"The Article Feedback extension (aka Article Feedback Tool, Version 5) was a Wikimedia Foundation project designed to engage Wikimedia readers in the assessment of article quality, one of the five priorities defined in the strategic plan."
"AFT5 was developed from November 2011 to June 2013, and tested in three pilots on the English, French and German Wikipedias. The goal of AFT5 was to engage readers to participate on Wikipedia -- and to help editors improve articles based on reader feedback. After careful review of pilot results, this project was discontinued in March 2014, as outlined below and in this report. "
"However, a majority of editors did not find reader comments useful enough to warrant the extra work of moderating this feedback"
//This would explain why all feedback filters were deleted
Guidelines specifically call for careful use of ``disallow''.
Guidelines specifically call for careful use of ``disallow''.
Only severe cases for which ``substantially all good-faith editors would agree are undesirable'' or specific cases for which consensus has been reached should be disallowed~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter}.
Only severe cases for which ``substantially all good-faith editors would agree are undesirable'' or specific cases for which consensus has been reached should be disallowed~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter}.