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translation.json 5.52 KiB
"common": {
"Add": "Add",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Edit": "Edit",
"messages": {
"required": "{{val}} is required"
"home": {
"buttonBookBoat": "Book a Boat",
"buttonStaffLogin": "Staff Login"
"bookingForm": {
"title": "Book a Boat!",
"subtitle": "Please enter the information for your booking",
"labelSport": "Sport",
"labelBoatName": "Boat name",
"labelStartTime": "Start time",
"labelEstimatedEndTime":"End time",
"labelDestination": "Destination",
"labelEmail": "Email",
"labelName": "Name (responsible person)",
"labelAdditionalNames": "Additional Names",
"labelAnnotations": "Annotations",
"buttonBookBoat": "Book this boat!",
"messages": {
"invalidTime" : "Please enter a valid time for '{{val}}' (hh:mm)",
"invalidEmail" : "Please enter a valid email address"
"bookingSuccessful": {
"title": "Booking Successful!",
"boxImportantTitle": "IMPORTANT",
"boxImportantText": "Please sign out again after the ride. To do so, click the link in your email."
"bookingSignOut": {
"title": "Please Sign Out!",
"subtitle": "If you have any comments (optional) you can post them here",
"buttonSignOut": "Sign Out Boat",
"labelButtonInfo": "Please click on the button to sign out"
"bookingSignOutSuccess": {
"title": "Sign Out Successful!",
"labelSignOutInfo": "You have signed out!\nWe hope you had a good trip!"
"staffLogin": {
"title": "Staff Login",
"subtitle": "Please login with your staff credentials",
"labelEmail": "Email",
"labelPassword": "Password",
"buttonSignIn": "Login",
"LoginError": "Error while Login",
"LoginErrorText": "Your login credentials don't match an account in our system.",
"messages": {
"invalidEmail" : "Please enter a valid email"
"staffModal": {
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Done": "Done"
"staffNav": {
"buttonBoatOverview": "Boat Overview",
"buttonManageBoats": "Manage Boats",
"buttonStatistics": "Statistics",
"buttonLogout": "Logout",
"buttonBoatTypes": "Boat Types",
"buttonSports": "Sports",
"buttonAccounts": "Accounts"
"boatOverview": {
"labelOverdue": "Rented Boats - Overdue",
"labelCurrentlyRented": "Currently Rented Boats",
"buttonShowAll": "Show all",
"BoatInfo": "Boat Info",
"EndRide": "End Ride",
"blockedBoats": "Blocked Boats",
"availableBoats": "Available Boats",
"noOverdueAvailable": "Currently no boats with overdue",
"noBlockedAvailable": "Currently no blocked boats",
"noBoatsAvailable": "Currently no available boats",
"noRentedAvailable": "Currently no rented boats"
"boatManager": {
"AddBoat": "Add Boat",
"EditBoat": "Boot editieren",
"InfoBoat": "Boat Info",
"BoatName": "Boat Name",
"Info": "Edit",
"BlockBoat": "Block Boat",
"Block": "Block",
"UnblockBoat": "Unblock Boat",
"Unblock": "Unblock",
"Status": "Status",
"Type": "Type",
"Id": "Id",
"BoatType": "Boat Type",
"DeleteBoat": "Boot löschen?",
"available": "available",
"locked": "locked",
"rented": "rented",
"overdue": "overdue",
"DeleteText": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie '{{val}}' löschen wollen?"
"boatTypeOverview": {
"Id": "ID",
"Name": "Type Name",
"Seats": "Seats",
"Sport": "Sport",
"Sports": "Sports",
"addBoatType": "Add Boat Type",
"EditBoatType": "Edit Boat Type",
"DeleteBoatType": "Delete Boat Type?",
"DeleteText": "Are you sure, you want to delete '{{val}}'?"
"sports": {
"Id": "ID",
"Name": "Sport Type",
"AddSport": "Add Sport",
"EditSport": "Edit Sport",
"DeleteSport": "Delete Sport?",
"Color": "Color",
"DeleteText": "Are you sure, you want to delete '{{val}}'?"
"statistics": {
"From": "From",
"To": "To"
"accounts": {
"Id": "ID",
"FirstName": "First Name",
"LastName": "Last Name",
"Email": "Email",
"Password": "Password",
"boatmanager": "Boat Manager",
"coordinator": "Coordinator",
"Role": "Role",
"AddAccount": "Add Account",
"EditAccount": "Edit Account",
"DeleteAccount": "Delete Account?",
"DeleteText": "Are you sure, you want to delete '{{val}}'?",
"strongPW": "The password must contain at least eight character categories among the following: Uppercase characters (A-Z) Lowercase characters (a-z) Digits (0-9) and Special characters(!@#$)"
"routes": {
"/": "Watersports",
"/checkin": "Book a Boat",
"/checkin/success": "Booked Successfully",
"/checkout": "Sign Out",
"/login": "Login",
"/staff/overview": "Boat Overview",
"/staff/boattypes" : "Boat Types",
"/staff/boats": "Manage Boats",
"/staff/statistics": "Statistics",
"/staff/sports": "Sports",
"/staff/accounts": "Accounts"