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from typing import Callable, NamedTuple, Union
from math import inf

from evrouting.T import SoC, Wh, ChargingCoefficient, Time, Node

class SoCProfile:
    The SoC Profile maps an initial SoC to the SoC after
    traversing a path.

    SoC profile of a path is fully described with two parameters:
        - cost: Cost of going from u to v.
        - out: Maximal SoC after passing the path from u to v.

    def __init__(self, path_cost: Wh, capacity: SoC):
        Calculates the maximum SoC after traversing the path, which is
        (for non-negative path costs) U - cost.

        :param path_cost: Cost of the path. The SoC Profile of
            a single vertex has no cost.
        :param capacity: The battery's capacity.
        self.capacity: SoC = capacity
        self.path_cost: Wh = path_cost
        self.out: SoC = capacity - self.path_cost

    def __call__(self, initial_soc: SoC) -> SoC:
        :param initial_soc: The initial SoC.
        :returns: The SoC after traversing the path.
        if initial_soc < self.path_cost:
            return -inf
        final_soc = initial_soc - self.path_cost

        return final_soc if final_soc < self.capacity else self.capacity

    def __add__(self, other: 'SoCProfile') -> 'SoCProfile':
        Combines to SoC Profiles.

        The for the combined SoC Profile, given a SoC Profile for a path a
        and a path b, holds:

            cost = cost_a + cost_b
            out = U - cost

        :return: Combined SoC Profile.
        return SoCProfile(self.path_cost + other.path_cost, self.capacity)

class ChargingFunction:
    Charging functions map charging time to resulting SoCs. Since they are
    monotonic, there exists also an inverse mapping SoC to charging time.

    Dummy Charging Station

    Special case is a so called dummy charging station. This is the case
    if the charging coefficient is 0. Then there is no actual charging and
    the value of the charging station is always the same as the arrival SoC.

    A dummy charging station is necessary for initialization of the problem
    to trigger spawning of new labels.

    def __init__(self, c: ChargingCoefficient, capacity: SoC,
                 initial_soc: SoC = None):

        :param c: The stations charging coefficient. If c=0, the this becomes
            a so called dummy charging station, that exists to trigger label
            creation in the algorithm.
        :param capacity: The battery's capacity, respectively the maximum of
            the charging function.
        :param initial_soc: The SoC at arriving at the charging station. This is
            optional for dummy charging stations, that do not actually charge:

                cf(b) = soc

        self.c: ChargingCoefficient = c
        self.capacity: SoC = capacity
        self.initial_soc: SoC = initial_soc

    def is_dummy(self) -> bool:
        """Tell if function is a dummy function."""
        return self.c == 0

    def __call__(self, t: Time, initial_soc: SoC = 0) -> SoC:
        :param t: Charging time
        :param initial_soc: Initial SoC when starting to charge
        :return: SoC after charging.
        if self.is_dummy:
            if self.initial_soc is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Charging coefficient is 0 but no initial SoC given.'
            soc = self.initial_soc
            soc = initial_soc + self.c * t

        return soc if soc < self.capacity else self.capacity

    def inverse(self) -> Callable[[SoC], Time]:
        :returns: Inverse charging function mapping SoC to charging
            time (assuming initial SoC=0)
        if self.is_dummy:
            raise ValueError('Dummy Carging function has no inverse.')

        c = self.c
        capacity = self.capacity

        def cf_inverse(soc: SoC) -> Time:
            if soc > capacity:
                # Return max charge time
                return capacity / c
            if soc < 0:
                # Return min charge time
                return 0

            return soc / c

        return cf_inverse

    def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
        """Comparison for dominance check."""
        return self.c < other.c

    def __gt__(self, other):
        """Comparison for dominance check."""
        return self.c > other.c

class Label(NamedTuple):
    Label used for the Algorithm.

    The (paleto optimal) label where u=t is the
    contains the minimum trip time necessary to get to t.

    The label of node v consists of a tuple:

        (t_trip, soc_last_cs, last_cs, soc_profile_cs_v)


        :t_trip: Trip time to node v without charging time at the last
            charging station.
        :soc_last_cs: Arrival SoC at the last charging station.
        :last_cs: (Node ID of) The last charging station.
        :soc_profile_cs_v: The SoC Profile describing the costs going from
            the charging station to current node v.
    t_trip: Time
    soc_last_cs: SoC
    last_cs: Node
    soc_profile_cs_v: SoCProfile

class Breakpoint(NamedTuple):
    t: Time
    soc: SoC

class SoCFunction:
    SoC Function of a node's label maps trip time plus an additional charging
    time at the last charging station to a SoC at the node.


    def __init__(self, label: Label, cf_cs: ChargingFunction):
        :param label: Label containing to a node. It has the fields:

            :t_trip: Trip time. Includes time to reach v from the last
                charging station in the path but excludes charging at u.
            :soc_last_cs: The SoC at reaching the last charging station
                before any charging.
            :last_cs: The last charging station in the path to current node.
            :soc_profile_cs_v: The SoC Profile of the path cs -> v.
            :cf_cs: Charging function of cs.

        :param cf_cs: The charging function of the last charging station.
        # Unpack label
        self.t_trip: Time = label.t_trip
        self.last_cs: Node = label.last_cs
        self.soc_last_cs: SoC = label.soc_last_cs
        self.soc_profile_cs_v: SoCProfile = label.soc_profile_cs_v

        self.cf_cs: ChargingFunction = cf_cs
        self.breakpoints = self.get_breakpoints()

    def get_breakpoints(self):
        breakpoints = [Breakpoint(self.minimum, 0)]
        if not self.cf_cs.is_dummy:
                    self.minimum + self.cf_cs.inverse(self.soc_profile_cs_v.out),
        return breakpoints

    def __call__(self, t: Time) -> SoC:
        Maps a new trip time to a SoC at the current node. The new trip time
        then includes and fixes charging time at the last charging station.

        :param t: t = trip time + charging at the last charging station
        :return: SoC at current node at time t after spending t - t_trip at
            the last charging station to charge the battery.

        if t < self.t_trip:
            # Impossible to reach the current node for times < trip time
            return -inf

        return self.soc_profile_cs_v(
            self.cf_cs(t - self.t_trip, self.soc_last_cs)

    def calc_optimal_t_charge(self, cs: ChargingFunction) -> Union[Time, None]:
        capacity: SoC = self.soc_profile_cs_v.capacity

        t_charge = None

        if cs > self.cf_cs:
            # Faster charging station -> charge as soon as possible
            t_charge = self.breakpoints[0].t - self.t_trip
        elif self.breakpoints[-1].soc < capacity:
            # Slower charging station might still be dominating
            # because the soc cannot be more than the full capacity
            # decreased by the trip costs. This will be refilled at this station.
            t_charge = self.breakpoints[-1].t - self.t_trip

        return t_charge

    def __lt__(self, other: 'SoCFunction') -> bool:
        """Comparison for dominance check."""
        for t_i, soc_i in self.breakpoints:
            if other(t_i) < soc_i:
                return False

        for t_i, soc_i in other.breakpoints:
            if soc_i < self(t_i):
                return False

        return True

    def __gt__(self, other: 'SoCFunction') -> bool:
        """Comparison for dominance check."""
        for t_i, soc_i in self.breakpoints:
            if other(t_i) > soc_i:
                return False

        for t_i, soc_i in other.breakpoints:
            if soc_i > self(t_i):
                return False

        return True

    def minimum(self) -> Time:
        :returns: Least feasible trip time. That is, the minimum time when
            the SoC functions yields a SoC value that is not -inf.

            This is either the trip time, or if energy needs to be charged
            at the previous charging station to traverse the path, trip time
            plus charging time until the battery holds the minimum energy to
            traverse the path to the current node (which is the cost of the
            path). This time is:

            t = t_trip + cf_cs^(-1)(cost_cs_v) - cf_cs^(-1)(soc_last_sc)

            Thus, for t_min holds:

            t_min = max(t_trip, t)

        cost_p = self.soc_profile_cs_v.path_cost

        if cost_p > self.soc_last_cs:
            if self.cf_cs.is_dummy:
                # Not feasible. Dummy stations do not load.
                return -inf

            return self.t_trip + \
                   self.cf_cs.inverse(cost_p) - \

        return self.t_trip