from .utils import LabelPriorityQueue
__all__ = ['shortest_path']
def shortest_path(G: nx.Graph, charging_stations: set, s: Node, t: Node,
initial_soc: SoC, final_soc: SoC, capacity: SoC):
:param G:
:param charging_stations:
:param s:
:param t:
:param initial_soc:
:param final_soc:
:param capacity:
# Init factories
cf_map = ChargingFunctionMap(G=G, capacity=capacity, initial_soc=initial_soc)
f_soc_factory = SoCFunctionFactory(cf_map)
soc_profile_factory = SoCProfileFactory(G, capacity)
label_factory = LabelsFactory(f_soc_factory, soc_profile_factory)
l_uns: Dict[int, LabelPriorityQueue] = {v: LabelPriorityQueue(f_soc_factory, l_set[v]) for v in G}
# A priority queue defines which node to visit next.
# The key is the trip time.
prio_queue = PriorityQueue()
label_minimum_node: Label = l_uns[minimum_node].delete_min()
if minimum_node in charging_stations and \
not minimum_node == label_minimum_node.last_cs:
for t_charge in _calc_optimal_t_charge(cf_map, label_minimum_node, minimum_node, capacity):
# Update priority queue. This node might have gotten a new
# minimum label spawned is th previous step.
_update_priority_queue(f_soc_factory, prio_queue, l_uns, minimum_node)
for n in G.neighbors(minimum_node):
# Create SoC Profile for getting from minimum_node to n
soc_profile = label_minimum_node.soc_profile_cs_v + \
t_trip=label_minimum_node.t_trip + distance(G, minimum_node, n),
# Infeasible because last_cs might be an
# dummy charging station. Therefore, the path might
# be infeasible even though one could reach it with a full
# battery, because charging is not possible at dummy
# stations.
# That means, the SoC and thereby the range is restricted
# to the SoC at the last cs (soc_last_cs).
is_new_min_label: bool = l_new == l_uns[n].peak_min()
except KeyError:
if is_new_min_label:
def _calc_optimal_t_charge(cf: ChargingFunctionMap, label_v: Label, v: Node, capacity: SoC) -> List[Time]:
f_soc_breakpoints = SoCFunction(label_v, cf[label_v.last_cs]).breakpoints
t_charge = []
if cf[v] > cf[label_v.last_cs]:
# Faster charging station -> charge as soon as possible
t_charge.append(f_soc_breakpoints[0].t - label_v.t_trip)
elif f_soc_breakpoints[-1].soc < capacity:
# Slower charging station might still be dominating
# because the soc cannot be more than the full capacity
# decreased by the trip costs. This will be refilled at this station.
t_charge.append(f_soc_breakpoints[-1].t - label_v.t_trip)
return t_charge
def _key(label, f_soc_factory):
soc_function = f_soc_factory(label)
t_min = soc_function.minimum
soc_min = soc_function(t_min)
return t_min, soc_min
def _create_entry_label(
G: nx.Graph,
charging_stations: set,
s: Node,
initial_soc: SoC,
Create dummy charging station with initial soc as constant charging
:param G: Graph
:param charging_stations: Set of charging stations in Graph G
:param s: Starting Node
:param initial_soc: Initial SoC at beginng of the route
:param capacity: The restricting battery capacity
:return: Label for the starting Node
dummy_node: Node = len(G.nodes)
# Charging coefficient 0 indicates dummy node
G.add_node(dummy_node, c=0)
# Register dummy charging station as the last
# seen charging station before s.
return Label(
def _is_feasible_path(soc_profile: SoCProfile, capacity: SoC) -> bool:
"""Check, if possible to traverse path at least with full battery."""
return not soc_profile(capacity) == -inf
def _update_priority_queue(
l_uns: Dict[int, LabelPriorityQueue],
node: Node):
Update key of a node the priority queue according to
its minimum label.
key, count = _key(minimum_label, f_soc)
prio_queue.insert(node, priority=key, count=count)
def _apply_final_constraints(G: nx.Graph, t: Node, final_soc: SoC) -> Node:
temp_final_node = len(G)
G.add_edge(t, temp_final_node, weight=0, c=final_soc)
return temp_final_node