The data upon which the current analysis builds presently consists of 2 sets/data base tables.
These are \emph{abuse\_filter} and \emph{abuse\_filter\_action} from \emph{enwiki\_p}, downloaded on 6.01.2019 via quarry~\footnote{\url{}}.
For the present analysis we have analysed EN Wikipedia's policies and guidelines on the one hand, and the database tables of the AbuseFilter extension on the other.
The \emph{abuse\_filter} and \emph{abuse\_filter\_action} tables from \emph{enwiki\_p} were downloaded on 6.01.2019 via quarry~\footnote{\url{}}.
The complete files can be found in the repository for the present paper~\cite{github}. % TODO add a more specific link
These tables, along with \emph{abuse\_filter\_log} and \emph{abuse\_filter\_history}, are created and used by the AbuseFilter MediaWiki extension~\cite{gerrit-abusefilter}.
Selected queries have been run against the \emph{abuse\_filter\_log} table as well.
Unfortunately, currently the \emph{abuse\_filter\_history} table is not exposed to the public due to security/privacy concerns.
Unfortunately, currently the \emph{abuse\_filter\_history} table is not exposed to the public due to security/privacy concerns~\cite{phabricator}.
We hope to be shortly able to access a view of this table in order to conduct historic inquirements.
The schemas of these tables can be viewed in Figures~\ref{fig:db-schemas-af},~\ref{fig:db-schemas-afl},~\ref{fig:db-schemas-afh} and~\ref{fig:db-schemas-afa}.