// Based on dune/tnnmg/problem-classes/blocknonlineartnnmgproblem.hh
#include <dune/solvers/common/interval.hh>
#include <dune/solvers/computeenergy.hh>
#include <dune/tnnmg/problem-classes/bisection.hh>
#include <dune/tnnmg/problem-classes/blocknonlineargsproblem.hh>
#include "mydirectionalconvexfunction.hh"
/** \brief Base class for problems where each block can be solved with a
* modified gradient method */
template <class ConvexProblem>
class MyBlockProblem : /* NOT PUBLIC */ BlockNonlinearGSProblem<ConvexProblem> {
typedef BlockNonlinearGSProblem<ConvexProblem> BNGSP;
using typename BNGSP::ConvexProblemType;
using typename BNGSP::LocalMatrixType;
using typename BNGSP::LocalVectorType;
using typename BNGSP::MatrixType;
using typename BNGSP::VectorType;
size_t static const block_size = ConvexProblem::block_size;
size_t static const coarse_block_size = block_size;
size_t static const block_size = coarse_block_size;
using LocalMatrix = typename MyBlockProblem<ConvexProblem>::LocalMatrixType;
using MatrixType = Dune::BCRSMatrix<typename Linearization::LocalMatrix>;
using VectorType =
Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double, Linearization::block_size>>;
using BitVectorType = Dune::BitSetVector<Linearization::block_size>;
typename Linearization::MatrixType A;
typename Linearization::VectorType b;
typename Linearization::BitVectorType ignore;
Dune::BitSetVector<Linearization::block_size> truncation;
MyBlockProblem(Dune::ParameterTree const &parset, ConvexProblem &problem)
: BNGSP(parset, problem),
localBisection(0.0, 1.0, 1e-12, false) {}
std::string getOutput(bool header = false) const {
for (size_t j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
outStream << " trunc" << std::setw(2) << j;
std::string s = outStream.str();
return s;
double computeEnergy(const VectorType &v) const {
return 0.0; // FIXME
// return ::computeEnergy(problem_.A, v, problem_.f) + problem_.phi(v);
void projectCoarseCorrection(VectorType const &u,
typename Linearization::VectorType const &v,
VectorType &projected_v,
Linearization const &linearization) const {
projected_v = v;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
if (linearization.truncation[i][j])
projected_v[i][j] = 0;
double computeDampingParameter(VectorType const &u,
VectorType const &projected_v) const {
VectorType v = projected_v;
double const vnorm = v.two_norm();
if (vnorm <= 0)
return 1.0;
v /= vnorm; // Rescale for numerical stability
GlobalNonlinearity<MatrixType, VectorType>> const
psi(computeDirectionalA(problem_.A, v),
computeDirectionalb(problem_.A, problem_.f, u, v), problem_.phi, u, v);
// NOTE: Numerical instability can actually get us here
if (D[1] > 0)
Bisection const globalBisection; // NOTE: defaults
return globalBisection.minimize(psi, vnorm, 0.0, bisectionsteps) / vnorm;
void assembleTruncate(VectorType const &u, Linearization &linearization,
Dune::BitSetVector<block_size> const &ignore) const {
// we can just copy the ignore information
linearization.ignore = ignore;
// determine truncation pattern
if (problem_.phi.regularity(i, u[i]) > 1e8) { // TODO: Make customisable
for (size_t j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
if (linearization.ignore[i][j])
linearization.truncation[i][j] = true;
Dune::MatrixIndexSet indices(problem_.A.N(), problem_.A.M());
// construct matrix from pattern and initialize it
linearization.A = 0.0;
// compute quadratic part of hessian (linearization.A += problem_.A)
for (size_t i = 0; i < problem_.A.N(); ++i) {
auto const end = problem_.A[i].end();
for (auto it = problem_.A[i].begin(); it != end; ++it)
linearization.A[i][it.index()] += *it;
problem_.phi.addHessian(u, linearization.A);
// compute quadratic part of gradient
linearization.b.resize(u.size());, linearization.b);
linearization.b -= problem_.f;
problem_.phi.addGradient(u, linearization.b);
// -grad is needed for Newton step
linearization.b *= -1.0;
// apply truncation to stiffness matrix and rhs
for (size_t row = 0; row < linearization.A.N(); ++row) {
auto const col_end = linearization.A[row].end();
for (auto col_it = linearization.A[row].begin(); col_it != col_end;
++col_it) {
size_t const col = col_it.index();
for (size_t i = 0; i < col_it->N(); ++i) {
auto const blockEnd = (*col_it)[i].end();
for (auto blockIt = (*col_it)[i].begin(); blockIt != blockEnd;
if (linearization.truncation[row][i] ||
for (size_t j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
if (linearization.truncation[row][j])
linearization.b[row][j] = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < block_size; ++j)
outStream << std::setw(9) << linearization.truncation.countmasked(j);
/** \brief Constructs and returns an iterate object */
IterateObject getIterateObject() {
return IterateObject(parset_, localBisection, problem_);
Bisection const localBisection;
/** \brief Solves one local system using a scalar Gauss-Seidel method */
template <class ConvexProblem>
class MyBlockProblem<ConvexProblem>::IterateObject {
friend class MyBlockProblem;
/** \brief Constructor, protected so only friends can instantiate it
* \param bisection The class used to do a scalar bisection
* \param problem The problem including quadratic part and nonlinear part
IterateObject(Dune::ParameterTree const &parset, Bisection const &bisection,
localsteps(parset.get<size_t>("localsolver.steps")) {}
/** \brief Set the current iterate */
/** \brief Update the i-th block of the current iterate */
void updateIterate(LocalVectorType const &ui, size_t i) {
* \param ignore Set of degrees of freedom to leave untouched
void solveLocalProblem(
typename Dune::BitSetVector<block_size>::const_reference ignore) {
LocalMatrixType const *localA = nullptr;
LocalVectorType localb(problem.f[m]);
auto const end = problem.A[m].end();
for (auto it = problem.A[m].begin(); it != end; ++it) {
Arithmetic::subtractProduct(localb, *it, u[j]);
EllipticEnergy<block_size> localJ(*localA, localb, phi, ignore);
minimise(localJ, ui, localsteps, bisection_);
Bisection const bisection_;
// state data for smoothing procedure used by:
// setIterate, updateIterate, solveLocalProblem
VectorType u;
size_t const localsteps;