%TODO are there further examples of such collaborations: consider scripting smth that parses the bots descriptions from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:All_Wikipedia_bots and looks for "abuse" and "filter"
"Reports functional changes of edit filters to the watchable page User:MusikBot/FilterMonitor/Recent changes. The template {{recent filter changes}} formats this information and can be transcluded where desired."
"AbuseFilterIRC: Relays all edit filter hits to IRC channels and allows you to subscribe to notifications when specific filters are tripped. See #wikipedia-en-abuse-log-all connect for the English Wikipedia feed. "
Apparently, Twinkle at least has the possibility of using heuristics from the abuse filter log for its queues.
% is that so? the only place I can find abuse filters mentioned with Twinkle is in the source code: https://github.com/azatoth/twinkle/blob/master/morebits.js#L2636; and I'm not quite sure what this part of the code does.