Q1 We wanted to improve our understanding of the role of filters in existing algorithmic quality-control mechanisms (bots, ORES, humans). -- chapter 4 (and 2)
Subquestion (for discussion): Since filters are classical rule-based systems, what are suitable areas of application for such rule-based system in contrast to the other ML-based approaches. -- chapter 6 (discussion)
Q2 Which type of tasks do these filters take over? -- chapter 5
Subquestion: How these tasks evolve over time (are they changes in the type, number, etc.)? -- chapter 5 (can be significantly expanded)
@@ -71,10 +71,16 @@ To this end, we study the academic contributions on Wikipedia's quality control
* How have these tasks evolved over time (are there changes in the type, number, etc.)? - chapter 5
* What are suitable areas of application for rule-based systems such as filters in contrast to the other ML-based approaches? - discussion
Questions from Confluence
Q1 We wanted to improve our understanding of the role of filters in existing algorithmic quality-control mechanisms (bots, ORES, humans).
Q2 Which type of tasks do these filters take over in comparison to the other mechanisms? How these tasks evolve over time (are they changes in the type, number, etc.)?
Q3 Since filters are classical rule-based systems, what are suitable areas of application for such rule-based system in contrast to the other ML-based approaches.
Revise Questions from Confluence:
Q1 We wanted to improve our understanding of the role of filters in existing algorithmic quality-control mechanisms (bots, ORES, humans). -- chapter 4 (and 2)
Subquestion (for discussion): Since filters are classical rule-based systems, what are suitable areas of application for such rule-based system in contrast to the other ML-based approaches. -- chapter 6 (discussion)
Q2 Which type of tasks do these filters take over? -- chapter 5
Subquestion: How these tasks evolve over time (are they changes in the type, number, etc.)? -- chapter 5 (can be significantly expanded)
Important to differentiate between parts that
* report results
* interpret results
* to answer the question about evolution over time, I really do need the abuse_filter_history table