Explore projects
Memory Box / restmembox
Apache License 2.0Prototype for a RESTful webapp for persistent storage of MemoryBox Data.
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becker29 / Master Thesis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Snakemake pipeline for genome evaluation. Evaluation of exisiting assemblies, assembly pipeline intermediate steps and evaliation of genome improvement attempts.
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no6450fu / DSitLS-project
MIT LicenseUpdated -
DocTalk / doctalk_os
Apache License 2.0This project contains the open-source code version of the DocTalk chatbot excluding sensitive data and authorization information for the Amboss API. Its history was not cloned from the original private repository to ensure this. The main contributors (in order of their first contribution) are Johann Strama (@josince89), Diane Linke (@dianelinke), Daryna Ivanova (@darynai97), and Daniia Vergazova (@vergazod98).
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Docker files to automate building the "2018-HeidaKornhuberPodlesny" branch of dune-faultnetworks
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Docker files to automate building the "2017-KornhuberPodlesnyYserentant" branch of dune-osccoeff
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bioroboticslab / robofish / docker
Apache License 2.0Updated