* Generally, always set action to logging only first
* Announce at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Edit_filter_noticeboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Edit_filter_noticeboard) and receive feedback
* possibly change the filter action
## Who can edit filters
**abusefilter-modify* permission
* March 9, 2019: 152 users in the *edit filter managers* group (and 1181 admins)
* (4 users on CA Wikipedia, and the role doesn't exist on the DE, ES, RU or BG wiki)
## How are problems handled
Edit Filter Noticeboard:
* current filters behaviour: e.g. changing filter action or updating pattern
* consider collaborations filters/bots (e.g. MrZ Bot which puts editors found on the abuse log often on the AIV noticeboard.) are there further exampled for this kind of collaborations?
% When and why were Wikipedia edit filters introduced?
Edit filters were first introduced on the English Wikipedia in 2009 under the name ``abuse filters''.
Their clear purpose was to cope with the rising(syn) amount of vandalism as well as ``common newbie mistakes'' the encyclopedia faced~\cite{Signpost2009}.
According to Wikipedia's newspaper, The Signpost, their clear purpose was to cope with the rising(syn) amount of vandalism as well as ``common newbie mistakes'' the encyclopedia faced~\cite{Signpost2009}.
% TODO: when and why was the extension renamed
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Probably it's simply admins who can modify the filters there.
There are several pages where problematic behaviour concerning edit filters as well as potential solutions are discussed.
For instance, current filter behaviour is discussed on the Edit Filter Noticeboard~\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Edit_filter_noticeboard}}.
For instance, current filters behaviour is discussed on the Edit Filter Noticeboard~\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Edit_filter_noticeboard}}.
Issues handled here include changing the edit filter action of single filters, changing edit filter warning templates, problems with specific regexes or variables and proposals for filter deletions.
Furthermore, on the noticeboard discussions take place about giving edit filter manager rights to users, or withdrawing these if a misuse was observed and raising the issue with the editor directly didn't resolve the problem~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter}.
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ In ``urgent situations'' however (how are these defined? who determines they are
Here, the filter editor responsible should monitor the filter and the logs in order to make sure the filter does what it was supposed to~\cite{Wikipedia:EditFilter}.
%TODO: where should this go?
%TODO: where should this go? Already kind of mentioned in the introducing a filter part
Since edit filters run against every edit saved on Wikipedia, it is generally adviced against rarely tripped filters and a number of alternatives is signaled to edit filter managers and editors proposing new filters.
%TODO: number of filters cannot grow endlessly, every edit is checked against all of them and this consumes computing power! (and apparently haven't been chucked with Moore's law). is this the reason why number of filters has been more or less constanst over the years?
@@ -249,6 +249,8 @@ The rules format can be viewed under \url{https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extensi
Data generated by the extension in stored in following database tables: \emph{abuse\_filter}, \emph{abuse\_filter\_log}, \emph{abuse\_filter\_action} and \emph{abuse\_filter\_history}~\cite{gerrit-abusefilter}.
%TODO which new user permissions and which filter actions does the extension introduce?