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This module implements the Barnes Hut Tree (BHT) Algorithm for 2D data.

import numpy as np

class MainApp:

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the MainApp with a root node."""
        self.rootNode = TreeNode(x=-1, y=-1, width=2, height=2)

    def BuildTree(self, particles):
        """Build the Quadtree by inserting particles.
        particles (list): A list of Particle objects to be inserted into the Quadtree.
        self.ResetTree()  # Empty the tree
        for particle in particles:

    def ResetTree(self):
        """Reset the Quadtree by reinitializing the root node."""
        self.rootNode = TreeNode(x=-1, y=-1, width=2, height=2)

class Particle:

    def __init__(self, x, y, mass):
        """Initialize a Particle with x and y coordinates and mass."""
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.mass = mass
        self.vx = 0.0  # Velocity component in x direction
        self.vy = 0.0  # Velocity component in y direction
        self.fx = 0.0  # Force component in x direction
        self.fy = 0.0  # Force component in y direction

class TreeNode:

    def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):
        """Initialize a TreeNode representing a quadrant in the Quadtree.

        x (float): x-coordinate of the node.
        y (float): y-coordinate of the node.
        width (float): Width of the node.
        height (float): Height of the node.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.particle = None  # Particle contained in this node
        self.center_of_mass = np.array([(x + width) / 2, (y + width) / 2])
        self.total_mass = 0
        self.children = np.empty(4, dtype=object)  # Children nodes (SW, SE, NW, NE)

    def contains(self, particle):
        """Check if the particle is within the bounds of this node.
        particle (Particle): The particle to be checked.

        bool: True if the particle is within the node's bounds, False otherwise.
        return (self.x <= particle.x < self.x + self.width and self.y <= particle.y < self.y + self.height)

    def insert(self, particle):
        """Insert a particle into the Quadtree.
        particle (Particle): The particle to be inserted.

        bool: True if the particle is inserted, False otherwise.
        if not self.contains(particle):
            return False  # Particle doesn't belong in this node

        if self.particle is None and all(child is None for child in self.children):
            # If the node is empty and has no children, insert particle here.
            self.particle = particle
            #print(f'particle inserted: x={round(self.particle.x,2)}, y={round(self.particle.y,2)}')
            return True  # Particle inserted in an empty node

        if all(child is None for child in self.children):
            # If no children exist, create and insert both particles
            self.insert(self.particle)  # Reinsert existing particle
            self.insert(particle)  # Insert new particle
            self.particle = None  # Clear particle from this node
            # If the node has children, insert particle in the child node.
            quad_index = self.get_quadrant(particle)
            if self.children[quad_index] is None:
                # Create a child node if it doesn't exist
                self.children[quad_index] = TreeNode(self.x + (quad_index % 2) * (self.width / 2),
                                                     self.y + (quad_index // 2) * (self.height / 2), self.width / 2,
                                                     self.height / 2)

    def subdivide(self):
        """Subdivide the node into four quadrants."""
        sub_width = self.width / 2
        sub_height = self.height / 2
        self.children[0] = TreeNode(self.x, self.y, sub_width, sub_height)  # SW
        self.children[1] = TreeNode(self.x + sub_width, self.y, sub_width, sub_height)  # SE
        self.children[2] = TreeNode(self.x, self.y + sub_height, sub_width, sub_height)  # NW
        self.children[3] = TreeNode(self.x + sub_width, self.y + sub_height, sub_width, sub_height)  # NE

    def get_quadrant(self, particle):
        """Determine the quadrant index for a particle based on its position.
        particle (Particle): The particle to determine the quadrant index for.

        int: Quadrant index (0 for SW, 1 for SE, 2 for NW, 3 for NE).
        mid_x = self.x + self.width / 2
        mid_y = self.y + self.height / 2
        quad_index = (particle.x >= mid_x) + 2 * (particle.y >= mid_y)
        return quad_index

    def print_tree(self, depth=0):
        """Print the structure of the Quadtree.
        depth (int): Current depth in the tree (for indentation in print).
        if self.particle:
                f"{' ' * depth}Particle at ({round(self.particle.x,2)}, {round(self.particle.y,2)}) in Node ({self.x}, {self.y}), size={self.width}"
            print(f"{' ' * depth}Node ({self.x}, {self.y}) - Width: {self.width}, Height: {self.height}")
            for child in self.children:
                if child:
                    child.print_tree(depth + 2)

    def ComputeMassDistribution(self):
        """Compute the mass distribution for the tree nodes.

        This function calculates the total mass and the center of mass
        for each node in the Quadtree. It's a recursive function that
        computes the mass distribution starting from the current node.

        This method modifies the 'mass' and 'center_of_mass' attributes
        for each node in the Quadtree.

        if self.particle is not None:
            # Node contains only one particle
            self.center_of_mass = np.array([self.particle.x, self.particle.y])
            self.total_mass = self.particle.mass
            # Multiple particles in node
            total_mass = 0
            center_of_mass_accumulator = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

            for child in self.children:
                if child is not None:
                    # Recursively compute mass distribution for child nodes
                    total_mass += child.total_mass
                    center_of_mass_accumulator += child.total_mass * child.center_of_mass

            if total_mass > 0:
                self.center_of_mass = center_of_mass_accumulator / total_mass
                self.total_mass = total_mass
                # If total mass is 0 or no child nodes have mass, leave values as default
                #self.center_of_mass = np.array([(x+width)/2, (y+width)/2])
                #self.total_mass = 0

    def CalculateForceFromTree(self, target_particle, theta=1.0):
        """Calculate the force on a target particle using the Barnes-Hut algorithm.

        target_particle (Particle): The particle for which the force is calculated.
        theta (float): The Barnes-Hut criterion for force approximation.

        np.ndarray: The total force acting on the target particle.

        total_force = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

        if self.particle is not None:
            # Node contains only one particle
            if self.particle != target_particle:
                # Calculate gravitational force between target_particle and node's particle
                force = self.GravitationalForce(target_particle, self.particle)
                total_force += force
            if self.total_mass == 0:
                return total_force

            r = np.linalg.norm(np.array([target_particle.x, target_particle.y]) - self.center_of_mass)
            d = max(self.width, self.height)

            if d / r < theta:
                # Calculate gravitational force between target_particle and "node particle" representing cluster
                node_particle = Particle(self.center_of_mass[0], self.center_of_mass[1], self.total_mass)
                force = self.GravitationalForce(target_particle, node_particle)
                total_force += force
                for child in self.children:
                    if child is not None:
                        # Recursively calculate force from child nodes
                        if target_particle is not None:  # Check if the target_particle is not None
                            force = child.CalculateForceFromTree(target_particle)
                            total_force += force

        return total_force

    def CalculateForce(self, target_particle, particle, theta=1.0):
        """Calculate the gravitational force between two particles.

        target_particle (Particle): The particle for which the force is calculated.
        particle (Particle): The particle exerting the force.

        np.ndarray: The force vector acting on the target particle due to 'particle'.
        force = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
        print('function CalculateForce is called')
        if self.particle is not None:
            # Node contains only one particle
            if self.particle != target_particle:
                # Calculate gravitational force between target_particle and node's particle
                force = self.GravitationalForce(target_particle, self.particle)
            if target_particle is not None and particle is not None:  # Check if both particles are not None
                r = np.linalg.norm(
                    np.array([target_particle.x, target_particle.y]) - np.array([particle.x, particle.y]))
                d = max(self.width, self.height)

                if d / r < theta:
                    # Calculate gravitational force between target_particle and particle
                    force = self.GravitationalForce(target_particle, particle)
                    for child in self.children:
                        if child is not None:
                            # Recursively calculate force from child nodes
                            force += child.CalculateForce(target_particle, particle)
        return force

    def GravitationalForce(self, particle1, particle2):
        """Calculate the gravitational force between two particles.

        particle1 (Particle): First particle.
        particle2 (Particle): Second particle.

        np.ndarray: The gravitational force vector between particle1 and particle2.
        #G = 6.674 * (10 ** -11)  # Gravitational constant
        #G = 1
        G = 4 * np.pi**2  # AU^3 / m / yr^2

        dx = particle2.x - particle1.x
        dy = particle2.y - particle1.y
        cutoff_radius = 0
        r = max(np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2), cutoff_radius)

        force_magnitude = G * particle1.mass * particle2.mass / (r**2)
        force_x = force_magnitude * (dx / r)
        force_y = force_magnitude * (dy / r)

        return np.array([force_x, force_y])

    # Helper method to retrieve all particles in the subtree
    def particles_in_subtree(self):
        """Retrieve all particles in the subtree rooted at this node.

        list: A list of particles in the subtree rooted at this node.
        particles = []
        if self.particle is not None:
            for child in self.children:
                if child is not None:
        return particles

    def compute_center_of_mass(self):
        """Compute the center of mass for the node."""
        print('Function compute_center_of_mass is called')
        if self.particle is not None:
            self.center_of_mass = np.array([self.particle.x, self.particle.y])
            self.mass = self.particle.mass
            total_mass = 0
            center_of_mass_accumulator = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

            for child in self.children:
                if child is not None:
                    total_mass += child.mass
                    center_of_mass_accumulator += child.mass * child.center_of_mass

            if total_mass > 0:
                self.center_of_mass = center_of_mass_accumulator / total_mass
                self.mass = total_mass
                self.center_of_mass = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
                self.mass = 0