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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • 2013-PippingSanderKornhuber
  • 2014-Dissertation-Pipping
  • 2016-PippingKornhuberRosenauOncken default
  • 2021-GraeserKornhuberPodlesny
  • 2022-Strikeslip-Benchmark
  • AverageCrosspoints
  • Dissertation2021 protected
  • last_working
  • old_solver_new_datastructure
  • separate-deformation
10 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Oct20Sep141320Jun16Apr28Mar25191615146128Feb26191598425Jan2221201917920Nov13Mar13Dec24Sep64319Aug9229Jul2625242219161514975427Jun262524217517May15129812Apr1113Mar6Feb22Jan20Nov28Mar272623212019171514986516Feb22May330Apr2927232127Oct158430May2514Feb549Jun11Feb7Oct14Jul22Feb9Jan11Sep6switch to computing the actual boundary of contact; not a priori entire contact boundarycompute active contact boundary nodes actually in contact;add COPY refinement rule, necessary for later construction of transfer operatorswhitespaceadd "active" bitfield of contact boundary nodes actually in contactadd "active" bitfield of contact boundary nodes actually in contactremove debug outputremove debug outputintroduce minTau for adaptive time steppingignore superfluous pythonfor each body, start with uniform grid with same aspect ratio for all bodies; fix level body gridviewsread minrelativetau paramrename minTau to minRelativeTauremove debugging break after max number of iterationsadd adaptivetimestepperadd minTau as minimal time step thresholduse adaptive timestepperremove debug printupdate data evaluationpython: statistics for params from output filetowards productionnow plots colorbar as legendmulti-body-problem patch to current frameworkchange units display in plots, add spatial slip event visualizationtowards final parsetadapt to multibody setting, worksadd debug printcurrently not used, next step: remove mygridstowards final foam outputadd linear dirichlet boundary condition as in Pipping-2013new gridConstructor for cuboids, uniform refinement, towards foam productionremove debug print, towards productionswitch from default to custom bisection solver, default causes issues for initial linear problem for aswitch to production parametersremove debug printcoordinateRestriction now yields ShiftedFunctionaldebug printfix hessian, should only yield components in tangential direction