<img src="images/funnel-with-filters-new.png" class="stretch" height="500" alt="Funnel diagramm of all vandal fighting mechanisms according to me">
* edit filters triggered *before* an edit is published
* disallow certain types of obvious, pervasive (perhaps automated), and difficult to remove vandalism directly
* can target malicious users directly without restricting everyone (<-> page protection)
* historically faster and more reliable, by being a direct part of the core software
* people fed up with bot governance
* 1st mechanism activated to control quality (at the beginning of the funnel)
@@ -269,7 +275,13 @@ Notes:
> "This extension is not designed to catch the subtle vandalism, because it's too hard to identify directly. It's designed to catch the obvious vandalism to leave the humans more time to look for the subtle stuff. Happy‑melon 16:35, 9 July 2008 (UTC)"
> This is quite different from, say, an anti-vandalism adminbot. The code is private, and, in any case, too ugly for anybody to know how to use it properly [...] and the bot is controlled by a private individual, with no testing.
\subsection{Q4: How have these tasks evolved over time (are they changes in the type, number, etc.)?}
<img src="images/filter-hits-zoomed.png" alt="Number of filter hits per month, Mar 2009-Jan 2019">
<img src="images/number-edits-over-the-years.png" alt="Number of edits over the years">
<img src="images/reverts.png" alt="Number of reverts per month, Jul 2001-Jul 2017">
<small>Data source: R.S. Geiger and A. Halfaker. 2017. Code and Datasets for: Operationalizing Conflict and Cooperation Between Automated Software Agents in Wikipedia. Figshare (2017). https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5362216</small>
<img src="images/filter-hits-actions.png" alt="Number of filter hits per month, according to filter action" height="250">
<img src="images/filter-hits-manual-tags.png" alt="Number of filter hits per month, according to manuall assigned labels" height="250">
<img src="images/filter-hits-editor-actions.png" alt="Number of filter hits per month, according to causing editor's action" height="250">
<img src="images/filter-hits-zoomed.png" class="stretch" height="500" alt="Number of filter hits per month, Mar 2009-Jan 2019">
<img src="images/filter-hits-manual-tags.png" class="stretch" height="500" alt="Number of filter hits per month, according to manuall assigned labels">
@@ -335,14 +363,14 @@ Contributions
\item initial systematic investigation of filters and their role among other mechanisms
\item codebook for classifying filters according to their task
\item openly accessible artefacts: scripts for data analysis, etc.