0. open a new terminal (its important to open a new terminal after the python and git installation) and navigate to a directory where to install the repository
1) download the repository from the master branch
1. clone the project, write in the terminal: git clone https://git.imp.fu-berlin.de/tolgayurt/packing_polygons_pycharm.git
2) open terminal
2. navigate to the repository packing_polygons_pycharm\mysite
3. install a new venv with the python version 3.8 in the mysite directory ...\mysite> with: py -3.8 -m venv myvenv
4. activate the venv with: myvenv\Scripts\activate
(if (myvenv) is written infront of the line its is active)
5. update pip with: python -m pip install -U pip
6. install packages from requirements\base.txt: pip install -r requirements\base.txt
7. downgrade the numpy package because of a bug: pip install numpy==1.19.3
(error information https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64654805/how-do-you-fix-runtimeerror-package-fails-to-pass-a-sanity-check-for-numpy-an )
3) navigate to the repository
4) create a new venv with: python3 -m venv myvenv
8. start the server with: python manage.py runserver
5) activate the venv with: venv\Scripts\activate
9. open your webbrowser (not the internet explorer) and write the url:
6) download the packages into the venv with: pip install -r packing_polygons_pycharm\mysite\requirements\base.txt
Extra Note:
For several usage in example when the terminal is closed, or computer is shut down. Not all steps need to be done again, jsut activate the venv with the name myvenv (if not allready acitvated) like in step 4 and steps 8,9 need to be done.
For deactivating the venv if needed navigate to packing_polygons\mysite and write: myvenv\Scripts\deactivate.