness is questionable?
* Precision/Recall: False Positives? were filters shut down, bc they matched more False positives than they had real value?
* How has the notion of vandalism changed over time (not particularly computer sciency..)?
* What are disallow/block filters doing? Is it too great an intervention that drives new editors away? (Can we answer that?)
* Is it worth it to use a filter which has many side effects?
* What are discussions on filter patterns? On filter repercussions?
* What can we filter with a REGEX? And what not? Are regexes the suitable technology for the means the community is trying to achieve?
* GT is good for tackling controversial questions: e.g. are filters with disallow action a too severe interference with the editing process that has way too much negative consequences? (e.g. driving away new comers?)