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bkessler's avatar
bkessler authored

See merge request swp-ws21-fahrtenbuch/team-krustentiere/efb!204


Project Description

In cooperation with UniSport, a digital logbook for their water sports center is to be designed and developed. Since the logbook has to be easily accessible for students, it will be developed as a web application.

Project Setup


First, install [docker][install-docker], [docker-compose][install-docker-compose]

Then start the whole thing (remove the -d, if you want the logs):

sudo docker-compose up -d

Rebuild backend image: sudo docker-compose build

Stop and remove containers, and remove networks and volumes (without -v, if you want to keep the volumes) sudo docker-compose down -v

Project Architecture

Image shows the project architecture

Frontend Description


Backend Description



Discussed during end presentation, needs to be done

  • Statistics by discipline
  • Statistics by weekdays
  • Generally optimise statistics page (filter e.g.)
  • 11 p.m. automatic return of boats

Other TODOs (seems a lot but is a very detailed description)

  • Improve password changing mechanism for admin + boat attendant
  • After adding boat_type or discipline jump to the end of the list.
  • Fix security gaps with the following packages Issue
  • general code cleanup (delete printlines, etc.) BE FE
  • This would be a useful feature, but it needs agreement with WSZ first
  • change test email account to proper mail server